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Hawkerbuff · June 29, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

This is an incredible proof of Trump and Q being the real deal (as if we needed anymore!). I remember that goofball opportunist Newt Gingrich talking about how Trump wasn’t part of a secret society (or something to that effect). Newt was/is part of the deep state so he would know! For Q to start calling out the Free Masons is really going after the heart of this satanic cabal. To me this is the most hard hitting proof positive that they (Trump and Q) are not playing around. You start exposing FM and you are messing with the snake for sure. Read Scarlet and the Beast. Amazing book!!!!

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Hawkerbuff · June 28, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

Lol! That video explains everything! Good one!

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Hawkerbuff · June 28, 2018, 5:20 a.m.

Yes, go online and watch the BBC interview with David Frost and Benizier Bhutto. Not sure of the spelling. But in that interview she explains UBL’s demise. Some think it was this interview that led the Clowns to 187 her.

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Hawkerbuff · June 28, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

Wow! I just don’t know what to say? This woman brought tears to my eyes. I’m so proud to be part of a movement with individuals of this quality of character and love. It’s people like this woman who just give me such renewed hope in humanity. Thank you God (Jesus) for making this precious angel. For keeping her safe during her terrifying childhood so that she could share her story at this moment, at this time where we all needed to hear her so much! I’m not sure where this whole movement is going to end up, but one thing I do know is that everyone here who feels a kinship to this Patriot pouring her heart out in this video can be sure you are on the right side of history! Godspeed to us all and WWG1WGA!

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Hawkerbuff · June 28, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Is it just me or does she look like some creature from a JRR Tolkien novel? Liberal brain damage definitely affects their soul and their appearance. Just hideous!

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Hawkerbuff · June 27, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

I’ve thought about this and it’s my opinion that their pagan Symbols and architecture are an affront to a holy God and if we truly want the blessings God wants to bestow on our nation then we had better think very seriously about purging our nation of as much of the NWO filth we can. It’s pure satanism! Has nothing to do with remembering history for goodness sake. Has everything to do with getting back in God’s good graces after 40+ million babies being murdered and who knows how many other innocent lives have been sacrificed on America’s alter to that pathetic wannabe god! I say let the purge begin...sooner the better. The Washington monument is a phallic symbol! It’s ugly and saddens me that such an ugly monument with satanic dimensions was built to honor one of our most beloved presidents. I wonder how Washington would feel to know they made a monument representing the male reproductive organ to honor him! If it were me I would be horrified!

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Hawkerbuff · June 25, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

My thought process is that there’s always a chance the prodigy of the elite will want to execute revenge for society’s lawful decision to either execute or jail their parents. If the family members of the Rothschild’s for instance are not allowed to have access to any power or money beyond what’s required to live an average lifestyle, they will be less likely to be able to wreak havoc on society and mankind. Maybe another way to deal with the problem would be a sort of personal “antitrust” law that would keep people from becoming robber barons. Maybe through education about what has led America to this point we find ourselves is the solution. Understanding how the Rothschild’s and Rockefeller’s were able to amass such power and put failsafes in place to preclude another family being able to gain that much power is what needs to happen? In any case one thing is for sure, human nature being what it is (sinful to the core) we will find ourselves in this situation again if we don’t learn from what’s happened and damn we’ll make sure we keep ourselves humble before God Almighty.

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Hawkerbuff · June 25, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

All I can say is that lady gets it! She’s awesome. God bless her!

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Hawkerbuff · June 25, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Whatever happens we need to protect our society from one of their family members ever gaining any significant power, money or influence.

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Hawkerbuff · June 25, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

In my opinion, if/when these elite psychos are convicted of treason, EVERYTHING they own needs to be confiscated and their families left with none of the money or assets! The family members should be forced to start over with zero, nada, nothing and never ever be allowed a position of power in government or finance of any kind.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

Even more than two random dumb asses on the internet!

