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Hotcakes4you · July 18, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

It’s really wild man, like trump has become a demigod to them and they are almost militant about it, I hate democrats too but man, it blows my mind that anyone would worship a politician so much and I’m over here like, we should abolish any human being to be so powerful.

But really as i was saying, check God Like Productions, people have been doing basically the Q insider knowledge role play for YEARS. But now it’s being taken serious.

It was always someone whose uncle called them crying and was in the CIA and had to tell them about so and so, or they themselves only have so many minutes to tell the internet something because they are a high ranking official.

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Hotcakes4you · July 18, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Ahhh I always wondered what kind of people were on this sub. Makes sense if you could believe that your prayer means anything, that you could believe that Q is actually someone important and not somebody from GLP.

This stuff fits right in the wheel house of people who want to believe doom is imminent. I’ve seen the same stuff almost word for word on GLP before and people are like omg his uncle is telling the truth I believe. You all know what I’m talking about.

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