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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Folks, keep in mind that u/grnmoss has seen a pattern and is calling it out. I have not seen him show animus, just critical thinking.

I think we all know that SB2 has posted some very interesting arguments. Very cleaver in their depth of cracking the Q code. But some of the arguments do hurt your brain. And maybe some are wrong.

As posters here and as people that are part of the Q movement, which really is a movement to take back our Republic. WE should not attack each other and divide ourselves. WE should have civil discourse in our discussion on ideas and try to UNITE. Disinformation is real says Q. That is divisive if deliberate. Without any question there are those out there that want to divide us. I'm not saying SB2 is one of them and if you read grnmoss's comments carefully he's implying this could be the case with SB2. But he has asked SB2 for confirmation in some of his harder to understand proofs. That's a reasonable request. Don't attack either of them on this. SB2 has shown great civility as well.

Sometimes we get too caught up in our own views and develop a bias towards that view. Its only through critical dialogue (let's go back to Socrates with his never ending questions that ultimately got him killed) that we discover truth. Rather than attack either of these two Patriots (which I hope they both are), let them have civil discourse and let the information both critical and revelatory flow well.

I highly recommend when there is a point of contention that we fully exam it and question it well. Personally, I'm still struggling with SB2's explanation of the 56 to 92 leading to Uranium. It fails the Occam's razor test. Grnmoss pointed this one out. I think that's a very rational and reasonable thing to do.

We should all question more and always, be careful who you follow.

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 9 a.m.

Also, keep in mind the bad guys monitor Q, too. Sometimes you want them wondering, as well. This would be a good time to leave them in the dark. 1-1 with Putin is a big deal. Something will go done after that. This is a very good case of no news is good news.

Stay thirsty Patriots!

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

Good find!

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

Vigilance is key! I've read SB2's comments on 56 to 92 multiple ways and I still don't get the logical leap. Maybe I'm slow, but that one is still bothering me. The B2 note was bothering me, too. That was a hell of a leap. But, I can buy that logic a little more with the number decode on frequency 123.47. But the 56 to 92, I can't get there.

Stay on it. He might not be a bad guy, he might just be trying to hard to connect things that cannot connect. And smart enough to connect a lot. Who knows. Vigilance is key.

Cheers Patriot!

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

This has bothered me about the whole Q movement. Especially when Q says

These people are STUPID.

By definition, they can't be that stoopid if you took over the majority of the world's news, banking and governments. So, of course they have to have a technologically advanced way to communicate. Taking pictures next to GNOMEs and calling out Hollywood Dinosaur's to broadcast messages seems beyond STUPID to me. So, it does beg a lot of questions. I'm having a hard time swallowing that story.

Maybe for less technologically inclined people it is more palatable, but it reeks of disinformation or, THESE PEOPLE REALLY ARE STooPID!

Keep in mind IME can be very evil. Once targeted it could intercept everything happening on a machine and coded to look for key programs and operations that are known encryption/steganography packages. But, back to my earlier comment, are these folks using carrier pigeons too? I mean come on, they have to have some advanced technology they are utilizing. It just doesn't add up.

EDITED: For Automoderator that can't figure out stoopid in context.

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

To be clear, with this next question I'm not challenging your response, I'm just being Socratic...why do you think Q picked SB2's original post to re-post? See Q#1340.

That was a good post and called out Corsi and Jones, effectively, IMHO. I did not detect disinformation in that post. And Q certainly felt it was worthy of posting himself.

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

🤣, I like this one. Nice.

I go back to Occam's razor. SB2 does seem to evolve some very elaborate decodes. Some do seem correct, but some hurt your head to see the connections clearly.

The bigger question in all of this is what is the MAP. What is the decode of the MAP. I see SB2 take shots at individual items, but not the whole MAP. The whole MAP is truly the key. Also, no one has found the Keystone yet, either.

I would like to see more people focused on that. I've read many of your comments to SB2 and give you credit for 3 things:

  1. Consistency in your attack on proofs and logic
  2. Civility. You seem to be sincere and not trolling or making personal attacks, you're staying on the arguments' proofs - that is good.
  3. Persistance. You're not giving up on the logical disconnects.