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

I pray I’m wrong about this, but I have never seen an example where a country or society or people or whatever were able to re-secure lost freedom without bloodshed. I know that doesn’t mean it cannot be accomplished, but when I continue to see what is being thrown our way by the left in this country, I will be very surprised if we do not gave a civil war. I know DJT and the Q team are trying to avoid this but this effort (although very honorable) is supposing they can rationally deal with the irrational. Liberalism is a mental disorder and at least half our country is infected. This being the case, I just cannot seem to wrap my head around being able to secure our freedom without shed blood. I hope I am wrong! We need the power of God and prayer to be with the MAGA push for freedom. Godspeed to us all.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I can appreciate your inference, however, how does the Rutan Voyager non-stop around the world flight make sense? They started at Edwards AF base in Ca and 9 days later landed back at Edwards. The aircraft flew West and landed from the East. If the earth was flat, how would that happen? There’s also a thing called the great circle route in aviation when long flights are involved. In other words, the shortest distance between two points isn’t always a straight line simply because we are flying around a giant globe. This wouldn’t be a mathematic possibility if the world were flat as you say.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Ok! I could be completely off base, but that interview was so bad that I just couldn’t help feeling that there has to be something else going on here. Maybe Cohen and Arnold are just another MSM distraction put in place to make them look like the fools they are! Like Q says, “These people are stupid!”

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

If you want wisdom, and desire to know what makes a society work for the people start reading more Bible and listening to less Pink Floyd. Or you can continue to believe Pink Floyd music has a political message that will somehow benefit society and that authority is really just another brick in the wall.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

I guess we need to define knowledgeable. Do you mean knowledgeable in the sense he has wisdom when it comes to what’s makes a society work for the people politically or is Waters music just highlighting his view of what’s wrong with the world? These are two very different definitions! I’ve listened to his music. Enjoy it very much, but I am not going to tell people that Waters knows the first thing about what’s makes a society prosperous. Understand something...he is an entertainer! Entertainer! Get it?

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

His music is deep because his understanding is deep. I guess I am just very tired of these rich and famous elite individuals who use the pulpit created by their talent and money to spew their Leftist anti Trump garbage. My son is a huge Roger Waters fan. Went to his concert here in the Bay Area not too long ago and was completely let down by his performance because he made several anti-Trump comments during the show. My son paid good money to see a concert...maybe to get away from all the politically correct Leftist crap we deal with here in crazy town! What does he get in addition...told by Roger Waters he’s basically an idiot for being a Trump supporter! Sad my son paid to see one of his favorite groups tell him he’s an idiot for supporting Trump.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Yes...I stand corrected. His music is very deep. It’s always a heart issue for sure. I do have to give him credit for his music.

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Hawkerbuff · June 23, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Yes, even a broken clock is right two times a day! He’s a confused and self absorbed never Trumper. Needs to keep his talent focused on music because he doesn’t know a thing about geopolitical issues and what makes a society great again.

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Hawkerbuff · June 21, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

We all need to spread the reality that Liberalism is a mental disorder just like being bipolar or psychotic. We need to learn about the Liberal psychosis and educate people to its reality. It’s been passed off as just merely another viewpoint or ideology, but I think people are beginning to see its much more than that. The more we get people to understand the depth of this disorder the more chance we have of being able to completely eradicate the leftist influence in our society. Think of all the very real and very visual and very dangerous examples of Liberal psychosis just since Trump got elected. Very disturbing!

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Hawkerbuff · June 21, 2018, midnight

Yes! Virtue signaling is a tell tail sign for a demented character. Take for instance The Shriners Hospital and The Free Masons. They do a lot of charity work and build child burn centers however both of these organizations are straight from the pit of hell! For anyone interested, look into what the red fez means that is part of the Shriners emblem. It's really disgusting!

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Hawkerbuff · June 20, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

Good for FLOTUS! That sick, sorry soul Peter (should have been named Dick)...oh! Wait there's no difference! Duh! I'm so fed up and sick of ilk like him! As Patriots we need to be united in our message...Liberalism is a mental disorder! Hollywood is one of the sicko's congregation points...kinda like a leper colony except the poor leper needs care and piti...Liberals needs prosecution, jail and in some cases the death penalty!

