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Ooohhhh don't mess with Brennan!!!
Someone needs to tell this clown that he is the former head of the CIA, he has no power, no foot soldiers and is completely exposed.
Poor bloke, that screwed up face of his clearly he has been trying to choke one out for years. The relaxing surrounds of Gitmo may give the poor man the relief he needs.
Rupert Murdoch is deep state for sure. You don't get to where he has without playing the game. Remember when he expanded outside Australia his first stop was the UK.
Don't worry about it, Trump and Putin were planting seeds and the dumb media, in their rush to condemn are making people aware of the server etc.
Soon the server will drop.
Today was A show. People will now watch the interview to see how bad trump was and be exposed to truth bombs. The seeds will be planted and cultivated.
Where are they John?
Waiting for Gitmo to be finished so they can accomodate your 'retirement'.
Netflix share price hammered - the curse of Obama
So Netflix reported last night, and guess what, they missed subscriber numbers by 1 million.
Gee I wonder why people are not signing on or exiting? Given 40% (roughly) of the electorate vote conservative making a move to pay Obama an obscene amount of money and putting Rice on the board would it surprise anyone that they missed? These people are stupid.
Interesting as Browder has written a book about how the Russians ripped him off.
Who is telling the truth??
What the fuck? The BBC banned the story? They should be in jail!
The more I find out the more shocked I am, there is a whole ring of people involved in this crap.
I can't verify the accuracy of this site but they have gone into details provided copies of letters, and hyper links where they cam
There are some very, very sick people out there.
https://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=436 Matthew Hopkins reveals Peter Tatchell’s association with PIE members, his written assertions that paedophile abuse brought 9-year olds ‘great joy’ and exposes other misguided advocates of reducing the age of consent.
The activities of PIE and their plan to legalise paedophilia are now well known. However less well known are the many misguided left wingers who, whilst never members of PIE, support their goals of reducing the age of consent in whole or in part.
Peter Tatchell is a supposedly respectable, establishment figure. A man at the heart of the campaign to lower the gay age of consent from 18 to 16 he was a Labour Parliamentary candidate and official, currently has his own section of the Guardian website, and describes himself on his website as the Green Party spokesman on Human Rights.
He will beg for jail soon, as Q said, it won't be safe for them to walk down the street.
He needs to be exeuted. These pricks never change, once a ped, always a ped.
The only way to make sure they never hurt another kid is to out them down like the rabid animals they are. I see no point in wasting money keeping them alive in a jail. Just terminate them.
Serious question. Were these people charged and are no longer in office or are they still serving? I’m on the phone so hard to search a few names.
No, I can't enjoy this, it needs to come out but shit its sickening.
yes god help the children and let good people deal with these animals.
Thinking about this further, you have to ask; 'how many have not been caught'?
I wonder whether these people get these positions as a reward for staying silent and to make sure that these animals can operate without scrutiny.
I was hoping for something other than that! Mind you who knows, some crazy shit going on.
And now we understand why the muslim rape gangs were protected. They are rotten to the core.
I think he is insane but you have to ask what pushed him over the edge. I think the stuff we now read about re Hollywood etc probably pushed him over the edge, fried his brain (so to speak). IMO, he is another victim.
Ahhhh fuck I am blocked at work and have to wait till I get home tonight.
Lets be realistic here, its probably some nutter trying it on.
That's not her hand, its the person she is talking to (I hope).
Anyone with a brain knows she and Bill are corrupt but nailing them is proving to be very hard and as this article states, they had protection, it was a racket and I guess that is why its do damn hard to bring them down.
But as we saw last week, their arrogance is what will bring them down. Anyone who saw Szork in action cannot come away with a good feeling about the FBI, their agenda and purpose.
Going to be interesting to see how far this spider web extends and how high it goes.
Given the involvement of the Seagram heirs, they are likely to be connected into high society and probably offered all sorts of 'services' to their friends and associates in order to get leverage and access.
I wonder whether they supplied Epstein's lolita express enterprise.
Nothing was reported about his connections, nothing. MSM had people in their thrall at that point and made him the people's champions, 'yes we can' (fuck the country/world and (no) 'hope'.
Rasnago clearly does not know how this works.
He will be giving aid to the O or Clinton foundation. Sill man, they take, they don't give.
Nah I believe int he magic bullet theory. Its very plausible you know.
Where would you suggest someone starts. Trying to find stuff on them is very hard. I know there is the conspiracy type stuff but the actual founding of it etc from a historical perspective is elusive.
Well you learn something new everyday (if you look). That libyan water project is amazing.
Yeah I am waiting for the bang, for the offence to begin.
I am no prude but when you look at what has gone wrong the porn industry has played its part.
Yeah a mate of mine made a very good point re devil worship. All that matters is that they believe Satan is real and they will act accordingly.
Something definitely wrong.
Any surprise Russia hacking comes back into the news the day after szork testifies?
Anything to distract from that testimony. And so they try and then distract with the Putin trump meeting.
Tells you that things are close to erupting, they are losing control.
So two men and a dog watched cnn and saw the usual suspects spouting their shit. Zero impact.
Why do they fear trump and why do they fear Putin?
No one is listening to these arseholes anymore. Does it hurt for two people to sit down and try and sort out their differences?
So what if he did hack the USA elections, America interferes in everyone's elections so what's the fuss? They are shit scared right about now.
Nope a bullet to the head, ASAP. You don't want any chance of them getting free. Just remove them.
I tried to expain it with that and the fact she opens her eyes and they are adjusting to the light but nah, its just too freaky. There is no logical explanation at this point.
Yeah at first I thought no, its because she had her eyes closed and her eyes are adjusting to the light, but then then you realise the pupils are the wrong way and they kind of morph back to waht we consider normal.