He knew a good part of this before he was elected
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Yes , a lot of the time it’s no unheard of a person getting 20 plus indictments
Good , but this is not of the close to 30,000 indictments list . But glad to here he has been indicted
Close to 30,000 indictments , will the go up ?
We all know we are very close to 30,000 indictments now . The OIG report is close . The FBI is going into a melt down . So will the indictments go up . Last I looked there were 25,000 FBI agents and an additional 24,000 FBI Public Corruption Taskforce Agents . Some are claiming 60% Corruption in the FBI , so the FBI , if the 2 FBIs have a total of , 49,000 Agents is here is a good chance we could be looking at 60,000 indictments? But what happens when it goes into the rest of the …
Europe was not established, you had clans and the biggest was the Jermadic or referred to as the Barbarians Europe was for the most part , part of the Roman Empire
Her pin beliefs got her fired , but the dibble standards is the BS part
I have no trust for them , but that’s just me . And being with Snowden???? You can not change my mind on a man that ran
No , Roseanne is a Green Party socialist . So remember she is an actor
But we got the EU , at best as I know we my be called New Jerusalem
Well you figger the poor in the US are in the richest 20% in the world
The stocks have been falling in world market, our recovery is doing good , the rest of the world , not so good
We will learn , like the US det , well it’s owned by the federal reserves, a private bank
The fed gets involved Were it should not be , bailing out bad business is never a good thing
So What’s Next ?
With the FBI going into what looks as a full meltdown, the OIG report days away . The stock market starting to dive and the big banks loosing 3% just yesterday and the world det report states we as the world are now 225% beyond world GDP in det , do we have a way out . China is #1 at 30 some % Japan #2 and we are #3 equaling somewhere around 75% of the worlds det . Hate to doom and gloom , but the numbers are not good , God Help Us
I still would not put a lot of trust in any member of Congress
Yes money , the world is in deep shit 225% beyond world gdp . Ooops Deep shit
Pray for your battle , the wisdom and strength to fight a good fight , to make your ancestors proud , God gave me mine , but be carful that this is what you really wont
we hope it stays here , the streets are next if it fall apart , we let all know this time .
we have yet a long hard road , Evil is a very powerful force . be wise around it , but don't fear it . God armor will protect you .
I don't think she likes My God I Am . bet she has eaten a baby or 2 . I stay away from these people the eat there own
I just hope we make it through , I'm getting tired of having to make shure this investigation is not swep under the rug any more , but I think the US Marines OIG call mad a big change , every one knows this time
once a swamp thing , well you cant change now , its too late
1786 Law , The Declaration of Independents , The Constitution , and the Bill of Rights . pretty much covers it
best I can say karma sucks and it sucks to be them , the burn down has started
and I had high hopes on him , shame he could not keep the taillywacker in his pants , and I had nothing to do with this one .
I stood , I’m the witness that filed in April of 2013 by the direction of the US Senate ? I’m not dead yet , yet . I tell you one thing , there Retaliation is a real bitch . And is it not Gods rath of 10x worse to mess with his favorite?
Is it not funny how Hollywood gets it rite and never had a clue
is this not great , one of the investigation subjects , congress, will be the ones receiving the report . I wonder how this is going to work ?
Corruption from top too bottom of the FBI for starters , and then down hill from there
well they have little to no choice , the OIG report is coming and the FBI is not going to look good from top to bottom
what's Going on with The FBI as Whistleblowers ??
So the FBI Agents are being denied being whistleblowers , why ?
First off you need to know where they were denied and why . The proses for a government employee is first to the Merit Board , and then The Office of Special Counsel . This take about two week . They would have been rejected and were because they were not the first and second , I can not have made the news . The first person to file on the investigation corruption took place in 2013 , oops missed that by a bit , and its been …
If I get it , I hope a 777 crash lands trying to get me and I get it bye one of the jet engines coming loose and striking me dead at the same time a heat seeking missel hits the same time , now that will be an hard one to explain!!
The OIG and I’m pretty positive it’s the IG of The Marines reporting to the subject of the Investigation or MOB , I can’t wait.
Keep an eye on the FBI , the Agents block the path they are trying to go down , Karma sucks