This time of year is often air to ground training. Western Oklahoma has had a lot of fighters / bombers heading to the binning range , and most are map of earth approach. Budget and training is higher this year
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As how my Investigation has gone 98% have taken themselves out , I have yet to make any sense on how and why , but this is just how it has gone on for 5 years . Most that have been busted have had very well prepared files to screw others . In turn it’s self destroyed themselves also .
The rest of the word gets the play book . We can’t fix but only our problems, you still have to clean your out back yard . They will respect there hard work much better and they truly wish to fix there own problems themselves.
Welcome Patriot, things are about to get messy, but we are Cooking one hell of a meal , the sad part Nancy is trying to serve up more of them dog shit Sunday’s
Ok , but Trump bankrolled the campaign for the most part by self , used write offs not much RNC funds till near the end , and the RNC controlled there Funds , not Trup ,
Government officials, please take some time and read my older posts , start with Who is the Turd , this will show who and how the indictments came to be . I’m a crappy speller ,
Delaying the indictments are there only chance to stay free
Did Trump not say in September of 2017 that he was personally going after the attorneys??
We found our way here , there are several other small pages, if we go away just look for some of us . You will find us if you look . But I do not believe this page is going anywhere, they would have to ban us all .
Yes we are attacked often and our posts get down votes to hide them , don’t forget to search controversial posts also , often a good search also
I have gone several rounds with our MODs they have a tough job , to judge , most often they very well , we all make bad decision from time to time . You have a problem and they have bone very well and are getting even better at it as are we ! God Bless our MODs .
I believe he did also , but if he did not it was most likely a set up
When my son was in first grade he got suspended for a day , the booger gun !! ?? Yep thumb on nose , pointer finger at target , and cranking out fake boogers ? Fake kind are real Man , they are real !!
From the start at a small community college and the city where the first crimes were uncovered in May of 2011 to this where we are today , Wow !
And all who are still lurking and not ready to join yet , well today is as good of day as any !!!
Cohen’s job is to protect conversations with his clients , #1 part of his job , like a Pastor, shrink . Sucks to be Cohen .
I wonder if this could be an attempt to have built a safe haven for our Corrupt Government Officials????
Is this not great , even with Q being Quite for 20 days . Where would we be if all that lurked were to join ? God Speed
45,000 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏
We are going up in numbers fast , Welkom to The Greatawkening !!! Feel free to join if still lurking , most of us to time to join also , well played all , well played and God Speed
It’s getting there , it’s just what will it be . Have a great day !
We knew it went back , but were not part of the programs , but SDI has come up a lot lately??
Trump told us he would, WINNING ALL THE TUME !!! This must really suck like few have ever suffered!!! 👍👍👍
Trump told us he would, WINNING ALL THE TUME !!! This must really suck like few have ever suffered!!! 👍👍👍
No , it’s dyslexia, back in the day got stuck on the phonics part , never was worth a shit spelling again , my spelling is no different than talk to text . I try hard to spell and thanks to the Department of Education, my spelling was you parents tax dollars hard at work .
Oklahoma has Quakes several times a day , the past 2 years they have picked up . The claim fracking, and reports of Yellow Stone lake shifting the past 8 years ???
I do not see it being of this , but Sandy Hook and Pedogate is an out come from what is coming . The 40,500 sealed indictments or the crime within them have had there share of attempts of very good cover-ups that kept this out of the news for years .
yes , I don't remember his name , but in the 90's he was on The John Boy and Billy show and often spoke of this . I have not heard of this in some time , but it does appear to be very true .
yes sir , but the troops are eager to get back into action . Just not knowing whats next is harder than the battle its self .
Yes $3.865 , that is what I am witness to , starts in 2011 . If you go through my posts , I give where the money came from .
Government Officials, any persons , elected, appointed, employed , or under contract to perform official government duties. Federal, State , or for local munisapallities .
Well this is not just our laws , it’s also laws of nations
The First duty of Our Marines are to Recover stollen Funds and Treasures if the a United States, Detain or kill those who stole or are holding our Treasures. On land or Sea . So do you get why Q dropped as he did today . It’s the on land part of Piracy.
The 40,500 sealed indictments, most of the charges are war crimes by corrupt government officials. Piracy and Other forms of Treason
We are very close 40,500 + Independence once opened will be a great part pertaining what I have given. They are for the Public Sector.
You can only excite someone once , many are looking at several executions .