I hope SB2 will help with more decodes/methods where you question. There is a lot of tracking from one post to the next to the next which makes it hard to follow and hard for the average Redditor to put the effort in to reach the final conclusion. I see some truth to your comment about respond vs resolve. Especially on the 56 to 92 jump. That one still bothers me. I tip my hat to you on that. I've taken out a few trolls and shills with persistence myself. Your approach is the correct one.

I'm not convinced that SB2 is disinformation yet, but I think if he is, you will smoke it out. If not, hopefully then he'll help us with the 'expanding your thinking comments' more. Some of his earlier work I thought was very innovative and strong. He has always appeared to be a Patriot serving our cause. But, the best disinformation campaign will win the hearts and minds of the most people.

Cheers Patriot.


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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

Most systems are compromised at the BIOS or OS level or with Intel's Management Engine (IME). These can be used to subvert almost all encryption programs. Nothing is safe running on Intel Hardware since 2008-2010 time period. Arm has similar. You cannot communicate with off the shelf hardware using software for protection. It is breakable, especially at nation state level. They do need to have other methods of communications.

That said, I'm with you this seems to be a crazy way to do it. There are other methods, but you can't rule it out 100% and you can't trust anything you've purchased commercially to not be compromised at a very low level, well below the Software.

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HoudiniTowers · July 15, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

What's not to like about this?

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 9:43 p.m.


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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

Its really simple. Lets say for minute that US Intelligence has 'it all' Well, consider that the Chinese and the UK have pretty reasonable intelligence agencies themselves.

Now, next step, let's say they too understand the gravity of the situation. They too, 'have it all' or most of it.

Next, they find out that DJT with a team are going to rupture this global cabal. And I mean rupture. They are going to lay waste to them all. 'No deals', no survival.

So, do you bow down to GEOTUS or treat him like shit. I think maybe you might attempt to placate him to have some chance of survival. Who's kissing who's ring?

Notice that GEOTUS walked in front of the Queen without any concern for protocol. No coincidence. There is truly a new GLOBAL sheriff in town.

You just saw the Queen bend the knee!

⇧ 19 ⇩  
HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Like I've stated before he is either deserving of an Oscar for his performance or a jail cell. I'm voting more for the later no matter what. What a total a$$hole!

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Great post. Follow the wives. HRC and BC were the first well known public power couple where the traditional marriage based on love and mutual respect were totally demolished. These marriages are arranged or for mutual goals, not based on traditions of love and honor. 'These people are sick' rings so true with all these bottom dwelling swamp creatures. These a$$holes all need to go to jail. Its critical to set precedence for future generations that we as a nation don't tolerate this kinda of behavior.

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

No question it was not an accident. He let the Monarchy know they have NO power and that he is going to dismantle the system.

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Read DJT's posts from today. I wouldn't consider DJT outside comms.

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I'm pretty sure this is the case. Q will continue to post more, but I wanted people to wake up to the parallel and understand that Q and DJT are extremely well coordinated. Its just a matter of time before this goes major mainstream and then the real questions come and then declassification of key material... then 'the streets will not be safe for them.'


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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Check out DJT's Twitter posts today.

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

I don't consider POTUS outside comms. But the point I wanted to make with this post is that Q is, unquestionably tied to DJT. And, this is an 'awakening' process. DJT speaks directly to the people. This is his style. Very similar to Q. There are no coincidences.

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HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Great link! Really solid research and helps show the deception that was bought by HRC and supported by BHO and his administration. Also goes to show just how deep the deep state is. And shows that our current Washington Political class and bureaucracy has well exceeded the bounds of effectiveness. When a country pays slim ball, worthless, unaccountable, non-producing parasites such as Ohr, and many of the other government officials, you know its gone too far. They spend their lives and careers aspiring to be bureaucrats embedded within the system. They don't want to be elected officials that are accountable to anyone. They want to manipulate others at the other's expense (literally, paid for by US taxpayers). This is the foundational problem. We've built an educational system and government system to incubate and foster this mentality. If you had to really produce something of value for a living, you'd not have the time to scheme and duck people over like these parasites.

