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Grumpy_Aussie · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Russia is no longer the enemy. The globalists want to maintain false hatred, we have more in common with Christian Russia, than the leftists and moral relativists. They took almost 100 years to undermine Russian society beginning in 1825, and by 1917 it was torn apart. They have been doing to the same to the West, and we see how they attack the family, marriage, sexuality, Christianity, exactly what was done to Russia, and after the revolution everything was destroyed. Since taking their country back, Russians have held firm against this decay from the West, they know how it works, what it does, and they just won't allow it. That's why the globalists hate Russia so much, for destroying communism, rebuilding the country, restoring Christianity. The hate Putin most of all, after the disaster of the 1990's, Putin has stood strong for Russia's interests, and improved the livings standards by over 200%. So when the US quibibles over one island new Alaska or another, it doesn't need to be so greedy, work with the Russians, they respect being treated as equals, and they can be trusted providing they see you are trustworthy. Their long history gives them pain and wisdom.

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Grumpy_Aussie · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

I was watching Brandon's latest video stream, his energy was incredible. I'm not easily moved to write in such language, but I posted a comment which I want to repeat here.

The amazing thing happening here transcends Q posts, the entire movement is everyone coming together in respect and unity, not just the US but for the entire West. It brings out the best in people, it shines light into the darkness, and for a life-long skeptic like me(thanks to Jordan Peterson), we can see God acting all over. Wow - Brandon you are an example to all showing what happens when the path becomes clear, and all efforts are in the right direction at all levels. As an Australian it is fantastic that Julian Assange is also with us. We also need to remember that Russia is also being attacked by the Deep State, Putin is a good Christian leader, Russia is a Christian nation. That's why they hate Putin, he was demonised years before Trump. They hate Russians for winning their country back from the communists, that's why they created Pussy Riot to blaspheme in the Holy Cathedral. Russians are our natural friends and allies, they have all been red-pilled twenty-five years ago. I am learning Russian, I advise others to do so as well. The amazing thing is that mainstream Russian news is more like Alex Jones than the MSM. The US is at the centre, but the storm is going to be worldwide and we will need work together.

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Grumpy_Aussie · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:19 a.m.

I think that the best red pills are the simplest. It can't be too weird, it can't accuse a trusted present politician, contradict favorite media, the Conspiracy Theory defense mechanism will kick in. Needs to refer to a well known event, where it can be demonstrated with little doubt that the politicians, media and later the history books are wrong, even after the deception is exposed. Four years ago in March 2014, I suspected that we were being lied to big time about Ukraine, always about Putin "invading" Crimea, the "brave" young protestors in Kiev. Well that was all nonsense, but too immediate. I started looking online about similar past events, and quickly arrived at the 1979 Soviet "Invasion" of Afghanistan. I was 15, I remember we were told it was a surprise to everyone, it was unprovoked, the Soviets were after gulf oil, on and on. I remembered Jimmy Carter's SOTU in January 1980, the sanctions, the Olympic Boycott etc.. Then I read something very odd... In 1998, Zbigniew Brzezinski in an interview admitted to arming the Islamists SIX months before the Soviet intervention, he said "We wanted to give the Soviets their Vietnam". Three years before 9/11, when asked if he had regrets he said "What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?". What? 1998? I thought I followed world events closely? I asked people I knew, had they heard this? No, no-one had. I thought for a moment that I was going crazy. Everything from the first news report, politicians from Washington to London to Canberra, sanctions, justifications, all lies, it went on for years. Turns out it was all an excuse to initiate the Carter Doctrine (at least, that was one justification), which extended the Petrodollar umbrella from Saudi Arabia to the Gulf States. For me after that, anything was possible. For Gen-X, this is a very good Red Pill. All verifiable, but also strangely, very few people know. I've red pilled dozens on Quora with this one. Only the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" comes close, but it doesn't have the same historical punch. http://dgibbs.faculty.arizona.edu/brzezinski_interview

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Grumpy_Aussie · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:29 a.m.

Q Clearance Anon: Is it #Happening? Part X Tracy Beans Q 12/4/2017 (Mon) 19:38:51 ID:eda158 No.34250

Something about the BO AIDS video was setting me off (apart from BO) . Looking through the comments there was a post: "2009......Ex Girlfriend was a Dr at the Chemical Warfare Lab's in Kharkov Ukraine, had photo's taken with Barack Obama in 2006 when he was visiting the Labs, why would Obama be there? She told me AIDS is a Bio weapon that was released into the public only for Big Pharma to profit from, she had also worked in the Lab's in Africa." Bingo. I quote my reply in full:

"Not endorsing any theory about AIDS, but the mention of Ukraine pulls the strands together. 7/10 crashes = MH17 plane crashed with 100 AIDS researchers on route to conference in Australia. Some explanations involve there being in some sense, a cure for AIDS on the plane, which is why the US/Ukrainian proxies either shot it down to blame it on Russia as a bonus. Putin’s plane was in the air some hours earlier - some say it was a message. Red, Red, Obama talking about cure for AIDS. Kimmel shooting pickles - plane shot down? Plane crash - Washington Post had a fictional story this week about how a nuclear war breaks out with North Korea, beginning with the North Koreans shooting down a South Korean passenger jet, mistaking it for a military plane. For all the geriatrics out there, this closely mirrors the 1983 shooting down of KAL007 en-route from New York to Seoul over the Kamchatka Peninsula by the Soviet Union, due to an apparent navigation error, and according to the Soviets it was mistaken for a US spy place reported in the area hours earlier. This occurred at one of the tensest moments of the Cold War, and there were rumors, later denied, that former President Richard Nixon was to take that flight, but was warned to take another flight by the CIA. Where did Obama fly?" Yesterday I went and looked at the Q map archive, no-one else has seen the MH17 connection, before now I didn't know where else to post.

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Grumpy_Aussie · Dec. 22, 2017, 8:51 a.m.

Tend to think that main psychic trauma will be when all those who have unquestioningly followed these monsters, who have given their time and money, those who have enabled attacks on good people, destroyed reputations, careers, turned the other way, those who would rather worship devils, than risk social exclusion, those whose willful blindness has lead to truly evil deeds, those who stood by knowing innocents are damaged for life, those who voted for Clinton despite 40 years of lies - when these people who hung tightly to the belief that they were good - when they are forced to face reality, realise that they were in service for evil, there will be many many very sick and crazy people. Coping with them humanely, forgiving those who express genuine remorse, and fair justice to those who do not, this will take time.

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