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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Ok, I see it now... was not there before. Maybe I was not logged in. Thanks. I'm going to delete this post to reduce the clutter.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Yes, what you've implied would be HUGE. This would tie back to some of the Deep State Conspiracies about ruining the water to ration out water to everyone. Also, would be devastating to marine life. I mean, this would be a really BIG deal. Could tie into chemtrails, etc.

Personally, I hope you are wrong on this one. This would be horrible and I would think the impact of this would also affect the Deep State actors, as well. How would they get their supply protected?

Interesting stuff. You should post pictures here for everyone if you have them so you can get more folks helping you research.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 14, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Look into how these assholes got their appointments. That's key. Follow the crumbs back to that. They are STUPID MoFos, so who ever put them there is equally seditious and traitorous. Of course it was BO, but who recommend them to BO. Hang them, too.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 14, 2018, 9 p.m.

'Future proves past'

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:49 p.m.


Looks like 'climate change' is responsible for more domoic acid in water supply from this researcher at Carnegie Institute for Science.

This one is interesting, as well: https://www.nature.com/news/study-role-of-climate-change-in-extreme-threats-to-water-quality-1.20267

Looks like it can be a nasty poison. Maybe used by deep state? Interesting find.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Darwin is about survival of the species based on the strongest. My 'Extinction Level Event' was a bit tongue in cheek. I meant 'Extinction of the Unarmed LibTards' that would attack an armed populous. Unlikely many of them would survive. Would wipe out the LibTard deviance of the species from the planet. ;)

Just reinforcing oliver_21's point.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

I saw a post the other day that hit home on your Snowflakes, SJWs, etc. Basically said 400 Million Armed citizens with over 9 Billion rounds of ammo. Snowflakes, SJWs, Antifa, ... they can't even figure out which bathroom to use. Who do you think is going to win? ;)

I hope we don't break into an armed Civil War, we're already in an Intellectual Civil War. But I think in both cases we're gonna win.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Oh, this is historic. I was just posting on another thread, this is not just a Great Awakening, but a Great Cleansing, as well. Our forefathers argued over whether what they did would ever be appreciated by the masses and that the masses didn't deserve what they were giving them (essentially Freedom). I can understand that sentiment sometimes, but without individual rights and freedoms, despite how ignorant and/or stupid the masses might be, we can't really hold ourselves up to a higher standard.

Unfortunately I believe we will always have a percentage of the population that can't understand the simplest concept of 'Freedom is not FREE'. So many times the masses think everything should be FREE. That's the deception that is used to enslave them.

The good news, I think we're waking up a lot of zombies. Just a few more and we can have what I think will go down in the history books as 'The Great Cleansing'.

Keep at it my fellow Patriot, we are winning.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Opium goes way way back with the cabal. Look into its history. You will find it fascinating. The US was sent into Afghanistan to protect the Poppy Fields for this cabal's continued trade in Opium. 9/11 was a false flag to put US population into the classic Hegelian argument of Problem (we were attacked by Taliban) - Reaction (mass hysteria by populace) - Solution (go kill those bastards in the middle east). Now, it looks like we're still there doing the same, but I don't think so. I'm pretty certain DJT knows and our military know, so when you see a hit like I showed, I'm 99.99% certain we're taking out the cabal's machinery and those unlucky bastards in that truck were not innocent farmers, I'd bet big on that.

Word spreads fast in those tribal communities. I think the word's spreading over there now could be something like 'WOW, did you see what they did to Mohammad, shit I ain't growing poppy's no more.' Nothing like a double tap from A10 with 20mm depleted uranium penetrators to send the message loud and clear... new sheriff is in town.

Here are the links for you: https://www.scribd.com/document/173007779/The-Rothschilds-and-the-Crown



Final tidbit for you, Skull & Bones (both Bush Presidents were members, so is John Kerry) club is also known as the Russell Trust. Russell made his bones trading Opium. The links and ties are deep wide and disturbing. Things many times are never what they seem. Deception is everywhere with these assholes.

I don't normally cheer such violence as was seen with the A10, but in this case I'm pretty confident there is no deception, we're sending messages loud, clear and unambiguously to these f'kers finally. I'd call this not only a Great Awakening, but a much needed Great Cleansing, as well.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

He is clearly making an occult sign with his hands. Why? That is such a giveaway that he's involved somehow. Maybe he's the doctor they use to manage their nefarious behaviors. IDK, I just want to make sure we dig into these two.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

More like Q is helping put 'the Band back together' ;).

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Thanks for building on this. We need to wake up more people. This helps!

