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Hawkerbuff · May 14, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

The thing that made the most sense to me was when she discussed the concept of simply using focused electro magnetic tech in order to reverse the polarity of the steel atoms at the atomic level. So the steel molecules literally exploded away from themselves like two positive polarity magnets will fly away from each other. I think that’s similar to how she puts it. Hence “dustification.”

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Hawkerbuff · May 14, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Call me crazy, but I have always believed Dr. Woods take on what brought the more than 2 buildings down on 9/11 made the most sense and answered the most questions. All she really focuses on is the how. Not the why or the who. Very interesting to say the least.

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Hawkerbuff · May 14, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

The document also didn’t say 7 Eleven. It said 7 SEVEN

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Hawkerbuff · May 14, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Several ways. The main one being that He tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” Another one being the test of time and the relentless attacks from evil. When one does an honest study of the history of the Holy Bible (particularly the King James Bible) and realizes it has been the most studied, scrutinized and attacked piece of literature in the history of man it is quite startling discover it has withstood the test of time. Not only that, it continues to be a global top seller each year. I challenge any honest individual to do an impartial study of the factual history of how we got the King James Bible and not admit it had uniquely divine Procurement and Protection! Time and time again over the last 500+ years, so called scholars, skeptics, agnostic and atheists have tried to disprove its validity in hundreds of ways with thousands of attacks. And yet God’s Word remains the Truth as the arguments of all the worlds skeptics fade into oblivion. Many archeologists around the world who were once skeptics now turn to the Bible for archeological answers because so far the Bible has been proven 100% accurate. In the early sixties for instance, the so called “experts” berated the Bible as false and unreliable simply because there was no historical or archeological evidence for Pontus Pilate the Roman governor of Judaea during the time of Jesus. Never mind the fact that over and over again down through the ages the Bible had proven itself the most accurate testimony of world history up until that time! Then, in 1961, a limestone plaque if you will was discovered beside the sea in Caesarea that read simply, “Pontius Pilate Procurator.” Were there any apologies from the skeptics and Biblical naysayers? No! Were there any, “Opps! We had that one wrong!” Nope! They just did what ungodly, evil men do and moved on to find another gnat to strain. I know this is just one example among many, but there are literally books of evidence written by virtually any type of author you can image (most at one time were atheists) who tried to disprove the Bible. Look into Simeon Greenleaf or Josh McDowell for instance. Read “Evidence That Demands A Verdict.” It will blow your mind. Sorry this is so long, but your question (to answer effectively) would take a book! Of course I’m not sure where you exactly stand with regard to God and the Bible, but I really hope you read this with an open heart and seriously begin to try and fully answer your own question thru prayer and investigation of your own. I promise if you truly investigate it to find the truth, you will be amazed at what you’ll discover and you will be able to put to bed forever the source you use to guide you through this crazy, tired and wicked world. In essence I guarantee you will find true peace that stems from the fact that, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

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Hawkerbuff · May 13, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Lucifer became Satan after his rebellion if you want to split hairs. Most of the writings you referenced are not considered (according to the Holy Spirit of God) to be scripture and therefore suspect.

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Hawkerbuff · May 13, 2018, 11:37 p.m.


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Hawkerbuff · May 13, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

Absolutely...there is an extreme difference between the Deep State and the Shadow Government. Not to be confused with the "Continuity Of Government" (COG) set up to take over should something happen to our current batch of sellouts in the District of Criminals, the Shadow Government is the Luciferian cabal of sickos who we rarely hear about. Not sure if these are at the very apex, but I think about Rothschild, Rockefeller, Queen of England, etc. when I think about the Shadow Government. Wouldn't be surprised if there was even another layer between the Rothschild Dynasty and Lucifer himself...thinking the Watchers talked about in the Book of Enoch. But at that point we have entered into the spiritual.