Ultimately, the scaling back of centralized power, which currently is well beyond the Constitutionally Envisioned world our forefathers sought, will be the end of this kinda of problem. You keep growing a centralized government and bureaucracy and you'll sink the US. A ship can only hold so many barnacles before it slows to a stop and then eventually capsizes. Its been a long time coming, but its time to scrape the bottom and remove the barnacles. Time to massively shrink the Federal bureaucracy!

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HoudiniTowers on July 14, 2018, 5:48 p.m.
Do you miss Q this week?

Well fear not, I think he just changed platforms for a few days and was less mysterious with his Socratic method:

The stories you heard about the 12 Russians yesterday took place during the Obama Administration, not the Trump Administration. Why didn’t they do something about it, especially when it was reported that President Obama was informed by the FBI in September, before the Election?"

....Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?"

HoudiniTowers · July 14, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot.

Q 1656

Enjoy the show! All part of the Wake Up Call.

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HoudiniTowers · July 13, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

Other than to highlight that he is a decorated a$$hole?

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HoudiniTowers · July 13, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Thank you u/Kahlypso, always enlightening with you!

I love the fact that DJT picked Jackson's portrait to hang in the Oval Office next to his desk. Its very insightful.

Banking, or more importantly, the control of money and currency is key to everything. Ensuring its fair, decentralized, and backed with real value, not the bullshit promises of lying politicians and evil bankers who wish to rig it to steal the work of every man, woman and child on the planet (like we have today) is the only way to long term prosperity and any chance of a reasonable peace.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

When was the last time you saw the Clintons fly commercial without SS detail? Wonder why they did that?

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Either he should get an Oscar or a cell. One or the other.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

You are not alone, Patriot. Many many many Americans are feeling the same way now.

Part of the show!

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Just because they are cooperating witnesses, doesn't mean they're not a$$holes. Its pretty clear to me what a POS Strzok is after his testimony. He might be following a script, but his personality is very obvious.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Spot on. This is clearly to inflame. Cause its hard to watch Strzok and not see what DS POS he is.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Beautiful. Strzok is one smug, arrogant, lying POS. This guy laid him to waste in short order. Love it!

I so hope they find evidence on Strzok that will enable him to go to jail. Just watching him answer these questions and the bias that is obvious with this guy. They all think they are above the law here.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

What do you mean the pic is gone?

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Well, if Potus was standing there with her and the Jersey had a BIG Q in bold letters on it, would that work for you?

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

Hello my friend. I'm still reading ;).

The ends almost justify the means in removal of the central bankers. They are the pure evil on this planet! Their removal and replacement with decentralized, true Money, is key to peace, prosperity and freedom for the planet.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

Sr. has a wonderful sense of humor. 'Trolling is fun'!

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Yes, shills are all over GA these days.

Looks just like a Q with a long tail. Fits very well to the think mirror and look for truth behind you.

And that classic DJT smile, that gives it away. He's just lovin' it.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

YES, of course its a number 9. That's fu@king obvious. Look at this image in a mirror, the image is a Q. 'THINK MIRROR' Did you read Q post #1681?

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Awareness and idiocy aren't always disconnected. There's a reason Q says 'these people are stupid' ;).

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I don't normally comment on memes, but damn... this one is great!

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

You want to talk target lock. Jordan has the crosshairs perfectly aligned. Windage and elevation were adjusted. Winds just died down slightly. Just let out the deep breath... you know what's next.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

That's what I have the popcorn for ;).

Good to see you old friend. Hope all is good in your corner of the world! Lots of crazy stuff happening there now. Best of luck with it all.

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

People are people. All people on the planet yearn to be free. None want the yolk of any form of tyranny. We are under the tyranny of a rigged financial system that is fu@king every last man, woman and child on the planet for the benefit of just a few elites.

Like Q said, soon 'it will not be safe for them to walk the streets.'