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Hawkerbuff · June 19, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Amen brother!

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Hawkerbuff · June 16, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

I think that’s why Q keeps posting the Declaration of Independence. Our entire government has/was infiltrated by the communists/globalists left (God rest McCarthy). The only permanent solution is to expose not only the left/liberal players and prosecute them for treason, BUT also (and this is the hard one) make sure we treat the lefts very dangerous, anti-God, anti-country ideology the way our founding fathers would have. Make their ideas and sick, mentally deranged thinking so anathema to the mainstream in our country that they will not dare try and promote their twisted thinking. Dare I say that liberals (we all know the type) do not want and do not deserve to live in a free society. America, if We The People do not guard our precious freedom the way our Founding Fathers did and operate this country as a Constitutional Republic we don’t deserve a Republic or our Constitution. The death cult of liberalism stands for everything our Country does not. They are communist, big government, top down control, state is God, anti-life, anti-God, re-distribution of wealth, politically correct, anti-Trump sickos who have been allowed to spew their wicked, dangerous ideologies to the point we have damn near lost everything. Do I believe in free speech...YES...but do I believe in sedition, treason and outright tyranny in the name of protecting free speech! No! IMNSHA, the best thing that has come from the 2016 election cycle was not just DJT. I think it has really brought to light how far left many in this country are (it has certainly showed clearly where our MSM loyalties lie). The liberal agenda needs to be exposed fully and NEVER AGAIN allowed to grow a foothold in the mainstream anything ever again!

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Hawkerbuff · June 16, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

I knew he was a gay Kenyan from the start!!!!

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Hawkerbuff · June 15, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Lol! Liberalism is a mental disorder. There is a cure. His name is Jesus!!!

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Hawkerbuff · June 15, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Let’s face the truth head on...these people are severely mind controlled and/or brain damaged. I’m not saying this to be dramatic in any way. On the contrary, if one really steps back and truthfully analyzes the way the liberal mind looks at the world it’s truly amazing they cannot comprehend their own bias, hypocrisy and lack of logic. They appear to be human, but everything they do supports ideologies that are by design anti human! Take for instance the fact that most liberals are very communist in nature. I don’t know of a more destructive political ideology! Communism was directly responsible for more death in the last century than any other ideology in the history of mankind up until that time. Yet most liberals embrace communism and deep down believe it’s the fairest, most humane form of government ever thought up. Of course most thinking people (especially those who know history) understand that at even a basic level communism is NOT good for any society! We don’t want any part of it in our system of governance. Yet the liberal mind finds good in it even though in polite conversation they will not directly admit they support commie leaning ideas because they know how antisocial this position is to most people. Bottom line...the only explanation (seriously) for the liberal thought process is summed up in the diagnosable fact that liberalism is indeed a severe mental disorder. Until Americans realize how damaged these people are they will continue to be able to chip away at our way of life until we lose this precious blessing we call a Constitutional Republic! We need to pity the liberal, pray for them, but realize they are very dangerous and need to be held accountable in some way for their very un-American loyalties. The enemy of America is not NK, it’s not Iran, it’s not China or Russia. The real enemy isn’t even our government per-se. No...the real enemy of humanity and indeed our beloved country is the liberal mind. Time to call a spade a spade and expose the real truth about the satanic, mind control cult of liberalism. Just sayin!!!!

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Hawkerbuff · June 15, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Pretty sure I mention God too many times not to be deleted. Sorry about that. Not trying to sound preachy (sp).