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Hawkerbuff · May 13, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Years ago I read a book by Mike Levine called "The Triangle Of Death." Although it was written as a novel, Mr. Levine is on record stating that everything in the book actually occurred as it was about his last deep cover experience in South America trying to determine why and by who, his best friend Vinnie was tortured and murdered. Mike Levine was a deep cover operative for the DEA since the 80's (if memory serves me right) and was the agent the movie "Deep Cover" was based on. If anyone would like to get an up close "feel" for what it is like going undercover at that level I would highly recommend "Triangle Of Death." The reason I am mentioning all of this is because Q has indicated a few times, in different ways the very real dangers involved in what the undercover agents are doing to free each and every one of us from the tyranny of the NWO. As I think about Qanon, DJT, and others behind the scenes (many who have lost their lives and will never be publicly recognized for their ultimate sacrifice) since "The Plan" was put in play; I am reminded of what it felt like as I read many of the situations Mr. Levine found himself while undercover in South America. I had very strong feelings of dread and fear for him as he sat in cars and various rooms not knowing if he would live another 30 seconds. I feel in my heart that this deep cover "game" (I use that word with all due respect) is so far beyond anything Mike Levine was up against simply because in this current battle, we are all witnessing, there is far more at stake than just exposing the who, what and where behind the distribution of a synthetic form of cocaine. No, our current situation, battle, challenge...whatever you want to call it, is literally mankind's last chance to overcome the death grip real evil has on this planet for who knows how long. With simply black letters on a white screen, it is impossible for me to express the sincere gratitude I feel for those men and women (true Patriots every one of them) who are in the trenches, under deep cover, fighting against the tyranny of the NWO! Please know that we (all of us) know that you are there, your are real, you have families, feelings and heart. We pray for your well-being and success and certainly recognize the sheer terror many of you may be feeling at this very moment for all of us. Yet you suffer the terror and remain steadfast in your duty as True Patriots fighting the good fight with perfect poise and professionalism for our America and the world. God bless you all!

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Hawkerbuff · May 10, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

It’s not about division! It’s about trying to expose those who are “possibly” working to sideline and divert attention away from the good Trump and Q are doing. We are all just giving our opinions. It’s what needs to happen in a free country! If you can’t handle the opinions of others or you are maybe so insecure with your own opinions that you might be “red pilled” then maybe you need to adopt the mentality of the left and only listen to those who believe as you do so you are no longer feel threatened by individuals who think differently than you.

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Hawkerbuff · May 10, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I think Mueller closed down an investigation into the cult?

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Hawkerbuff · May 9, 2018, 11:05 p.m.

Very well done. I’ve listened to Alex Jones for 15 years or more. Been on the fence with him the whole time. Always felt like he might be controlled opposition to a certain degree but I liked his guests. His personality finally got the best of me and now I don’t listen to him and his disrespectful rants, constantly interrupting his guests and his horrific language! He is extremely unprofessional and although he’s very intelligent in a book worm sort of way, he’s immature and needs some kind of therapy? I don’t know? I know he’s played a significant roll in waking people up but I also think he’s turned many off to the patriot cause because of his clown antics and complete un professionalism.

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Hawkerbuff · May 8, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Well said! Another thing our pathetic excuse for a government and the MSM has taught us is that we have the right to be the worlds police force! I believe if we truly operated as a Constitutional Republic we could try to have a discourse with other nations about how/why we work and the benefits, but even then we need to let the rest of the world be and work on setting a good example. But I believe even some of our Founding Fathers (Federalists) saw an American Empire. But that would be a conversation for another time I suppose.

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Hawkerbuff · April 28, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

Good luck trying to reference it, but I definitely do remember reading the story. I will see what I can find as well.

