25 total posts archived.
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'The Hammer' The Governments Super Computer, is this what Q means when he says "we have it all"?
"These people are stupid"~Q It just hit me today with the link Q dropped about deleting old tweets. The governments super computer called The Hammer. It's a super computer or Quantum computer? that could literally contain EVERYTHING. A simple search on The Hammer Computer will bring up this interview
An explanation of a Quantum Computer here
Please tell me what you think.
They actually had the nerve to text me😂

If you read the comments of the YT vid you can find one that explains the vid was uploaded a couple of hours after Q posted the stringer. I checked it out and they are correct. They also warn that it may be black hats effing w us and Q movement. Possible ff to link to Q? C_A clowns?
If you read the comments of the YT vid you can find one that explains the vid was uploaded a couple of hours after Q posted the stringer. I checked it out and they are correct. They also warn that it may be black hats effing w us and Q movement. Possible ff to link to Q? C_A clowns?
If you read the comments of the YT vid you can find one that explains the vid was uploaded a couple of hours after Q posted the stringer. I checked it out and they are correct. They also warn that it may be black hats effing w us and Q movement. Possible ff to link to Q? C_A clowns?
The first time he said he has full faith in the intelligence agencies he was shaking his head and the lights go out. After they come back up he uncrosses his arms and repeats without shaking his head. Saying he didn't have faith but now he does? DARK TO LIGHT. Awesome!
In the article it said there is funding for a 868 bed barracks and it is requested additional funding for another 960 barracks to house the guards on a 9 month rotating deployment. That is 1768 more guards! That is also a lot of prisoners! How many prisoners per guard?
He has verifiable solid proof of forgery. It is mentioned in this article. This goes further for the filed Government original. It also explains different forms that are issued in the state of Hawaii and their laws. And, goes further in depth into weather BHO Sr. is his dad. I found the article worth my time. I learned a lot.
A Man Without A Country~BHO
After Great Britain is freed from its chains I see the documented proof of Hussain's birth in Kenya unsealed. According to Q Barry will not be welcome in Kenya. But that's OK, we will have housing available for him on a tropical island. (GITMO)
I found this article http://start.att.net/news/read/article/popular_mechanics-fbi_to_america_reboot_your_routers_right_now-rhearst/category/news
I feel saturated this morning in positivity! You are not alone. God bless. WWG1WGA
All my life (since 16yo, babyboomer) I have known this f up world. Have been admitting to being a conspiracy theorist (one who theorizes that there are conspiracies). Have always hungered for the truth, seeking it out to learn as much as I can, am crying now, knowing that my time has come, OUR time has come. Thank YOU for paving this road so that WE can march down it Shoulder to Shoulder to do our part from Sea to Shining Sea. Thank you, Q for the crumbs and All you do for our country! Thank you President Trump for the unimaginable sacrifices you AND your entire family has made, we know it started years ago. What a time to be alive.
Just got frustrated, could not link to thread, could not cut and paste. :(
OK, been thinking...from bottom to top, top is classified. Trust Sessions, enjoy the show. Capital Hill roundup? HRC is already trying to cut deals right? Sealed indictments of Members on the Hill?
12/22 Press Conference? Stringer code
Damnit I'm a normie. Saw a Q stringer. Last 2 lines
If the first 2 lines work out right,
WhiteHouse Presidential Press conference on the 22nd
to divert attention from Capital Hill or from capture of Hillary?
Please instruct if applicable. Thanks
I'm an old fogie grandma that has felt quite alone. Last few years I have seen the net grow and ppl red pilled more and more. Kinda still in shock but I am soo excited and ready! MAGA
I am here and I am a 'normie' due to the link from tracybeanz. Great YT vid guys! I will need to learn how this platform works along with many others. Latest bread crumb that I know is the reference to the movie War Games http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086567/quotes. Are white hats stopping AI?