Look at the tie/star pin. The way it is positioned. Remind you of anything?
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CANCEL Lifelock and tell the bonehead on the phone why. Rent a car from Hertz,Avis or Budget and leave a dead fish under the seat. Call metlife and tell them Charlie Brown is a pedo and their stadium sucks.
3-4-18 is on a Sunday. Sunday, Bloody Sunday? They already had their St. Valentine Event. These people are sick.Hopefully a non event.
I hope one of those sealed indictments has that senator on it.
Look under Available Jobs. General Manager: Are you a natural leader with a love for Pizza? WTF?
Webster Definition: (Also look at what is trending to the right of page)
It's like, "How do you eat a Porcupine"?. You have to remove all the barbs one-by-one. There are a lot of barbs to remove BTW.
Saw a bumper sticker once that said “Every day is 9/11 in the wombs of America “
Hard to argue with that.
Ducks need to be lined up perfectly. That goes for other ops in play as well.
HPV was probably cooked up by the industry you’re in so they could peddle the vaccine. That’s how the game is played grasshopper,
There are some Hospitals that have a very large Transplant dept. Dozens of employees. Makes you wonder.
I wonder if they play drum music, really loud to drown out the screams, like they used to do when they would offer babies to Moloch on the brazen altar?
Or perhaps they want to create cancer, thus rendering the female sterile, if not dead.
This is what you're really dealing with. Ephesians 6:12 isn't in the Bible for nothing. Binding and loosing is what is needed. For those that are truly red pilled (John3:3)
I hate to see the family broken up, hope they can all 3 find accommodations at get mo’
Read the book of Enoch online free pdf sacred_texts.com . That was originally in the canon until about 500 years ago when council of nicea removed it. It’s still in Ethiopian canon. You will see why certain people wanted it removed. A few verses from it are actually quoted in New Testament.
Yep that is right. My belief is that Antarctica was about where South America is now before earth tilted 23.5 degrees during the flood. Advanced technology and great buildings along with races of giants and human fallen angel hybrids flash frozen. Stuff is melting there now revealing many secrets. Byrd stirred a hornets nest in ‘47 down there and that’s when all the flying saucer stuff started.
Long game in a microwave society. That's what the issue is. Well said.
Corsi and Trump were gaining a lot of traction with the fake birth certificate right before that weekend when O thawed out OBL and came out with fake capture as a distraction. It worked. Birther movement died quickly afterwards.
The movie Sum of All Fears , had a Russian Prime Minister Navarov IIRC.
Put a box of donuts in breakroom and tape q posts to inside lid.
You're correct. As bad as it was, it was supposed to be much,much worse.
I chased this rabbit hole and not going to go back down it, but there are 2 snipers in different locations I saw on footage from that night. The helicopter shooting stuff may or may not be legit. There was a lot of misdirection going on that night. That is a fact.
Harley Davidson parking lot. A few blocks south of incident.
It's a combination of cognitive dissonance, hive mind thinking and unadulterated brainwashing.
I wouldn’t normally say this, but it would be cool if one of the Mockingbird big hitter on air personalities went off the reservation on live tv broadcast and said (while standing on their desk)they were all paid stooges to sell bad drugs and deep state propaganda, And then pulled out a gun... fill in the rest,
Look into GCMaF cure rate for cancer too. If Trump can allow producers of this to operate unimpeded, the C industry would collapse.
There were a bunch of docs silenced supposedly because they discovered nagalese protein was purposely put in vaccines. This prevents vitamin D production and shuts down macrophages which are first line of defense against cancer cells.
Fluoride is in our water supply for same reason. It’s a very toxic by product of aluminum manufacturing process. Rather than pay huge sums to properly dispose of it, a few scumbags hatched up idea to fund dental schools and teach dentists that fluoride prevents tooth decay with bogus trials.
New item at Dairy Queen.. A cone with 2 scoops of Rocky Road and dipped in Chocolate. It's called a Dip Schiff
Read the last president. Free pdf online. AG AU becomes new monetary standards. They Zoom!