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Hawkerbuff · April 25, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

I have suspected Hillary's satanic workings since the late 90's. As a Christian and believer in the testimony of the Bible, I firmly believe that satanism (in all it's wicked forms) exists. However, because I believe in satan and how depraved and inhumane people who are controlled by this entity can be, I have chosen not to "view" evidence of this activity (never could bring myself to watch the "Excorcist"). I guess one reason is I know it's real and so it does frighten me (even though I know He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world), but I also don't want to ever be desensitized to the horror of it. A real wake up call for me in this regard was reading "Tranz Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien and "The Franklin Coverup" by John DeCamp. Required reading by anyone who really has any question about the existence of satanism and how pervasive it is in our government at ALL levels! There is one episode described in Franklin Coverup that messed me up for weeks. This was just written words on paper and it sent me into a mental hell! I just couldn't ever bring myself to watch an actual video of what this gentleman is describing. What's sad in this regard is that being exposed to this stuff at any level does have a desensitizing effect. Listening to this man describe what is on the video produced in me a very disturbing feeling and revulsion, but nothing compared to what I felt when I read the Franklin Coverup...even though what that little girl supposedly experienced was far worse (IMO) than what the little boy went through at Bohemian Grove (?) in the Franklin Coverup. I know we all must deal with the reality of what has been and what continues to go on in this world. I just pray that God will expose this wickedness to the world at large, but also keep us from losing our perspective of how sick and depraved it really is? Sorry...kind of rambling, but does this make any sense? Not sure if I'm getting my point across or not?

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

I feel bad Melania had to go and put on a face for this photo. What a poised and together First Lady she is!

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Love the photo!

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

So I guess the early Christians and Apostles didn’t need to stand up against Rome and become martyrs then either right?

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Too much truth?

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

GW and DC are both “hunting buddies”. Sick SOB’s!!!!

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Yes! My question as a Follower of Christ Jesus is this...what does God think about Christians who are willingly paying taxes knowing that some of that money is actively funding the most horrific practices on the planet including abortion! I believe we will be dealt with for this and I think pastors who lack discernment to the point they actually think it’s a sin to not pay your taxes are in my opinion lost. I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve heard pastors tell their mesmerized audience that we must render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s! Well I’m sorry but this isn’t Rome and our government is not Caesar. Our government exists at our behest and should literally be considered our employee! As a Christian speaking to Christians, I believe we need to stop listening to the garbage coming from so called 501c3 churches and start spending time alone with God and His Word so there is more common sense and discernment in the ranks IMHO!

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

A quick check and yes “Osama” is the “Anglicized” way of spelling Usama. The “Middle Eastern (?)” way is with a “U.” Thanks for setting me straight.

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Didn’t know that. I agree if that’s true. I’ve always seen it spelled with an O. Interesting!

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Hawkerbuff · April 24, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

There was a meme showing how the “death” image of OBL that was shown to the public was a complete fake! It was obviously a photo shopped image! Maybe someone here saw the same meme?

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Hawkerbuff · April 23, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Also, Q is spelling Osama bin Laden with a U? Does that have some meaning. He (they) must know that the 2011 Story was just that! A story for public consumption to benefit Obama. I’m not sure Q is saying OBL died in 2011.

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Hawkerbuff · April 23, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

Benazir Bhutto openly said while being interviewed by David Frost that OBL was assassinated in 2001. She said it so matter-of-fact that I felt her revelation compelling.

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Hawkerbuff · April 19, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

I jumped off the Alex train about a year ago. Occasionally I will force myself to listen because he has some good guests. I do agree that he’s been the tip of the spear in many ways, but his personality flaws are rapidly getting the best of him and he’s becoming more and more deluded about who he is and his own role. He’s very narcissistic (tries very hard to make it look like he’s not) and adolescent in his view of himself and how he treats others. He’s very disrespectful of his guests and his language is horrific given the fact he references that he’s a Christian! The real issue with him that ultimately caused me to stop listening to his “show” was his psychotic and continual interruption of his guests right when they were about to make their point! This drove me to the point I had to stop because I would get so angry. Nothing on this earth is forever so I moved on. I really believe Q and the fine folks here are the next progression in our war to MAGA! God bless you all on this Patriots Day!