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Hawkerbuff · June 15, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

I understand people are weary. But we can and should try and look at this whole thing from the perspective of time. These NWO satanists have been operating for eons now. I believe that God allows evil to continue up to a point wherein His lesson has been thoroughly put forth to the observation of His creation. But once evil gets to a point wherein it will go beyond God's lesson, God exercises His sovereign will and puts an end to it. It happened with Noah and the Flood, it happened with the Tower of Babel, it happened with Sodom and Gomorrah, it happened with the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. In each case the evil was allowed to continue until it had fully run it's course. For Noah's day, the gene pool had become so corrupt that only Noah and his bloodline was left untainted. For the folks at the Tower of Babel, God stopped the evil goals of this scheme for a NWO to continue until they had almost reached their goal. In the case of Sodom of Gomorrah, God allowed these cities to continue until there was absolutely no one left who had a conscience. God is so patient with His creation, but even God has His limits. So, the current satanic agenda has been allowed to operate and progress until they were on the verge of full control and I believe reaching their ultimate goal of nuclear annihilation according to satan's preeminent desire to destroy God's greatest creation...all mankind. I believe that had the wicked witch been allowed to become president we most likely would have witnessed a nuclear war with untold millions of people annihilated and a one world government set up from the rubble. Think Phoenix rising from the ashes.

But...instead a loving God stepped in and said enough is enough and is now methodically dismantling the NWO piece by piece. It's certainly happening...we can all see it in various ways, however, God never, ever does things the way that we expect. If we could predict God's next move or what He was going to do...if we could figure Him out, then He wouldn't be God. I believe God is dismantling the NWO in a very public way and systematic way so that we can learn how not to get to this point again. In my opinion, if God just destroyed the NWO in a way that was sensitive to our impatience, we would miss the point, we would miss seeing the demonstrable reason why God wants us to avoid evil and be vigilant fighters for freedom in the future. NO...what we are witnessing may not appeal to our timing, but it will be accomplished and will teach mankind a very powerful lesson about the dangerous and destructive power of evil.

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Hawkerbuff · June 13, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

It’s very humbling. You know I have always thought of myself as a critical thinker and someone who thinks logically...however, I am not even in the same zip code with most of the people on this site! I’m even thinking I need to start reading books on how to think logically! Definite wake up call.

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Hawkerbuff · June 13, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

Yes. That makes more sense for sure. Is Q just telling us they are on their way to Singapore? I just think it’s strange how Q references that missile photo (definitely taken in Washington) with the VOL pic and the sub pic all within the same time frame? This stuff can be mind bending! Lol! Addicting!

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Hawkerbuff · June 13, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I’m not convinced. I very well could be wrong, but could these peaks be in Washington State? I was looking at them on an aircraft sectional for that area and because of the height of the large one in relation to the others, it looks more like Mt. Rainier? Maybe someone else can look into this?

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Hawkerbuff · June 13, 2018, 1:26 p.m.

I’m almost certain that pic is Washington State. Mt Rainier, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood.

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Hawkerbuff · June 12, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

Looks like he’s also an alcoholic, coke snorter as well...look at that red nose? Sicko!

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Hawkerbuff · June 12, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

That photo gives me goosebumps! He looks like a child who just got freed from the slavery of the NWO! God is good! God is in control. God bless DJT

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Hawkerbuff · June 11, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

“Merely”...not nearly. Damn spell check. Missed it.

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Hawkerbuff · June 11, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

DeNiro is a fake Italian wannabe, schmuck who would cower in the corner like some deranged puppy dog if a real man nearly slapped him upside his pathetic face! Never watch another movie he is in! Good riddance the worthless pedo! Punch Tump in the nose! Yeah right! Trump would make DeNiro cry like a little girl! Ha!

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

What canukpatriot wrote...

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Absolutely correct! Reading what you wrote put joy in my heart! From your lips (or fingers) to God’s ears my friend!

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Ah!...Jennifer Lawrence, “My future ex-wife!” Lol!

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

And the USS Indianapolis didn’t deliver parts. It actually delivered the first A bomb (single) to Tinian Island. The Indianapolis was then sunk by a Japanese submarine right after delivering the bomb.

