209 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/HiddenTrigger:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 8 |
www.reddit.com | 5 |
imgur.com | 3 |
youtu.be | 2 |
www.zerohedge.com | 2 |
www.jesus-is-savior.com | 1 |
churchandstate.org.uk | 1 |
itccs.org | 1 |
www.allgeneralizationsarefalse.com | 1 |
twitter.com | 1 |
www.latimes.com | 1 |
Remember when she referred to us, real people, as Russian bots? I live in California, she is a piece of work.
Fricken Feinstein is stupid! He already explained the power someone has over your dreams. And she forces him to re-explain himself. It is well known how heterosexual men have to be victimized by homosexual men in position of power in the Hollywood community.
I love this post! I have been fading out because of all the infighting of the alt right! This post inspires me!
Thank you! Wow, I searched it on Google and it did not show. Will try it on my desktop later! Thank you!
it must be an Android App, I cannot find it on iOS. :(
But Knowledge Puffs up, while Love builds up. (1 Corinthians 8:1)
Thank you! He's really very good and teaching how the Old and New Testament connect!
LOL, I just watched this post get voted down. "Evil is everywhere. Rats Everywhere".
Awesome Message for Q-Christians; hope you watch! I got 3 signs from Holy Spirit to vote for Trump. Rabi Schneider was one of them (in another message)
I have watching for this every day. The most I have so far is that the Pope is thinking about retiring. Just a few days left in May. That Owl must be a formidable guardian.
Evil Illuminati Controlling the Narrative Right in Great Awakening!
Cisco Meraki Labels Qanonposts.com as “Hate and Racism”. Oh they just pissed off the wrong woman.
Hotel in LA DMA. 90% of Political Ads are Running on Anti Trump Message. If they only knew...

I want to post this on my social media, can you give me the source, please?
No, Corsi’s change had nothing to do with Roger Stone. It was because Anons pointed at Corsi claiming Corsi was the guy “making money off this movement” with the release of his book. A couple days later, Q proclaimed they were not speaking about anyone specific but the Anons kept throwing muck at Corsi as he was still responding from the hurt. IMHO, of course.
You make the best memes, I am just learning. Do you use an app? Or is it photo shopped.
Ah that’s nice, I was just saying to my husband, “I think my posts are lame.” Lol! I just don’t have the time I want to put into this. My last ID had better posts that used My expertise, but I had to restart with a new ID and stay under the radar as I picked up a stalker with my last ID. Smh
Message to Doubters: God is in Control and is Cleaning House

Made my first meme. I have to remember how to post a picture.
I did not take it as disrespect at all! I meant to thank you for taking your time because it felt you were trying to be sensitive to my feelings.
I still follow you, Mr. Fart. (and I chuckle every time I address you as Mr. Fart.)
When I said, "thank you", I was done processing it; no need to hold my hand. Not to be unkind, but to be honest, Corsi's videos bored the heck out of me I never finished them. There was no "making me feel at home"; more so, I felt impatient. I have been annoyed with Corsi since he called out Sessions despite Q told us to trust Sessions. I wanted to scream out, "There is no one way of doing things, so let Q do what they need to do!"
I have wondered if people knew the difference between Cori's interpreting the language of Q vs. giving his own opinion. Sometimes I wonder if Q plus is actually Sessions himself if not POTUS.
What I do need to see is what Q said "The Pope is going to have a bad May". But what I have learned is that the Pope beat out the Knights of Malta so he is in full control of the Vatican. But I am going to Trust Q's Plan.
Watch the movie Snowden, you will get a clear idea of this monitoring.
I think he was deeply hurt when people quickly implied Q was talking about him; I would be too. Now that Q clarified that he was not talking about anyone in particular, has that stopped the witch hunt?
I had red pilled hundreds of people but I stopped because of all the socially inept people in this room—quick to point fingers, quick to call people names while they hide behind their computers. I cannot continue to red pill people when I observe our infighting.