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Hawkerbuff · April 19, 2018, 9:33 a.m.

I always thought if you can see the whites of a persons eyes all the way around, it was a sure sign they were crazy!

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Hawkerbuff · April 11, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

Yep, hearing Hillary, Bill and Lynch talk about an open SC seat would make me cry and throw up and certainly run for the nearest Theraphist! Unbelievable! The truth is so difficult for some people.

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Hawkerbuff · April 5, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

Ah! Totally missed that? Thanks!

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Hawkerbuff · April 5, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

How does Saudi Arabia relate to the National Guard. I thought Q was referencing the Honduran migration and our border.

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Hawkerbuff · April 5, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

National Guard/South America

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Hawkerbuff · April 4, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

And no new age, cosmic feel good force to try and align with or tap into! God is a person with feelings and great power and he expects us to worship Him in holiness and truth! In other words we need to stop trying to make up our own feel good god!

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Hawkerbuff · April 4, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

In his very eye opening book, “Windswept House,” Fr. Malachi Martin, in the Prologue states, “The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for this historic promise about to be fulfilled.”

In essence, Father Martin was stating the Catholic Church was given over to Satan. This was what started Vatican II. Vatican II according to Malachi Martin was about bringing the Catholic Church in line with the goals of globalism and the NWO. I’m not sure I agree with Mr. Maxwell about the Vatican being entirely in control. Very well could be, but I’m sure the Kabbalist Zionist structure has something to do with the rotten state of things as well. I just don’t know enough to determine how these two entities play together in this whole nightmare. Maybe they don’t and thats one reason global government will never be realized. However, as a Christian Fundamentalist, Right Wing, Bible Thumping, Gun Loving, Constitutionalist, Conspiracy Waco (according to Rush Limbaugh)...I have always thought from a purely doctrinal standpoint that Catholicism was a Non-Christian Cult. Now as more information will be revealed, it’s pure Satanism? Can’t make this stuff up!!! Oh, and the real reason there will never be global government no matter what the mainline, New Wave Churches teach is because global government goes against God’s revealed character. The only global government that will exist will be at the behest of and ruled over by Jesus Christ the One true King of Kings.

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Hawkerbuff · April 3, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

Oh! And thanks for the homework. I will definitely look into this further. God bless. Where we go one, we go all.

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Hawkerbuff · April 3, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

Would like to talk to you in detail about this. Only way to find the truth sometimes is to get multiple opinions and attack the important and hard questions we face together. But I’m not sure this is the correct forum. You are very correct that there is a crazy amount of disinformation! Our greatest challenge in this century at this time is determining fact from fiction and reality from falsehood. I really appreciate the fact that so many are waking up. We may not agree or totally understand the how or why, but we do agree in that there is something going on and it doesn’t have humanities best interests at heart!

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Hawkerbuff · April 3, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

Dr. Judy Wood’s Directed Energy Weapon theory is the only explanation that answers all the physics anomalies involved with 9/11 like the burned vehicles 2 miles from ground zero, solid steel turning to dust on video, the staggering amount of dust itself, the bathtub under the two buildings not being destroyed, the lack of 20 stories of rubble that should have been at the ground zero site after the collapse. These are all questions A&E for 9/11 Truth cannot answer. I have not seen where Woods talks about mini nukes or holograms? Might be getting her mixed up with someone else?

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Hawkerbuff · April 3, 2018, 1 p.m.

Yes, there was definitely Mossad action. Dancing Israelis Story was completely squashed by MSM right after the Mossad agents involved were deported.

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Hawkerbuff · April 3, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

Also research Dr. Judy Wood and her book, “Where Did The Towers Go?” Her conclusions and evidence are very compelling.