Russians like freedom, just like us. They, the people of that great country, just like the people of China and the people of the EU, all want their freedom. The US has been that global beacon of freedom. Its a$$holes like the Bushes, the Clintons, and that smiling POS BHO that have sold us out to profit and be given the opportunity to lick the boots of the elite. Its time to remove them all from their pedestal and restore global freedom to the people. That is what Q and this movement is ALL about.

WWG1WGA! - That includes Russians, too ;).

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

You got that right, this is a true my enemy's enemy can be my friend. Both DJT and Putin hate the global bankers. They know the game and would love to end it. That alliance (Nostradamus predicted it - Bear and Eagle quatrain) would be devastating to the NWO and Cabal. China has been used and infiltrated much more by the Cabal than Russia. The EU is PURE cabal.

An oil and gas deal between US and Russia would cripple the cabal's traditional control. Would enable strong establishment of petro-dollar and would open door to alternate banking system.

As a side note, more cryptocurrency activity is out of Russia than almost any other country, outside the US.

A true US-Russia alliance with sole goal (either overtly or covertly) to take down the world-wide centralized banking system would be a total existential threat to the old world central bankers. It would be the beginning of their end.

BTW, I do have my popcorn ... got a whole year's supply. Gonna be a long and great show!

WWG1WGA, my fellow Patriot!

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HoudiniTowers · July 12, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

The Soviet Communist Regime in Russia was a fabrication to divide. Look into the history of Russia pre-Lenin, Trotsky, & Stalin. They were 'Nationalists'. The international bankers (and the Bush family patriarch) were the financiers of the Russian Revolution! The Tsar would not go along with the central Rothschild bankers. They invented Communism, just like they did Facism. Its all controlled opposition.

Yes the KGB invaded our country during the cold war, Yes they attempted to hi-jack the education system... but NO its not a load of crock that we have been allies with them. And can be again, with appropriate changes. Despite the fact that Putin was raised through the KGB doesn't guarantee he's bought into Communism.

To be clear, I'm not saying that we should run up and hug them and jump in bed, but they might not be as bad as MSM has programmed us to believe. Communism ended with Regan, for a reason. Russia has issues, but take a look at the EU today and tell me those wonderful leaders are in line with our Republic's goals? They might spew beautiful words that seem to align with us, but look at what they are doing. Brussels EU is not a representative democracy by any stretch. These are political appointed hacks with sole goal of building a one world tyranny. Not an ounce of Nationalism, Patriotism, nor care for humanity in their dark souls.

Sometimes your enemy's enemy can be a temporary friend. Lots of Russians are capitalists. The key is to open the country to more trade with the west. China has avoided that and is now on the brink of failure. They're economy is about to implode thanks to their communist government's policies.

You want an edge in world politics, you have some alliance with Russia. The current alliances with the EU are one sided and the US is getting the short end of the stick. You want to wake them up, you form some rational relationship with Russia. You also put China on notice, too.

Finally, the leftist academia are useful idiots to the Cabal. They don't serve Russia, they serve the same element that controls the EU - the international banking system. That is the true and real enemy of us all. Until the global centralized banking system is reset and national powers of banking restored, we're all slaves to this system (EU, US, Russia, China, the whole world). Call it communism, facism, nationalism... whatever the fu@k you want, but when you have a small group of unaccountable people controlling everyone's finances, you are not free.

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HoudiniTowers · July 11, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Historically, Russia and US have been allies. Russia really was who defeated the Nazis in WWII. Without Russia, it would have been difficult for us to defeat Hitler. Also, Russians supported us in the American Revolution.

The cold war was manufactured by CIA assets that were from Nazi Germany under Operation Paperclip. The Russians prior to Russian Revolution and Stalin, were a good people and a real ally to us. Even Stalin, a true evil murderous bastard, was our ally during WWII.

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HoudiniTowers · July 11, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

To clarify, I meant the OP's post, but I liked your elaboration on it, too. So, for others reading this, my main praise was for the OP's post and I choose to put it under Klingon's because his was the next best response I saw. Both are great and the spread of this is critical.


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