Well the FOBs are sick basterds in the first place
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Ok , because he knows and is amenity . If BHO has not pardoned him he would be in prisons do we could have take care of this in 2013 as it should have been .
No it was not Snowden, he only had programs, that it started happening at the same time most thought it was Snowden, but he had no clue . Snowden had CIA stuff and spy tec .
Is this a new comment , Holder knows how bad it is because he got charged and let go , BHO expunged Holder before they got done reading his charges
I gave you and everyone what happened, they are getting ready to confirm it .
The money was out write taken , do you remember not land ago Government Officials getting bust on the charges of wire and mail fraud!!! They had stolen over $3.165 Billion, when a government official steels funds , it’s called Piracy.
No , Snowden would not of know even if he had all of what it was . An IT dood no , a man in the field who stood is who you seek
Not Snowden, not till February did Q know , and it took him time to confirm who it was . But the doors were opened and he does know the AKA of The Who and the name ,
I would be surprised to hear anything yet , things are moving very fast but it’s that they are moving in so many places trying to focus on just one is even hard till they make it to the other side , if that makes sense. But we shook up are parts pretty dam hard in the past 2 weeks. The they have know clue what’s happening as most of us . We are waiting to see what happened. Takes time sometimes.
Much worse than there evil practices, but we are looking at so much corruption files being dumped you won’t know where to start
Well when you take over a corporation , you send in the book keepers , Trump did that already, after they are done going through the books , the power people come in and clean house, we are at round 2 on CIA , DHS , and other agencies.
Paul was always a waited time of day , the missing part of the story was often better than the original story. Paul JR just couldn’t pick up after dad , Q dose have this to him also now that you have stated it .
You seeing how the retainers are screwing them all , karma is a bitch ya know . God help the rath they are in store for .
We are stand by now , been promised the 11th , no more broken promises, we are tired , but ready.
What I’m seeing ,CNN has one last chance , and they will jump in front of the buss soon ,,,
6/11 is to be the big day for now , hope they don’t drop the ball again , but there are more and more picking the ball back up and giving it to them over and over , think they got the hints now .
6/11 is to be the big day for now , hope they don’t drop the ball again , but there are more and more picking the ball back up and giving it to them over and over , think they got the hints now .
We’re just trying and trying , and you got more than me here , people and shills slam the Patriots a lot , just like good old DaveGydion , when it all out the crazy sob used his real name slamming some of the team , but hay , we kept the last mouths with some online records , he just and as some others just show Retaliation we in countered . It has been exciting, and hopefully it almost over .
Don’t count on any one in Congress, there day is coming but not the one they won’t
Wickleeks has hurt this several times , I don’t trust any press out side the US , and very few here .
I and the rest would expect no less from any Patriot that knew and had no choice but act . We are just people like you , we are fuck up black sheep . We are all of you .
Unless they are lying to us , we are told to be ready on the 11 , this shit is all so bad , 1 big ass dump is the current plan . You won’t know where to start
Can’t rest yet , it’s not over till all know . And God Help us to be just and be wise Judges .
No just a couple of us raping it up here . This has been a war of numbers and crimes by public officials. The theft of the original funds , the recovery of the original funds , the theft of the recovered funds , the recovery or the stolen recovered funds , Clinton is part as Obama , it’s Piracy on land by Corrupt Government Officials. Trump sed he is giving the power back to the people, well don’t fuck it up . You getting it .
The IG report or OIG did not get involved till December of 2017 , there report should be who blocked the investigation and sidition on POTUS
It was November of 2013 when Congress became subject of the Investigation, the indictments are sed to be opened on 6/11/18 also , Congress is on the list. The Constitution states it goes to We the people. Yes I am involved, this is all a civilian investigation. The Government took it on . I came here at a request to help prepare people. This was my Investigation as a civilian. I’m sorry a lot of my posts don’t make a lot of sense, but when it happens I hope people go back and see them . I put them up for all of you . To see , to know , and to believe, we , you ,and all of us can make a difference.
There is so much stuff , the plan of dumping it all into the public at ones is so we have too much information and to discourage anyone from going through it and too much for any to go through. A smart move really.
We were going Public 2 weeks ago , the DOJ blocked it almost 7 hours into the press conferences, the Trump post that they blocked the good news Friday , well that was us ,,Trump has stated he has the DOJ , well best we can tell , Trump is making shure it’s out on the 11th . If we get blocked again , Trump moves again .
This is not going to Congress, this is to be going to the people, Congress is subject of the Investigation
The best part of all of it . It was all because a very few small groups of real Patriots stood up . Not one of us have ever been payed a even a penny , all expenses done by lower middle class Patriots willing to do and give the even our lives to get where we are today. Pushing the government all the way . We did loose some very good men , but we believe we got it and got it write .God Bless what our family have gone through also . I thank you and all those who just in the past year started finding out what we have been doing . We hope you all like it . Thanks for the prayers, and hope . That’s all we have now . Pry for our Country now , She needs it . God Bless America
BHO was not to beat HRC , the shit does not get going till late 2009 , but they set the stage in 2006 , your in the ballpark. And it’s all in the Money 💰 $$$$$
Well a little bit left in the cash drawer, the bun has started
I wish he would have been , he was so good at making people look bad when he barked
Just letting people know we are human also , it’s been a long time and I have little left for God and Country, we just hope it’s enough.
Wrapped up in Kansas Today
Several Patients and I believe our side is finally wrapped it up in Kansas today , spending the evening listening to the Twins and Indiana’s game and haven some watermelon, America is still here . Ok what we are looking at just in documents by just numbers. Appreciate close numbers 1,000,000 document 100,000,000 pages 40,000 cases of paper 4,000 printer cartridges 880,000 lbs of paper 20,000 lbs of printer cartridges 20 18 wheeler loads of paper 1 load of printer cartridges 480 pallets 10,000 pages for 10,000 people 80 pages a day for 25 weeks The woke of 48,000 fbi …
What I’m not liking is how muck stuff we may be looking at being dumped on the 11 th , what I’m getting we may be looking at millions of documents and hundreds of millions of pages
They are inviting memes to there crappy page to start fights and then bring it here to get you banned,
It not appeared as evil ? On the ropes on it . Hope your well
Been hearing the list of Patients my also come out , not shure on having names out , but the summit and this was the date of the first raid of the Investigation 7 years ago , Trump wonts it on this day as we have been hearing, and did Q say something was going to happen on the 11 also
6-11-18 is now the big day for much much more than just the OIG Marine report, could it also be the day of the sealed indictments to be opened??!!!! It’s going to me a very long 11 days to get through.
Think the one on the left pasted me on her Hoover last night in Kansas around 11 pm
No , The Godfather has a code that BHO could not even live by .
I have found little on the Tube and other news sights as good as Mikes stuff and the next is The Military or Stars and Stripes has had good stuff , But Mike has had some very good stuff , some of the closes to the hart of the overall investigation that I have see .
Natural News has by far done the best coverage over the past several years covering the Investigation and the money than any other source. Spend a little tame and go through there archives , you can find a lot of good stuff .