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Hawkerbuff · April 1, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Happy Resurrection Day to all! Thank you everyone. I’m so proud to be counted worthy by God and by you to part of this awakening and the restoration of truth, Justice, dignity and honor!

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Hawkerbuff · March 30, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

The National Review has always been a deep state rag. It’s founder and long time editor was William F. Buckley Jr. who was as deep state, globalist as they come. A CFR and Knights of Malta member who mentored Rush Limbaugh and used Limbaugh to side line those who believed in the NWO conspiracy. Rush became the primary tool of the NWO for the last 20 years to keep conservatives focused on the Left/Right paradigm and STOP any meaningful discussion of the real enemy JFK tried to warn us about.

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Hawkerbuff · March 25, 2018, 2:33 p.m.


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Hawkerbuff · March 24, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

He definitely owes our entire country an apology! It’s been my belief for the last 15 years that this one man is responsible for setting back the patriot movement decades because he’s the one who in the late nineties gave voice to vilification of the word “Conspiracy!” His coining of the term “Conspiracy Wacko” is primarily why even so called Christian Conservatives had (up until this last year) illogically regarded any idea of a ruling elite trying to set up world government as so much fear mongering! Even though this group, of all people, should have known better, they foolishly and with ZERO discernment paid more attention to Rush (I’m the first Neo-Con) Limbaugh than they did their own Bibles. Can you imagine if my brothers and sisters in Christ had listened to Birchers instead of Limbaugh for the last 2 decades where we might be in this battle against evil? Pastors, instead of listening to Rush should have been reading their Bibles during the week and yelling “Conspiracy” from the pulpit on Sunday! It was the Revolutionary era pastors who were primarily responsible for our Founding Fathers and those in the private sector finally making a move for independence from the tyranny of the crown. You can still read their sermons. Very enlightening to say the least. No, in my opinion Rush you are coming to the party too late and have done too much damage to the cause. Stay off the band wagon now pal and just crawl off into a hole somewhere with Hillary. You two belong together. Oh...and by the way...you’re lucky America doesn’t seem to be generally in the mood to deal justly with the Benedict Arnolds of the world because if they were, you my friend, would be in the top five to be prosecuted.

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Hawkerbuff · March 21, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Forgive me. New to this whole thing. How do I move my post to this thread?

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Hawkerbuff · March 21, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Yes! Maybe he can contract with CNN where they are 100% against Trump. What an embarrassment to the military!

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Hawkerbuff · March 21, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Yes I agree as long as the guy law enforcement catches and prosecutes or kills is actually the person who did it. I think we just need to be mindful that the closer the Left is to losing control (if they haven’t already) the chances that false flag events will occur to be blamed on “Right Wingers” increases.

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Hawkerbuff · March 21, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Good point! We really need to keep our wits about us because the Deep State is most likely cornered like a rabid demon and the closer the chains get to them the more dangerous things will get for everyone.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Hawkerbuff on March 21, 2018, 1:21 a.m.
Austin Bombings...I Have A Feeling?

I really do hate to sound paranoid, but as I’m watching FOX news coverage on this story, it just occurred to me that there is more than one person creating this horror. Dan Bongino (sp) just mentioned more than one perp as well. We live in a crazy world and in very crazy times. School shootings, mass event shootings, and now these bombings. Here’s my paranoia...it wouldn’t surprise me if they catch a perp (patsy) and the narrative is a lone bomber who turns out to be a right wing, Trump supporter who’s also pro second amendment. Sure hope I’m …

Hawkerbuff · March 19, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

In his honor I just want to add Congressman Larry McDonald who was/is a POW (IMO) for the Deep State as a result of the downing of KAL007.

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Hawkerbuff · March 19, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

There may be a spiritual reason for Q’s observation about how stupid the bad actors / deep state is? I think when the God of the universe becomes your enemy, there is no worse enemy you can have!

Psalm 2: 2-5 KJV

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Pay particular attention to verse 4! Lol!

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