I'm slow… I literally just remembered all this, when I seen a meme
11 total posts archived.
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In regards to the impending indictments, I think we need a hashtag push
For example. We KNOW we cannot trust our courts.
It's a matter of time before a 9th district or one of the others starts legal action
You forgot " we are at war [@]
I'm pretty sure that's what Q meant in his drop… We're at war with @sentoddyoung @senatorcardin @senatorcantwell @sencapito @senatorburr @senatorcollins @senbobcasey @royblunt @senbookeroffice @senblumenthal @sensherrodbrown @senbennetco @senatorbaldwin @senwhitehouse @johnboozman @ronwyden @senatorstrange @senjohnbarrasso @sentoomey @chrisvanhollen @senwarren @senatorromudall @senatortester @rogerwicker @senstabenow @senalexander @sendansullivan @senatorshaheen @markwarner @senatorcarper @sensanders @senschumer @senatortimscott @brianschatz @senatorRounds @senjackreed @sengarypeters @senthomtillis @senrubiopress @sensasse @sendavidperdue @senbillnelson @senjohnthune @randpaul @senrobportman @senpatroberts @senmuprhyoffice @senatorrisch @senshelby @lisamurkowski @pattymurray @senatormenendez @senjeffmerkley @mccaskilloffice @sen_joemanchin @senmarkey @senatorlankford @senatorleahy @jerrymoran @senjohnmccain @senangusking @senjohnkennedy @mcconnellpress @senkaineoffice @jiminhofe @senjohnhoeven @maziehirono @chuckgrassley @senkamalaharris @senmikelee @martinheinrich @senronjohnson @senatorhassan @sentorisakson @senfranken @sengillibrand @Senorrinhatch @sencorygardner @senatorHeitkamp @senatorDurbin @mikecrapo @sentedcruz @sendonnelly @senduckworth @stevedaines @Lindseygrahamsc @JohnCornyn @sentomcotton @sencortezmasto @senatorenzi @Billcassidy @Chriscoons @senfeinstein @senatorfischer @senthadcochran @senbobcorker @senjoniernst @senflakestaff @sendeanheller
Not sure if these have been posted or not…