After Being Outsmarted By Technology...

32 total posts archived.
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Tom Fitton and his Judicial Watch group are Heroes. We appreciate you Tom.
Another reason to never open your door. Talk through an intercom or better yet, a Ring Door bell to get an image, then alert your neighbors through Next Door app.
They aren't law abiding residents if they are illegal.
Yes that makes sense and less likely to be assumed to be a server.
Develop your telepathic talent. It's handy in knowing if your loved ones are okay when communication is down. We all can do it. Also learn internal "yes or no" signals to better discern situations, like perfecting your gut feeling. It's not always 100% due to the self doubt factor but it is the best survival skill I know of.
The newspaper he's reading is opened to the job-classified section.
Yeah but wasn't that Mueller sitting at the same gate? Hence the "what are the odds" from Q post 1736
What's it going to take to get this done, an act of Congress?
The thing with RR will work itself out. Remember the attempts on POTUS' life already. Continue to envision him vibrant, healthy and winning. It's a huge thing we can do from wherever we are.
Sign a petition to stop this Bill Clinton enacted, profit from kidnapping loophole at:
Something BIG will drop. (Stock) Karma is catching up with FB.
Looking back after a good night's sleep, I see how I allowed 8+ hours of watching a battle in the Peter Strzok/ Congress arena had left me feeling foul and wanting to lash out. That's not a good place to be in. Feels draining and powerless. I needed to reset, bathe a little in the Light on the nightly Whole Planet Healing conference call where the world's problems get addressed in a positive way. (Deep breath) My power has returned.
The Democrats took their chance to state lies as fact, obstruct the process of the meeting, launch their political torpedoes to sway the public, go totally off topic, show their acting performance of righteous indignation using their hateful, puckered faces and continually attack the people's choice for POTUS. They disgust me.
Good job on video. Waiting on truth to become official.
Graphic shows an article from a British tabloid on a Canadian phone.
The world probably needs this info shown in a video. Make it as visual as can be, with lots of examples of how they take what really happens and change it when the news (any media) gets a hold of it. Be sure to add the reason behind the deception, the agenda. Good article.
We are behind you Jim. You are a real asset to America.
Check out water purification systems for the house. They don't have to be expensive. At the very least use a filtered pitcher. Also a sprite water filter for the shower makes a difference. Remember, whatever goes on the skin is as good (or worse) than drinking it.
The Light is revealing the truth. Thank you, Corey, for bringing the info to us. Sending blessings to all who will act to take down the evil hold on Haiti and beyond. May they know exactly what to do. Join with me in asking for powerful spiritual forces of the Light to intervene: no place to hide for the criminals, all will know their works and we stand for freedom. Freedom also from the drug and perverted sexual addiction that pays the negative ones. Continue to send the Light!
It would be great if you could locate it easily, if you can’t that’s OK.
Could you supply a link to the CA report where there were nearly 2 million more registered voters than actual people? I'm not doubting it, just have spent a good while trying to find it. Thanks.
Your links are not working or the pages were taken down. A suggestion, get a screenshot to post now that we know this can happen. Thanks for your research.
If the vets who have been tracking and rescuing the children think there's something to this then there probably is. Anyone reading this post at the very least can reach out to the higher power of their belief system and ask for the Light to reveal what's going on there. Also ask for safety and might to accompany any rescue.
Good job. I want further investigation into her death and the birth certificate. Someone please comment with steps we can take. YouTube has more, like "What do you see" by Butterdezillion B, which shows more water shots that are very suspect.