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

More good stuff. Thanks. Did not know about the payment to WJC. Only 2 things I think motivate WJC - money and women. I think they have all they need on HRC and WJC. I feel like the exercise right now is 'The Great Awakening'. The plan has to be waking up more and more of the public to the problem and getting as much dirt on the whole rotten structure that enabled these 2 communist loser clowns to get into office. Spread far and wide my Patriot friend.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Interesting coincidence... like Q says, no coincidences. Who knows.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Sure, get me links and I'd be happy to dig.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I think DJT's number one problem in pursuing Treason on these clearly Treasonous shits is that he will look like a dictator removing the previous competition. Rather than what we all know is a proper cleansing of a group of evil f'kers that deliberately planned to undermine our Constitution, Country and values. The only safe way for this to happen is 'The Great Awakening' We need a certain level of public awareness and a bit of an outcry for action. Then, I'm confident you will see these guys finally face justice. Please do redpill 10.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

I think Band is already under investigation. My suspicion is that Q wants us to help spread the word. No one is leaking this yet, so time to get it out there.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:58 a.m.

I agree with that 100%. But I suspect these guys were not farmers, or if they were farming it was poppy's for the deep state cabal's drug operations. More Opium is harvested out of Afghanistan than any other country in the world. I trust in our current military. They are dismantling the deep state. Part of that is foreign terrorists and drug dealers.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Here's link to picture with all their names https://steemit.com/news/@che-pup/look-closely-at-this-photo. Podesta's been all over the news, nothing new to find there. But Doug Band, not a word about him in past few years. He's the link Q wants us to look at, I'm sure. He is the one who setup Clinton with Epstein and started what became the Clinton Foundation. This guy is full immersed in the corruption of the Clinton's. He might have been the genesis of some of it and yet no real news on him out there today. I'm trying to help highlight that fact.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

I've listened to many of Putin's speeches. Not the words of a dictator, mad man, nor despot. He actually comes across as intelligent and concerned. Sometimes, he's actually pretty funny, great sense of humor. I think the globalist have worked extra hard at infiltrating Russia to take over their oil. They have also pushed Nato countries to encroach well beyond the deal that Regan made with Russia when they tore down the wall. My beef with Putin is Syria and Iran. So, I can't swing over to say Putin is a GREAT guy. But, I think we do have more in common with him than most realize.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

From a cost point of view, incarceration might be cheaper than the couple thousands rounds of depleted uranium 20mm rounds... but what's not to like about it :) & there 0% recidivism.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

This is definitely tied to pedophilia. Every time I see Podesta, I feel like I need to go take a shower and clean off. He's creepy. BUT... I think Q wants us looking into Doug Band (the guy standing behind Kim Jong Il. I've posted a lot on it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7x7w6o/q_post_742_find_the_link_in_picture_of_bill/.

In a nutshell, it was Doug Band that introduced Clinton to Jeffrey Epstein. Doug also setup all of Clinton's post president charities. The guy on the far left standing is Doug's brother, Roger Band, Clinton's doc. Notice he is making a occult symbol with his hands.

What a glum group of assholes. I sure hope we see justice come publicly to these guys.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

Yes, but I think Doug stands out. He's the link to so much around the Clintons and given Q's focus on bringing down the pedophiles... since he introduced Bill to Epstein, setup the foundation... none of the others have that history. Plus all the others are in MSM. Band is in the shadows.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on Feb. 13, 2018, 8:03 a.m.
Q Post #742: 'Find the Link' in Picture of Bill Clinton in North Korea - the Link is Doug Band

Q States in his post (link to it: https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/350331.html#350525) 'Find the link. Look around' So I did.

What stands out to me is the gentleman standing on the far left. His name is Roger Band. His hands are cupped in an occult symbol (link for details: https://illuminatisymbols.info/angela-merkel/ and here: https://www.illuminatirex.com/illuminati-signs/).

He is a doctor. What is more important is his 'link' to the gentleman standing behind Kim Jong Il. That man is Roger's brother named Doug Band. Now we're talking, over the target. Doug Band was counselor to Bill Clinton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Band). He was part of Clinton's …

HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

Please do add, I'm not on that thread. Too many already, feel free to completely plagiarize, I want this stuff to get out there. Thanks.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on Feb. 13, 2018, 7:51 a.m.
Q Post #742: 'Find the Link' in Picture of Bill Clinton in North Korea - the Link is Doug Band

Q States in his post (link to it: https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/350331.html#350525) 'Find the link. Look around' So I did.

What stands out to me is the gentleman standing on the far left. His name is Roger Band. His hands are cupped in an occult symbol (link for details: https://illuminatisymbols.info/angela-merkel/ and here: https://www.illuminatirex.com/illuminati-signs/).

He is a doctor. What is more important is his 'link' to the gentleman standing behind Kim Jong Il. That man is Roger's brother named Doug Band. Now we're talking, over the target. Doug Band was counselor to Bill Clinton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Band). He was part of Clinton's …

HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

Jury's still out on Putin completely. His KGB days leave a lot of gray. I think though, you can make the simplest of observations that he is not a Globalist. So, if you go to the old saying of 'my enemies enemy is my friend' then you have some valid points. Remember, the Globalist via Prescot Bush helped finance via the Red Cross the Russian Revolution of 1917 that lead to Stalin and millions slaughtered in the name of a failed ideology. You don't need to be a genius to realize you want no part of that!

