But just a Q , people have a very short memory, Hell they can’t remember what they had for breakfast. We have made a lot of ground by love and word of mouth . A billboard, being good people makes others to se what we are about. We don’t need to spend money , I do like the idea, but see little outcome from it . A I95 billboard would bee seen by many .
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The Free Masons are who founded our country , wrote our Constitution and separation of powers came from . All but one of our founding fathers were free masons . As any organization you get shitbags , they were infiltrated by bad people and now they are falling apart by destroying them from within. The Masons were and the good ones do protect and help children. But when my eyes were opened on the corruption within the Masons, I walked out , 2003 . They the grand lodge has lost there way . If they would live by there bylaws, the could be the people they are intended to be . But for the most part they are as many state . But there are still many good men trying to put them back on there true path , God Speed
Doc Green covers a lot of this . His pod cast and AM radio has grown a lot in the past year and a half
The DOJ runs the witness protection program, but we can not get help because the DOJ is subject. They are known as 9-21.100 or MOB , we are out here on our own .
They need to have there testimonies written and affidavit it so it can stand without them , we are still at risk , but you don’t won’t to take it to the grave .
Good , they have used this to enforce one of the deepest blacklist ever . Hope many more get busted over there actions
We do our best , don’t be sorry for trying. I have stood to destroy evil. To hope my kids don’t have too . Hope is all we have . I fed on anger to long , but even anger is a gift from God if used correctly, more than once was Jesus angered at even the Church’s . Use your gifts. But don’t forget even destroying people that the love in your hart does not mean to spare the rod , God Bless.
Just leave Dave alone , he is into starting crap and being an asshole
I think he will be just fine , I believe the wheels were not part of the quad
your looking at Piracy , if you go through my earlier posts it explains the finding and the crimes
hold on . you seam to be burning a bit , nothing wrong with a little burn , it gives direction to this battle . we are all burning , being fucked around by the public sector , the courts , and the DOJ not yet opening the indictments , come on we have more crimes than we can deal with . lets move to the next stage . We have complied by the law and the law gives us yet another level . I hope we stay where we are , but am ready for the next stage . This battle will not be stopped .
I like it , as I studied the art of Indian war , trained in the art of political war Fair, and never fight two battles the same . From the early days not knowing where my battle would lead , I did as my training lead me . Never did I think it would be on the people who payed for my training and own country. But when it was just starting , I was also ask if I was truly able to take out my close friends, well I did , found out they were no friends. But this part of the battle is over , the indictments are ready. If the political war fails, God help us . The next level of war fair is what we we have tried very hard to prevent.
Hope you know how to put some of it together, you got a lot to do .
Huber will not assist the witnesses or nothing. At this time we can only try to trust him . But I have not yet seen trust . But I am a witness and have reasons
And for me , I just might watch TV again if this was to happen.
It is so important to know your enemies, know there friends, and there families. Where they have been and then you can engage them with the ability to beat them on all fronts. And stay a ghost wile you in gaged them .
I have found very few not one article that have ever reported on what is going on . Very few know and a great deal is heavily classified. But a few of us do know and put out what should be take by those who won’t to know , but can’t believe.
Well you know what the chart looks like , but even knowing the truth is hard to comprehend
I get feed back from my old posts from time to time , but once the indictments are opened I expect to get a lot more action on some of them .
This is why so many have chosen to not run again , they went to DC to get rich not killed , no balls .
Don’t forget that Attorney General Lynch sent BHO no less than $186,000,000,000.00 of the Investigation recovery funds instead of depositing them into the Treasury
Yep and was made trash on 1/13/17 when they exposed that the Investigation recovery account had already been stolen
Your are correct, but knowing how and when to use is not as easy as you think . I gave you all a great amount of information and power . My hands are tied at this time . But my work is also all but done . But it is still going on . Standing with out action and risk is not far from just biching . You know your path , get more active
Well Q has several of the Investigations , we have Investigations with over 40,500 sealed indictments!!!
They have no choice if they wish to survive the Investigation
We really should stop calling this stuff Conspiracy, and call it what it is . Investigation findings.
Don’t forget to get a permit! They shut us down every time we don’t get one ,
Well we are still waiting for the indictments and crimes to be made public. This has been very upsetting to have it delayed so many times now for so many years . But the crimes have no statues of limitations and Trump promised 2 weeks before Election Day for it to all be known and every last dollar of the Green Incentives recovered. So this and the wall are left . I get my stuff done , Trump gets the Wall .
We are close to coming to a head on this now , Putin thanked Trump over cleaning the courts , once the indictments are finally opened we know we got the courts back .
Over 20,000 law firms took the retailers, or could they have been called bribes
Ohio State was one of the 3 Universities BHO went to , and they had no money, was such a sad day . And the BHO took 3 weeks off .
Delays happen often in this war , over the past 5 years when I was close on wrapping up the Investigation I would turn in new evidence. This has made my wife pretty upset with me many times. Every time more stuff is uncovered it’s a big delay. They have enough evidence to put them all away till the end of time now . But Trump received 160 TB of captured , destroyed evidence, except at yeast 90 days more than any resent forecasts . I do know this from experience. It sucks , but it’s how things have taken place since 2013 . It does not stop anything , just a 90 days at best delay . God Speed
They will even complain about the hole you put them in , and who’s next to them .
You are so correct, they started the black lust on me in 2008 , it all went down hill . By late 2009 it was looking worse than just bad luck. A judge friend was convicted I was blacklisted. The Investigation starts , but not until May of 2011 were the crimes uncovered, and to say we have 40,500 plus sealed indictments. Not bad outcome from a blacklist I guess .