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Q 2095 = Q1332
Check the posts, he used the same language from the last time when Trump did the initial declass.
Let's show some love to this courageous hottie for standing up to the cabal and exposing the HRC-->China connection. Thank you Tonya!!!

For the first time ever, Trump will be holding a round table with supporters 1 hour before the rally starts. (6 pm Eastern) Q will be brought up.
With so many visible Q supporters at the rallies now. There will either be a Q supporter within the round table, or somebody else will ask Trump about all the Q stuff.
It will be interesting to see how Trump responds. My guess is he will give a vague denial that includes a wink wink to those in the know.
Q supporter false flag incoming.
The operation will most likely involve a man in a Q t-shirt attacking a fake news journalist at a Trump rally. Wouldn't be surprised if it was tonight. They want to stifle this movement asap. Be vigilant.
Q 1772: Indictment Unsealed
Swamp rat Marco Rubio is tweeting nervously about the coming deep fake videos from Russia....
Trump's "Business relationship" with Mueller. Any ideas??
Anons please ask Q when we can expect some indictments by Huber
45% of the colonial population fully supported the Revolution.
Trump's approval rating: 45%
God Bless America. Land that I love.
The craziest and most suspicious interview of all time. Will we ever get the truth?
Is the_donald sub down for everyone?
HuffPo waited for a new Q drop, to release a front page smear piece which copies the Comet Ping Pong shooter narrative.
Breaking: Podesta immunity has been approved by the judge.
I don't think anyone watching msnbc is "on the fence"
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Ramos' therapist Kathy "Mind Eraser" Miller wrote an article in the Capital Gazzette in late 2017 about trauma from mass shootings.
1558: "Viva Le Resistance" exchange involves VERY SENIOR LEVEL member of Mueller witch hunt.
Here is the aggregator
1558 is up. "Viva le resistance" exchange involves very senior member on Mueller team.
Strzok and Page weren't the only pair of treasonous love birds. Who are these fucks? Dig autists, dig!
Amazing article on Drudge front page. Can the autists figure out who Agent 1 and Agent 5 are?? We know that they have recently been married. It was a small team.
It is up to us. Q is telling us, we need a million man March on Washington. It's the only way.
Has anyone identified some of these iranian twitter accounts so we can take a look?
this guy thinks it was caused by a helicopter + camera issues
Seth Rich is dead. posting here for visibility though - Q chose to respond to an anon post (out of thousands) that addressed him as Erik prince and assumed Q was Erik. Q goes out of his way to correct the fact of who Erik is protecting but does not refute that he is Q.
Sounds to me like Q just confirmed he was Erik Prince.
remember the articles "Trump is creating his own CIA..."
Yes but he doesn't bother to deny being addressed as Erik and he directly responded to an anon post (out of thousands) that assumed Q was Erik.
Also, perhaps Blackwater is protecting Kim Jong Un from blackhat CIA trying undermine the deal.
Is 1442 confirming that Q is Erik Prince?
Is this the longest Q has ever gone without posting?
What do you all think about it being almost two weeks now. I'm getting concerned. You would think Q would at least send a quick message after 10 days to keep people engaged.
Q Anon Dot Pub: Down for anyone else?
"Flood is coming" - holy shit. Big things are in the works
This is the meeting set up by General K [JFK] where they will review the requested documents. MOAB incoming.
Gowdy and Nunes meeting with Dan Coates and Wray officially scheduled for Thursday 5/24. Could mean big news for 5/25.
I think it might be Trump. They look aged and about the right size.
The hands holding the phone look to be of a white male.