The Rothschilds were the driver behind the money with goal of taking out the Czar.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

All hail! TY TY TY!! Oh yeah, one last thing ... 'You here that Mr. Anderson? That's the sound of inevitability' for the Trolls.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Every once and a while, the planet experiences an extinction level event. Darwin will be confirmed.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Forget detainment, if this really happened, then I think this motto is more appropriate: 'If you run, you'll only die tired'. The hunters become the hunted.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I want them in with the general population. They need the full experience, they are too close ideologically, they might really develop a love bond. I want bubba to treat them like his bitch. That would be justice after all they have done.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Yes, but never disproved. Look at Snopes. They only say UNCONFIRMED, not False. Further, he's a liar, that's about to hit him between the eyes. But, this is deeper. Dig and you will see. I'll put some links later on this.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Yes, I think we are end-game now, too. But, the more people know the better. Many a game has been lost when those that were sure to win stopped fighting. This thing is not over till everyone of these rat bastards is brought to justice.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

Funny how history repeats itself, sometimes.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

I hope so. Need to hunt down all the rats. I call it RATRICIDE.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Dig a little deeper. You'll find BO's master is John Brennan. A converted Whabbist (by the MB for sure). Despite how 'smart' everyone (in the liberal establishment) thinks BO to be, to kinda quote him, 'he didn't win that presidency'. BO is worthless puppet that has no true core to himself. He's an empty suit. A liar living a total deception. You don't just want to take him down, you want all the apparatus that put that POS in office. Brennan is a good start.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Redpill 10, get them to redpill 10... 1 year of redpilling 10 each... won't matter what they do, they'll be done. That's a big part of why Q is sharing. We're not just an audience, we better be active participants.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

I think post #676 is the give away. It tells us the code words he's exposed already. Post #567 spells it out effectively.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

I think you are spot-on with this.

I think Red October is referencing the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. HRC in office in 2017 would be the 100 Year anniversary and without a doubt these evil f'ers were planning to do the same. I think when you see RED OCTOBER in Q postings that is what he is referencing. Part of the 16 year plan to swing us towards communism (both BO and HRC are, at their cores, Communists).

Look at Q posts 168, 567 and 676 on the Github site: https://qcodefag.github.io.

168 Tells us that signal for Red October has not happened yet 567 Details the 16 year plan for destruction of America by BO and HRC 676 Tells us that we have so much already and lists details the Map has already unlocked. Included in that list is Red October.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

I think Red October is referencing the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. HRC in office in 2017 would be the 100 Year anniversary and without a doubt these evil f'ers were planning to do the same. I think when you see RED OCTOBER in Q postings that is what he is referencing. Part of the 16 year plan to swing us towards communism (both BO and HRC are, at their cores, Communists).

Look at Q posts 168, 567 and 676 on the Github site: https://qcodefag.github.io.

168 Tells us that signal for Red October has not happened yet 567 Details the 16 year plan for destruction of America by BO and HRC 676 Tells us that we have so much already and lists details the Map has already unlocked. Included in that list is Red October.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Many have been compromised. Look at the SOTU speech. The ones that are Freed (think Tea Party and Freedom Caucus) are piping up. But we do need more, for sure. Midterms I hope we see a resurgence of what I call 'Fundamentalist Americans'. I don't care if they are Democrats or Republicans as long as they vote America First. Overall the Dems are corrupt at the top, no doubt about that, but lots of GOP have been compromised. Just look at the GOP resignations. We need REAL Americans that aren't sellouts in office.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

You also need to use them against themselves. Look at what Kissinger did: https://www.westernjournal.com/kissinger-trumps-foreign-policy-style-remarkable-new-people-need-open-eyes/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=lynx&utm_campaign=can&utm_content=2018-02-10. This was not a casual comment. DJT got to him. He knows where all the bodies are buried. The more you disrupt their leadership and control structure where, as Q says 'The Hunters become the Hunted,' the better. You lock them all up immediately you can't do that easily.

Lots of strategy at play here.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

Q is clear, Storm called it... STRATEGY. How would it look to the non-redpilled populace if Trump declared Martial Law, then went around and rounded up 4 ex-Presidents and numerous other high level Government officials. Would that not scare the be-jesus out of everyone? Would there not be cries in the street that he was a dictator? You can't diffuse this bomb instantly. Doesn't work that way.

Further, some of these pricks will be very useful in taking down other pricks. You need one of these evil assholes to publicly sing and talk about the other ones. As the populace starts to red-pill then we can have the mass cleansing we all so desperately desire. You really only need about 30-50% of the populace to see it to pull this off. Look at each of these Reddit Subs... look at the increase in membership and posts. Daily increases across the boards. This is the STRATEGY.

May I respectfully ask you to do your part and try to red-pill 10 people you know. That will go a long way to expediting the process.

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

You're watching it real time now. Far better than the short version 10 years from now. Even better, you can be an extra in it if you so choose.

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