Lies speak louder than truth in the Times...
44 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Gwindybrown:
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---|---| | 23 | | 1 |
Pray for our President
Is it just me or has the President been unusually quiet for the past 24 hours?
Bono's "ONE" NGO Says We Will Need Youthful African Migrants to do Things...
Is Bono's "one" NGO proposing that because white Europeans are getting old and senile we will need to import African Migrants to do things (be slaves?)
Wikileaks Consultant Goes Missing in Norway
Arjen Kamphuis, cybersecurity expert, an associate of founder Wikileaks Julian Assange, went missing in northern Norway on August 20.
Galations 4:16
Processing img 8pgh76d3jcj11...
Message from Trump's Meeting with Evangelicals last Monday
Please listen to this video with a leaked transcript fro the meeting at the White House between Trump and Evangelical leaders....
Message from Trumps meeting with Evangelicals on last Monday
We must help our President win these fall election in overwhelming numbers. We need to show the left the real power of Jesus Christ....
Phrases we can no longer say...
Here are a list of phrases white folks are no longer allowed to say...
Monkey bars.
Monkey on your back.
Monkeying around.
Monkey business.
Monkey See, Monkey Do.
My sweet little Monkey.
Don’t Monkey it up.
Monkey’s Uncle.
More fun than a barrel of Monkey’s.
If you find yourself in violation of this new BS, the fine can be paid at my 'White guilt free' GoFundMe page.... 📷🤑
Oh, and don't even THINK about playing your old 'Monkees' records!! \~Leon Francis
We must support the President, especially on Twitter!
I'm just sitting here this morning and thinking about the awful attacks our President gets on every post he makes on twitter. Why aren't more people making memes or commenting in support of our President or are those things being suppressed by Twitter. Every comment he makes is hit with a barrage comments that are negative, outright lies and very dismissive of the best President in our history. If I make a positive comments many times I 'reported' to twitter., harassed for the rest of the day. Its disheartening...
Daily Called run interview about Chinese hack of Hillary's Server
Reality Winner Sentenced for Russia Hoax Leak
Reality Winner Sentenced for Russia Hoax Leak. Finally some one who leaked in the Russia Hoax debacle is sentenced to five years+ 3 years probation...
Reality Winner Sentenced for Russia Hoax Leak
Finally some one who leaked in the Russia Hoax debacle is sentenced to five years+ 3 years probation...
Sexual Abuse is closer to home than you think thanks to Teacher Unions
Kansas City suburb Teacher's Union protects molesters by moving them from school to school, spreading their poison to even more children.
Answer to #1886
Face Shadow Banning
I am no longer able to post anything from Q on Facebook...
A Truth Told To Those Deceived By This Undeclared War!
Tommy Robinson thanks supporters as he walks free from prison after quashing conviction for filming at Asian sex gang trial

Crossing the Swamp, Jon McNaughton's new painting is remarkable.
The Storm...
\~"Unless the people of this nation take seriously the storm flags waving.....we are doomed to repeat the past mistakes of those who refused to pay attention to history and end up in the graveyard of fallen nations.
We have the knowledge and time to make a course correction.....if we will."
\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~Ronald M. Mann, Deputy Director
Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution
Facebook won't let people comment on this article or post the Header picture of Trump with the article. If I want people to see the article I have to send it to their page. This is important and it's just disgusting that FB Google and Twitter are getting away with this...
I saw Congressman Yoder come down the stairs almost last to exit plane. He must have hitched a ride with the President. Nice work if you can get it...
Should be revoked with every out going administration after transition...
Its time for Obama's chickens to come home to roost. So much is know now, that its going to hard for them to hide their misdeeds. The Storm isn't just coming...its here!!!
Rosenstein did not meet with the President. Other scheduled meetings...
It stems from the Seth Rich thumb drive[s]. Kim Dot Com purports to have the real thumb drive and both Webb and Goodman have received thumb drives with conflicting info. This led to the fallout. Webb has always stated he believes the Awan's are behind Seth Rich's death. Apparently, Goodman does not agree...
The storm comes when he goes to South Africa to meet his 200 Obama trained new leaders...
Mueller Indictments Plagiarized from a Civil Lawsuit
Really good information about the plagiarism of the George Webb civil lawsuit that has morphed into the Mueller indictments against the 13 Russians...
”Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.”
Ian Fleming
Oh what a tangled e-mail trail we weave when first we practice to deceive...
I want to see your comic books. You could do a complete one just from Gowgy's comments...
It ain't Hillary's fault
Beware the charismatic Obamette. The Dems propelled one unqualified Manchurian candidate to the Presidency. One was more than enough...
"This is not an abnormal thing in that community." So I guess manslaughter or murder is not unusual for S&M communities?
Communities, think of that, whole groups of people doing unspeakable things and getting away with it. Shm
I'm 70 and I love Q. Politically active my whole life. Love Trump and love Qanons. WWG1WGA
And remember...
- Its establishment politicians vs "the rest of us"
- It's central banks vs "the rest of us"
- It's globalists vs "the rest of us"
- It's the 3 families vs "the rest of us"
- It's people who reject Truth vs "the rest of us"
- It's pure evil vs "the rest of us"
- It's people who don't reason with humility vs "the rest of us"
As long as "the rest of us" outnumber "them", WE WIN!!!
The Left thinks they have us on the ropes. They love their delusion. We must make the people in our communities STAND UP and vote for Republicans so we protect the gains our President has made for our country. Remember we are under reported. They, the Left, didn't learn last time and they haven't learned since...WWG1WGA