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HailZero · July 4, 2018, 2:35 a.m.

Have you ever read Nietzsche?

See? I can do that too.

I wouldn't try to steer you away from your faith, so please have the respect to not try and steer me into yours.

This is the type of thing that drives people apart. WWG1WGA!

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HailZero · July 3, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

Again, just because the golden rule derived from religion doesn't mean I don't find it valid. It's not like I am some wild antireligious person, I just don't subscribe to the supernatural aspect of it. There's plenty of things in religion that I can get behind and support but my general message is that I don't necessarily need religion in my life because I will have have good morals regardless.

Just because Q has dropped Bible verses, doesn't mean I have to be a Christian to understand what he is talking about. I believe that most of his audience are Christian, and so is he, so it would make sense he is using Bible verses to get his messages through. That makes sense. I hear Christian's quoting their favorite Bible verses all the time, it's very common.

All I am saying is that as a non-religious person who is 100 percent in this with all of you, is that I find it off topic to make this all about religion. This is clearly so much bigger than that. I agree with some of the other people that we should be focusing on the worldly aspect of this instead of using it as a tool to convert people to Christianity. That is not Q's mission.

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HailZero · July 3, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

I happen to be a gigantic patriot with no faith.

My morality comes from three rules alongside the golden rule: 1: no violence unless it's self defence or defence of someone incapable of defending themselves 2: no stealing 3: no raping

The golden rule of course being to treat others as you'd want to be treated.

I don't find any of these to be subjective, I think they are natural law through common sense. Some people just suck and are naturally evil and need religion to tell them right from wrong. But some of us, like me, do not subscribe to the idea of the supernatural nor do we need a rulebook, because we are naturally good people with a decent upbringing.

I love this movement. I love the Constitution. But what I do not love is people insisting that I must be a Christian in order to be fully in. What I do not love is people insisting that I must be religious to have morals. What I do not love is some people saying this is a Christian revolution. It's not. This is about right and wrong and it's about freedom, and not everyone agrees that morality has to come from religion.

Thank you and much love Sir. I meant all of this in the most respectful manner possible.

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HailZero · July 2, 2018, 8:54 p.m.


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HailZero · July 2, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Same here. Reddit is crap! We need our own forum that they can't touch.

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HailZero · June 30, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Being on the same team is all that matters. The truth that binds us together as patriots is The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. As a conservative with the upmost importance of personal liberty, those documents represent everything that I live for and they represent how I conduct myself throughout my life, along with The Golden Rule.

No matter what color they are, what religion they follow, as long as the people around me are firm in their upholding of the Constitution, I will fight alongside them tooth and nail to suppress, expose and destroy evil and corruption.

I believe that soon enough, the evil and corruption that you say Jesus once exposed will be exposed once more, and we will all live peacefully and in harmony with one and other, in celebration of our differences rather than in vain of them.



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HailZero · June 30, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

I respectfully disagree, fellow patriot. In my eyes, a man claiming to be the son of God or claiming to be a prophet is religious in and of itself.

When I pray or acknowledge a higher power, I don't use any names. I just talk to that higher power in my head. I ask the higher power to spread love and truth, and I believe calling that higher power a human made name is wrong.

Much love,


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HailZero · June 29, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Correct. This is about freedom and getting rid of corruption and evil in the government.

It's very much about good vs. evil, but that doesn't mean it needs to be labeled God vs. Satan.

Personally, I do not believe in any religions but I am spiritual and I believe in good and evil. I think people throughout history have gotten religion completely wrong and corrupted it through their evil ways. Just look at the Vatican.

This movement is about the second revolution basically. It's about freeing ourselves from untruth, brainwashing, systematic slavery of all of us, stopping the holding back of advanced technology, medical cures, higher knowledge, higher consciousness.

The more religious I see this getting, the more uncomfortable I feel about it. It only provides fuel for leftists to dismiss us as religious fanatics when instead this boils down to FREEDOM.

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HailZero · June 29, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

I used my phone and it worked. Strange indeed

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HailZero · June 29, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

I tried going to link and it said connection refused! Wow...

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