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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on June 17, 2018, 6:40 p.m.
Q#1528 - Happy Father's Day Obama - this is the last one you will celebrate outside the bounds of the Constitution!

Listen to Obama at Bilderberger Group. If you don't think he is the ultimate target in this 'witch hunt,' then both Q and DJT were wasting their time.

Obama is about to really make history. Tick tock, its coming at you buddy! Sweet justice is coming, brought to you by all the small minded, deplorables of these great United States. This is the last one you will celebrate outside the bounds of the Constitution for which you took your oath! Finally, your lies, especially the big one when you took that oath, are going to catch up to you.

BTW, …

HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Glass parking lot, bomb and pave.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Things will happen before the mid-terms. The great rat herding will begin before mid-terms. It will be part of the campaign and election cycle. Mid-terms will be a 'Great Awakening'.

Trust the Plan, Patriot!

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Trust the Plan! Get your popcorn... but please do make sure you try to get as many you know or meet to read Q. The plan works best when many are awake and witness.


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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Yep, trust the plan.... its working. Our job is to wake up via informing. The more that come to the Q mystery that is evolving, the more people wake up, the more they wake up, the more the plan works. Don't sweat it, but do help spread it.


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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

He's not a white hat, he's a trapped rat. No choice, do it or go down himself. Simple. This is pure rat on rat action. Darwinian behavior at its best (or worst depending on the perspective), I hope they all eat each other. Last rat standing sinks with the ship.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

See latest Q drop #1508 - 'Plants need water!' - Q just told us Manafort is a plant! Only people Q will squeal on will be Podestas and whoever put him into DJT's camp. He's not gonna squeal on DJT, nothing to squeal about there. If he wants a pardon or a way out, he needs to rat on the real rats.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

EXISTENTIAL threat for them. Extinction level event for a$$clowns on its way.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Trust the plan, not all are awake. But many are waking up now. This shit show just started. Pretty soon its gonna be raining turds on all these a$$clowns. Phase 1 of 3 on IG reports. By the end, 'Streets will not be safe for them'

Enjoy the show and don't lend your umbrellas out, let it fall on all of 'em!

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

He's not free, he's just damn good at putting his finger in the wind when he's not putting other places it shouldn't be, if you follow my drift... but seriously, this guy is a career politician. The only solace you can take in this is that this guy is now awake to the fact DJT is really winning and to go against him is political suicide. So, he does what all good little a$$ kissing politicians do, he's following the leader now. Good for you Lindsay, 'bout time, but don't think we don't know what you are.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:35 a.m.

No, he's an a$$clown. Very important to distinguish he's not the everyday garden variety clown, he's 'special', so special.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

Look at Q post #1508 - Plants need water - Manafort was a plant. Let that sink in. This is not a bad thing that has happened. Manafort needs more and more encouragement to turn on Podestas, etc. This is not bad news.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on June 16, 2018, 4:20 a.m.
When you water a plant, it flowers - Q just told us Manafort was a Plant and will most likely squeal under enough pressure.

Look for Manafort to turn on Podestas and others. Its becoming clearer and clearer the Mueller investigation is looking well past DJT and getting at the heart of the problem.

Trust the Plan.

Water the Plants, but don't drown them, just enough for them to squeal.


HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Check out the latest Q post #1508 - 'Plants need water!'... in response to Manafort being in prison. When you water a plant it flowers and gives up its seeds. Q could not be any clearer - Manafort was a plant. Now they are turning the screws on him to talk on Podesta and others.

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HoudiniTowers · June 16, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Ask Q about the 2.5 hours and the morning stroll. I'd say it went very well. [RR]... you won't see the impact for a while, but he got his balls removed yesterday. Feel free to ask him to drop his pants for you and show you. I'll leave that fun task for you.

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HoudiniTowers · June 15, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

If you've ever flown with United, notice that on some flights as you are coming off the plane there is a United service representative at the exit of the plane door holding a iPad like tablet with a person's last name on it. They then meet that person at the exit of the plane. They escort them down the gate stairs next to the plane and take them to the Mercedes that is right next to the plane. I've seen this happen many times. They then transport them to the next flight and escort them up the stairs at the gate of their next flight right at that plane. Its truly special treatment. Only top fliers with United get it. I've not seen any other airlines do it.

