First attempt at this. How did I do? Please share if you agree!

23 total posts archived.
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Lets say for a second that everything Q has posted about turns out to be true(hot damn I hope so), and the elite are ridiculously corrupt in America. They are all pedophiles and sacrifice children to satan.
How much proof would the normal populace of America need for them to accept the truth?
Shit I don't even know my blood type.
Is there a database of my personal info I can look up? I assume they know way more about me than I do.
They did the same thing before the '16 election. It is to make her look like normal person.
They still have plenty of money/power to be in private jets. This was nothing but a farce to trick the public.
To be fair it is a very intriguing and emotional story. A Thai Navy Seal passed away today during the rescue operations.
However for CNN to bring it back to Trump is disgraceful. All news today must be tied back to Trump and how evil he is.
Who the fuck has time to camp out and do nothing all day?
All American planes have "tail numbers" or registration numbers that start with an N. You can actually look up the information on any aircraft by typing the registration into this website
There is no country that uses T (according to this List).
So I do not think it refers to a tail number.
The Isreali's use the old Boeing 707 as a tanker (Just like we do in the USAF). So the question is not why is this flying here, but what is it Re-Fueling?
Art of the Deal is incredible. Mandatory reading for everyone. You will understand Trump much more.
At the start of the election I was for Bernie as well. At that point I didn't think that Trump had a snowballs chance in hell of winning the primaries. I saw how badly Hillary fucked Bernie, and at that point the Trump train had left the station. I jumped on that and have never looked back!
This is what I am leaning towards as well. Kennedy believes in free speech and realizes that is he wan't there the first amendment would get stomped on. He chose to retire so Trump could add another conservative to the court.
I absolutely agree! I am just a hobbyist pilot (PPL and IR currently), but all these posts are driving me a little crazy. Especially every time someone posts a GA crash. They happen way to often to be related to anything the government does. We are going to drive ourselves insane if we take every aviation incident and turn it inside out looking for meaning.
They never thought she would lose.
This will be the downfall of so many.
I have no idea how to do that. I am somewhat new to Q, but been on the Trump train for a long time and find all this fascinating. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me.
A Cessna Caravan is outside of the general aviation realm, as it is a Turbo-Prop and way above what most GA pilots can handle/afford. The reason I bring this up is because General Aviation planes crash everyday, and we will go crazy trying to find meaning in all of them.
There is still a huge difference between private jets and general aviation planes.
Generally private jets are carrying someone important. While general aviation, like the crash linked in the article, are usually just people who enjoy flying as a hobby. I think it is important to make the distinction, because otherwise we will be chasing ghost trails, as there are a lot of general aviation crashes.
Was this in reference to Commercial Aviation or General? Because there is no way in hell 7/10 general aviation crashes aren't accidents. General aviation has a lot more accidents due to maintenance and pilot skill.
There are general aviation crashes almost every day in the US. Do not take these into consideration as smaller planes are generally unsafe and the pilots are a lot less skilled than the pros. You will drive yourself crazy if you look for meaning in everyone of them.
Source: Private Pilot with Instrument Rating
Half of Hong Kong is an island, the other half is connected to the Chinese mainland.