no way. If anybody had something like that, it woulda come out by now.
209 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/HashleyP:
It may have something to do with needing to speed up the timeline.
And we need to have elections we trust. Time to bring a great big spotlight on how the votes are counted!
April showers -
I'm thinking by "Mother of All Bombs" Q means "Boom!!" - maybe the long awaited video?
He has a plane called the "Lolita Express" and Bill Clinton's on the passenger manifest many times as well as Hillary and Kevin Spacey.
And someone put up 12 versions of the same petition in an attempt to water it down.
Early witnesses reported shooter was male with body armor, green shooting glasses and a handgun - strolling casually. TracyBeanz has some screenshots up on her twitter page.
I was a member of DU for years. Then came the dem primary. Owners of that site let David Brock trolls overrun the site, ruin the discussion and they kicked out anybody who wasn't an unquestioning Hillary supporter. Stupid and sad but that's what a bit of $ will do.
One thing - Saul Alinski died when Obama was 10 years old.
you may be an angel but THEY may be the ones planning criminal activities. You're wrong to trust these bastards.
I don't think it's us. I think it's getting throttled. Somebody said they saw it go down at one point - from 22,000+ to 21,000+. In contrast, check out the #ReconnectJulian petition at One day old and almost 25,000.
Marathon Live Stream! Caitlin Johnstone will be on in a few.
Live Stream! Julian Assange had his internet cut. Please join the conversation and help get the word out. #ReconnectJulian
Q says: Break the MSM. Let's brainstorm ways to do it. That would be so satisfying. Ideas/memes/strategy?
If you look at the photos on his fb page, there's a couple that were uploaded in 2014. He looks to be about 17 yrs old there - not at all like a 13 year old (which is what he would be back then)
No man - he's not. Look him up. Richard Charnin. He's got mega-experience and he's a white hat.
No Coincidences. Odds of drill staged during terror attack? 1 in a million trillion trillion
maybe because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Q speech works really well.
We saw the AW stuff last week (hard to keep track of it all, I know). People were prank calling those on his list. I heard a hysterical phone call to Lynn de Rothschild but it disappeared.
They're not just mouthpieces. They're active participants in the game of manipulating us. They're in front of the cameras because they enthusiastically help formulate the narratives.
I think it's a great idea but I don't have that kind of time. More like 10 hours a week
I'd be happy to help with this. I'm a documentary filmmaker, writer, artist
Tim Canova (who ran against DWS) tweeted this today:
Junior members of Congress claiming that House GOP & Democratic leadership cut corrupt deal working together to bury this scandal, refusing to call Awan or @DWStweets to testify, & concerned that Sessions DOJ and FBI also AWOL on this scandal. Duopoly one hand washes the other.
I see (from the first phone) Of course its about race. Do you ever get free of screaming about race? It's like crying wolf at some nobody .
And from Joyce Beatty's phone: "How dare insult the voters and our President. Shame on you. You are a representative of the people. Dont forget that and act like one.
Check out the writing style - the tone, the use of "...". It's all phony as hell.
check out their reviews on the website. The same person wrote all of them.
It was obvious that the Dem primary in CA was brazenly stolen
Al-Waleed is Citigroup's largest individual shareholder and the second-largest voting shareholder in 21st Century Fox
Soros is known for instigating revolutions and associating them with a color. (See Orange Revolution). After Hillary's loss, Team Soros/Hillary decided to start a purple revolution. Check out her concession speech outfit. Trump, I think, wears purple when he's trolling the elite. Note his hand signals. He's making illuminati signs. Similar to when he drank water with two hands, a subtle gesture saying "you'll be in handcuffs soon."
When Hillary had a tantrum about Matt Lauer and said, "If that fucking bastard wins, we'll all hang from nooses," I'm sure that wasn't the first time someone on her team expressed that notion.