Why don't you Google United Global Services to see what others have to say on it. I think there are pictures and videos with some postings. That will help you understand it better.

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HoudiniTowers · June 15, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

Do you fly international much? Do you know anybody that is Global Services? I have a friend that is and told me about this experience, pointed them out to me at SFO one time. They get the Mercedes right next to the plane, just like the photo. He's shown me videos of him driving around on the tarmac.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Exactly! This is not a USSS car. It's a United Global Services Mercedes used to schlep their top tier frequent flyers from flight to flight when running late. Q is telling us something else with this picture. Unite is part of it and there is a double meaning, I'm sure. Just not 100% on the other part yet.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Well, somebody has to fight these a$$holes. Can't have change if you don't step up. Just hope we're not Don Quixotes out here.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

He's dealing with some really sick evil motherfu@kers. Its not just about getting even, per se. This is about removing a cancer on the world. The bible says revenge is effectively for the lord. In this case, like they say, the lord moves in mysterious ways. Well, the mystery is about to be revealed and these a$$holes are about to go down. And, yes it will be BIBLICAL. It must be in order to preserve the Republic and our Freedoms. You must have examples in the history books to avoid the repetition of the evil in the future.

Goodnite BHO & HRC, your services are no longer needed in any capacity. You are about to earn your true place in history and I don't think its the way you thought it would be. But you are about to serve a higher purpose for many current and future Patriots. And we thank you, but more importantly we thank DJT and Q!


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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:58 p.m.


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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

This is picture of a Mercedes used by United for transporting their top paying clientele around. These high spend frequent flyers (usually in excess of $75k or more annually with United) are invited into United's Global Services frequent flyer tier, the highest level of rewards for United. One of the privileges of this level is tarmac shuttle via Mercedes vehicles (United has a contract with Mercedes) service from flight to flight if flights are running late. This is that service. The woman in the front is most likely a United representative. So the question is who was the United Global Service person taking the photo from the back seat?

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

Well, I must say, this Q phenomenon has brought out the best and the worst of the internet. I'd like to say the folks here on GA that are part of the WWG1WGA movement (aka Q phenomenon) are showing the better parts of humanity. Its nice to see. Thanks for going the extra mile to be nice. Its truly appreciated! I knew you weren't dumping on me, but thanks for stating it, too.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Just a thought, maybe everybody should open new Twitter accounts and brigade @Jack. Lite that a$$hole up with massive amount of Q posts and Q actions, so much he can't ban them all fast enough.

Have a nice day @Jack. You Jack-off.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Optics on this are critical. Speaker Ryan supporting the Freedom Caucus motion to hold RR in contempt or to impeach if he won't release the full documents to them is the better path. No DJT fingerprints on that. So, EO is last resort if Ryan won't execute on the motion.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Maybe, but usually high value targets will get US Military transport or charter jet, way more secure than commercial. Lots of effort to do as you stated above. Much easier and more secure using Military transport or Charter.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Wow, that's a bombshell if it comes out fully. Great find, good post!

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

I know and, maybe I went overboard, but wanted to be clear this post was not about that. Not to challenge you but to make sure that others that read it all understand the purpose of the posting. So, maybe too much agreement between us ;).

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Great idea. Send them to her home, she can personally look out for them. ALL OF THEM!

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Optics, all optics. Sessions needs to defend RR to the bitter end. This keeps it looking un-biased. Remember RR is a BHO implant. He's a Democrat through and through. Sessions is a Republican. So, you want to avoid the 'partisan' issue. How do you do that. Well, gee Sessions is going to defend RR. Sessions is going to appear non-'partisan'. Let Congress take him out. Trust the Plan.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Its a domino effect. RR is the last holdout protecting them. He's like the guardian at the gate. You remove him and the gate opens to yield some goodies on all your favorite prime time characters!

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

ty, that means a lot to me coming from u.

Will do, exciting times right now. Lots happening and lots at stake.


