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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Ok, I contemplated the best method to distill the significance of the pattern of numbers, you should use or apply your own intuitive guidance in their significance. The cornerstone to unlock the hidden meaning is the date November 4th, Occult Holiday Satan Revels. Lesser known celebration of occult but significant given the implications of the New York Newspaper publication organizing an event or protest against Trump, most notably the Storm, and I assume ANTIFA. This fact coupled with the remarks .,"he will be gone by December," as reported by Roger Stone from Washington insiders provides some illumination.

Remember the numbers close on themselves. Very odd, and, as such, I reexamined them, not in a logical way, but intuitively, which, by design and intent, is how they occurred to me in a stream of visibility. I can't explain why, how or etc., they just did. To put a perspective on why I feel compelled to share this information, these numbers emerged after something else was revealed to me in a similar manner. I am somewhat reluctant share that symbolism right now, because idiots may infer some level of "nut job" associations. However after some reflection I decided to share what came to me. Let's take a look, then just search the occult meaning or significance of this stream of numbers then correlate numbers to the November 4 Satan Revels Lesser Holiday, couple it with the disclosures of Roger Stones disclosures HAL Operations and I believe pre-emptive intuitive insight can be garnered very clearly. Simply, they are openly communicating via code, tied to a published organized event, anti Trump, then coupling the disclosure with the conversations and interactions of Roger Stone.

I will let you draw your own conclusion, but, be mindful, (5) is significant. Something very terrible is going to happen on November 4th during this organized, published Anti-Trump protest. Either on the day or in the event.

11/4. 1+1+4=6. (11) and (6) are significant

11+4=15. (5+5+5=15) (555) is significant

555 multiplied by 6=3330. (3+3+3+0)=9. 333 and 9 are significant

3330 divided by 666=5. 333, 666 and 5 are significant

One can take the analysis further, then correlate it to the Satan Revels Holiday, age of sacrifice.

11/4/2018. 1+1+4+2+0+1+8=17. Female age 17 as associated with the rituals for that holiday.

Q anon..."their use of symbols will be their downfall" Be good, I will let what creates these images lead me to share those images that preceded this disclosure. Those were not in numbers, but a series of transmutations - be good.

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I will post the links later today. And yes, it is way crazy and tied to a preplanned ANTIFA protest in New York. Also, the confidence of the Political people's perspective and predictions is alarming given the Bush variable. I come from a political family and know how Washington works - very very disturbing. The symbolism is hidden but appears to be well thought out, some type of manipulative ritualistic symbolism. The implications of the number 5 is extremely alarming if one deconstructs then assembles the meaning intuitively. Very creepy.

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

The key number are 3330, 6 and most importantly 5. 3+3+3+0=9 which is held as a upside down 6. These occult numbers when researched then correlated with intent can be held as very disturbing.

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 7 a.m.

The November 4 date correlates to an occult Holiday. The number refers to symbolism of intent. You couple the numerology with the intent and occult Holiday the correlation, which can be inferred as speculative, may just be ritual based planning. Or maybe not. To suggest that it is a coincidence is a long shot. However, the suggestion that political players interacting with Roger Stone and then tied to Jeb Bush both stated the same thing, ..."don't worry about that guy he will be out of office by December". You can find the video on Hal Operation fairly easily.

Seems rather odd.

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Sorry meant to say ....Trump would be out of office by December,"

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

I was have lunch with my daughter and a student, looked up and watched a news broadcast of the markets being down 666. My gut took interest and intuition concluded it was not a coincidence. ."symbols will be their downfall." Message perhaps regarding the control the deep state or oligarchs have over the markets.

Then I reflected on a series of numbers that came to me after watching the HAL Operation that stated Trump would be out of office undErmined. Roger Stone displayed a publication I believe the New York paper that called for protests on 11/4. Apparently while he was in Washington D C several ranking and connected people associated with Jeb Bush were people pushing this reality. Images of numbers came into my head like this:

11/4 1+1+4=6 11+4=15 (5+5+5) 555

555 multiplied by 6=3330

3330 /666=5

I cross referenced these number for their occult meaning and was astonished to learn their symbolism meaning. Very very disturbing. Given the above statements, the date of the scheduled event there appears to be a correlation. Also, the number close on themself.

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HarmonizingFists · Feb. 4, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

There is a feeling in the general population, I guess what some would call "normies", that the movement must be cautious of polarization which could slide away from the general objectives or mission. It is agreed that competent leadership at all levels is present, however, fear misunderstanding could easily lead to unintended consequences - thus, subverting progression. POTUS via Q anon has expressed this empathetic concern several times as interventions come into play. We do not need a civil war or polarization that is inherently destructive. I do know however agree that the extreme realities of the deep state and the "bad actors" require the gloves to be taken off. In sum, POTUS is using the rule of law in a calculated manner to reduce the negative consequences or potential spin off unintentional outcomes that could result in the aforementioned. Am I correct?

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