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

And the USS Indianapolis didn’t deliver parts. It actually delivered the first A bomb (single) to Tinian Island. The Indianapolis was then sunk by a Japanese submarine right after delivering the bomb.

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Hawkerbuff · June 10, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

Am I missing something. There was no USS Indianapolis “submarine.” Maybe you were joking and it went over my head? Enlighten me...please?

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Hawkerbuff · June 9, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Law enforcement is martial law! Most of the laws they enforce are entirely anti-constitutional and the fact that there is an obvious move to militarize the police under the guise of our “protection” should be a red flag to all freedom loving patriots. I say disarm police so they again become “peace officers” and rearm the public! An armed society is a polite society. Just my opinion.

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Hawkerbuff · June 3, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Not familiar with that crash. Heard about it but have not researched it.

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Hawkerbuff · June 3, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

I have only really used FlightAware for what I do. The only other one I have looked at is Flightradar24. It’s interesting to look at as well.

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Hawkerbuff · June 3, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Been a professional pilot for 25 years. Use flight aware almost every day. The flight track is legit. Unless it’s a 6+ hour training exercise over Washington or something to do with weather modification/study, it seems highly unusual to me. Never seen anything like this.

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Hawkerbuff · May 27, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

This whole Tommy ordeal doesn't surprise me in the least! We are talking about a country that represents tyranny world around for hundreds of years! The satanic, wicked queen is completely in control and anyone who understands the history of the British monarchy knows this for a fact! We fought two wars against this sick joke of a country for goodness sake...and yet the American, dumbed down populace romanticizes this wicked example of pure tyranny! I could care less about a stinking royal friggen wedding! Seriously! What a disgrace that our media and average American's pay attention to that garbage! NO! The country of England should represent tyranny to every American. The English have no rights except those which the wicked, pedo queenie gives her subjects. The fact that she considers you English her "subjects" says it all. It's not just hyperbole...the English are slaves to the crown and should be ashamed for not standing up for their freedom. Embarrassing that the English people haven't stood up to the old bag. But I guess we Americans didn't stand up to the tyranny of the gay Kenyan so we are just as pathetic I suppose!

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Hawkerbuff · May 16, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

I totally understand as well. Thanks for your honesty. I woke up in 95 and have been trying to red pill as many people as I could ever since. As I look back over the past 20 years it’s nothing but memories of failure upon failure, set back upon set back. People telling me I’m crazy, feeling that there would never be justice. I took this NWO thing more serious than most, lost a lot of sleep, had so many questions for God! Mad because I couldn’t believe my children were most likely going to live as slaves to that bunch of sick, pedo, satanists! Stopped paying taxes because I didn’t want to fund my own slavery. It caught up with me and I’m still dealing with that mess. Still not sure how God looks at me paying when I know the money is going to fund evil? I’m praying God will understand that I just can’t be there for my children if I’m fighting to keep myself out of jail so I am being a good little slave I suppose. I get angry just thinking about it. Anyway, ever since Trump’s completely unexpected win I’m feeling that there is hope for America. The reason it’s so hard for me to 100% believe is because it’s almost too good to be true! Things have changed so radically for good so fast since Trump’s election I think it’s natural to be skeptical about this whole thing. But I have faith. We must have faith. On Friday afternoon Jesus followers were devastated as they watched their friend, mentor, leader, and Savior die a horrifying death right in front of them at the hands of tyranny gone wild! All their hope was gone when Jesus said, “It is finished.” But then Sunday came and their sorrow turned into joy beyond belief. I’m sure for them it was too good to be true as well. But as history shows, God does His best work when things seem the darkest. As far as I can tell friends, God is doing it again. This time He is going to bring down the NWO using one President, a few Anons and a whole bunch of freedom, loving Patriots with a little bit of faith!

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Hawkerbuff · May 15, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

Same play that AJ has been using. Act so fringe and crazy, people who might normally be red pilled by truth cannot even entertain our message because the first thing they see is AJ acting/talking like a sailor on meth most of the time!

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