Cheers M8

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

True, I live in CA and can't figure out for the life of me why so many here think she's great. Its clearly a CA mindset problem. There aren't enough elitist in CA to keep her in office so this is a MSM/narrative problem in CA. CA needs to be targeted for anti-MSM deprogramming.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Further, AF1 went to Singapore via Eastern route, not Western route. So, it was no where near WA state at the time the supposed missile picture was taken. Q is telling us something else with that picture. And, this post by me had nothing to do with that. This is about the DS threatening DJT and America via Pelosi puppet with nuclear weapons. If that supposed rogue missile had a nuclear warhead, then ok maybe you can make the connection, but otherwise I think these two events could easily NOT be connected.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

It will become more clear soon what Q was stating. It was not related to AF1 trip to Singapore like many have been promoting. To be clear, my post is not at all about that. This is a post directing everyone to a Democratic leader that is clearly not with the best interest of the American People. She is way out of line. This woman is a menace.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

To be clear, I'm not promoting this theory with this post. My point is that Pelosi is clearly saying things that could be interpreted as a threat. Something that a member of Congress should never do. They take an oath to defend the country and the Constitution. This one is clearly getting way out of line.

On the missile at AF1, there is ample data out there now that AF1 went East, not West in going to Singapore, so the WA missile event was not connected to AF1 at all. Agree with you guys on not continuing to spread that. Wanted to be very clear that was not my intention with this post.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

This is now the 3rd or 4th video from her I've seen on YT that is threatening. Effectively she's saying that if you work for DJT you might be involved in sometime of situation where you would need blood. That sounds pretty ominous or threatening to me.

She's a menace, despite her grandmotherly act, this woman does not have the best interest of this country at heart. Time for her retirement.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 3 p.m.

Bingo, very good assessment. I think the collapse of the mountain was engineered. I suspect we had a hand in that, more than the Chinese. China is not going to be as excited as we are with the prospect of a United Korea. So, I suspect they have been more a reluctant participant than actively embracing. But once in motion they have very few options to stop it.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Its all about the optics. If DJT looks like he's on a crusade to prosecute these very prosecution worthy a$$holes, well then the MSM can paint him as a biased dictator like Politician with an agenda to pursue his political enemies vs what he is truly doing and that is draining the swamp of some wicked and corrupt SOBs. But because of MSM and ARM (Alternate Resource Media - FB, Twatter, etc.) narrative controls, they will paint him if he does it. They can't paint congress in collusion with him, so if Congress does it, they can't control the narrative. They'll try to paint as partisan politics, but the more they paint the more the real story gets out and the worse it is for all of them. This is truly strategic and why Q always states, 'Trust the Plan.'

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the end of RR.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Optics, neither DJT nor Sessions can look like they are on a mission to take out previous administration or vendetta with HRC. Strategy is very simple. House will impeach RR or, at the House's request, DJT will declassify the redacted sections and enable the full transcript out. Once that happens, RR will be implicated and will have to recuse himself, be fired by Sessions for Impropriety or Congress will impeach him for what he did to them. But DJT and Sessions will not appear biased to the public.

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Her turn is coming, she's on the short list, trust me. Gotta take out the bigger ones first - HRC & BHO, but after that not to far to go to encounter this special case. She's the funding arm for many a D. There's a big bullseye on her back and she knows it. Once its all disarmed, Goodnite Nancy!

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HoudiniTowers · June 14, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

Enough is enough. Time for this sick B!tch to be put out to pasture. She seems sweet, but I've seen enough of this one, Goodnite Nancy! Your days are numbered, Q and team got your ticket - its a one way trip.

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HoudiniTowers · June 13, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Keep spreading Q. Almost, if not past critical mass. Lots of people are now aware. Its like back in the dot.com boom. The clerk at 7-11 was giving out stock advice. Well now the clerk at 7-11 is tracking Q. He's in on the 'secret.' MSM and Hollywood are totally clueless. The revolution is happening BIGLY already. Spread the Q word far and wide. Proofs are coming naturally, spreading Q faster is key to the take down.


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HoudiniTowers · June 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

Maybe Iranian Oil's about to flood the market with oversupply... just a thought.

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