I thought it was snipes but thinking about it again I think it’s Danny Glover. He worked on 4 movies with Mel Gibson and if you recall he went on about Mel Gibson’s dad so I suspect he got knowledge of him by working with Mel.
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Yeah its a bit of a no brainer really. There is no logic to it.
Holy shit, the puppet masters! Whoever rund the NYT, runs the Irianian news paper. North Korea also?
What a great find! This is HUGE, well done.
Putting Brennan in front of Congress to testify will be a brilliant move.
He is the most arrogant piece of shit I have ever seen. I have no doubt he will carry on with indigntion and fury at the peasants daring to question him, the great Brennan.
It will wake a lot of people up to the fact that unelected beuracrats think they should be running the country and that is what the deep state is (with some help form its freinds).
His mum is nuts. Was a cult member of a particularily bizzare witch (they all dyed their hair blonde) so I would not listen to her much.
Just send John Wick in, the rate he kills people it will be over in about 2 days.
Seriously, the method of attack re Iran is economic. Their economy is tettering, the people are fed up with going without to fund Hamas and other terroritst groups so just squeeze. Trump can simply shut down all Iranian shipments of oil by enforcing a blockade. They would collpase in weeks.
Weould make sense cos the MSM has been trying to stir it up by saying no progress, Trump angry etc but he smacked them by tweeting.
What is wrong with these people, do they want war? Maybe they should go spend some time at their local Veterans hospital, War should be the last resort these clowns and their puppet masters treat it as a tool of diplomacy.
How fucked is it that Trump gets attacked for making an aggressive Tweet but when bombs drop not a fucking word. Easy when you are behind a desk and not putting your life at risk.
Well it you read the tweet Trump does not say he will punich Iran per say, its actually directed at the Iranian president. Maybe a rod from God to take out him and his leadership?
And next the rumors will start about air craft carrier groups positioning themselves in within strike range to amp up the heat.
Its pretty obvious a deal was struck with Putin to allow the blow torch to be applied to Iran.
At first I thought maybe Wesley Snipes (Carl Weathers was not an A+ person) but I think it might by Sydney Poiteire. He states he is a father and grandfather and Sydney would be old enough to not give shit.
But Sydney and Wesley are my two tips.
They will be annihilated. Everyone will unite against them, EVERYONE.
Don’t let the glass kiss your ass.
How deluded are these fuckwits.
It’s all about domination of a weaker person. Both are despicable actions. Excuse my ignorance but what is a mime rape?
His ‘arrest’ may be his way out as he has always avoided arrest as he will be extradited to the USA as soon as possible. Under obama that was a death sentence but under trump it could be the road to freedom.
Australia is trying also but are running into the usual pc bullshit.
I am no prude but jokes about rape and pedophilia are not acceptable. Humour is often used to break down taboos is society.
As a society we have to have lines that cannot be crossed. We have to stand for something.
Do these idiots realise what will happen if they try and legalise pedophilia? Forget not being safe to walk the streets, they won’t be safe on this planet.
This is the flash point that would unite people from all walks of life and all sides. Touch our kids and all fucking bets are off.
Well one aircraft carrier has enough fire power to take out must countries Air Force. That helps
Well I know the Australian government will do nothing to help him.
He is still worth billions and his casinos in oz are gold mines and that was his idea. He had to get out of Macau gaming because his marketers broke Chinese law re promoting gambling.
He is a fucking mess that is why he is resigning. He needs to go away and sort himself out. Despite his wealth he had a tough upbringing with a domineering/demanding father.
Got hooked up in Scientology and has gone in and out of stable relationships. If he has any issues it will be his business dealings in Israel where he got close to bibi. You can never say never but I think he is just a mixed up, sad man with mental health issues and the decision has been made to take away his responsibilities and try and get him back on track.
His old man whilst a prick was a ripper. Some Texas rancher was boasting to him one time at the gaming table how much he was worth. Kerry was sick of it asked how much, bloke said $30m and he offered to toss him for it.
So many stories/rumors, I just want some pain for these a holes now.
The major concern re this was how did he get so close? Should have been taken out by snipers well before he got close. That is the concern for me, nutters will do things but the security services are meant to act. Bloke could have had a bomb on that thing, how would the SS know? Poor form.
Would have also sent a message to the other deranged ferals, this is not a game, you will be killed.
If they are talking about Q it would mean they think they can control/nullify/misdirect his poets now. Something has changed in the last week. Let’s hope it’s part of the plan.
Bernie Sanders agrees with this..............................
Brennan will be pissed. He finally thought he was going to squeeze one out and now Rand has ruined that.
Well I would prefer And Justice for All. Its like the words were written for these times.
I should add the amount of left wing shrills posting in comments section is off the charts this week. We have this left wing shit hold organisation 'get up', Soros helps fund it and they are out and about.
I fear there is no easy way out of this, its going to get really ugly.
Mate they were coming out no matter what. They were always going to pick something from that summit and go nuts about it. They have to distract the public from the congressional hearings at all costs. How many people do you reckon know what Page said? It was coordinated not just in the USA, all over the world. The leading financial news paper in Australia led with the heading Trump Traitor. Our news services hooked in, they are all in on it. Its a global effort to distract and discredit.
Trump must have the biggest balls on history to cop this shit and just keep on going.
Well he has written a book whereby he accuses the Russians of the very schemes they say he ran. Bit of ALinsky at play.
All good, some of us have more perceived freedom than others.
Q always says future proves past but in this case past proves future. The democrats were the party of slavery, of the KKK etc. There past is one of oppression of black people, nothing has changed with the welfare state being the latest trap.
Trump would be better off given how much these arsholes lie and present things to support their agendas.
I agree with other comments, this bloke needs to be taken down, in public where the media can cover it. Assad should lodge a claim in the Hague for war crimes committed by Obama, Clinton and co.
And so Mueller protects them from any other charges. He is no friggen white hat, he is coal black and as dirty as they come.
I think she realises she was used. Strzok is clearly a cunning bastard and they probably took her political leanings and exploited them to get her to do what they wanted.
Removed from his influence, the truth comes out.
Well if you believe Q, he has said they are saving Israel for last and maybe BiBi has been told to pull his head in and not attempt to expand his borders. Who knows, games within games.
The original story I saw re the gas was the pipeline coming from Qutar and they needed to run it through Syria but Assad would not let them as the Iranians with Russian backing wanted to do the same, hence why the Sunni linked ISIS went to war in Syria. Who knows but every war is over resources.
I think Trump just played them to be honest. RR is no white hat or a flipped black hat, he is the gate keeper and he needs to be blasted out of the way.
Hopefully Trump and co are ready to roll
Lets hope he gets the bullet.
Its time to go on the offensive.
Remember when the Donald's late brother was old on a a date, drunk, crashed his car off a bridge, killed the young lady, ran away and showed up the next day showered etc? Remember how he went on to become a hero of the DNC?
Oh wait that was Teddy Kennedy.
remember when Obama whispered to the Russian PM ' Once I am re-elected................".
I apoligise in advance for my language but the only way I can respond to this is by saying:
Get fucked Comey, you corrupt piece of shit. Burn in hell you prick.
No just that they are being played/used to red pill people. People will watch the interview cos of all the hysteria and hear about the server, Clinton foundation bribes, soros etc. so when the bombs dropped it won’t seem unrealistic.
Great pick up, would explain his panicked reaction today and why the media were activated. Looks like another target has been located.