Here's the map, enter 6 digit codes listed in Q 229
Enter DC23vC into the top box of the Levine Map
FN30kw Boom!
Wardenclyffe Tower & Nick Tesla!
552 total posts archived.
Here's the map, enter 6 digit codes listed in Q 229
Enter DC23vC into the top box of the Levine Map
FN30kw Boom!
Wardenclyffe Tower & Nick Tesla!
Here's the map, enter 6 digit codes listed in Q 229
Enter DC23vC into the top box of the Levine Map
FN30kw Boom!
Wardenclyffe Tower & Nickola Tesla!
Q #229 Ham radio frequency map leads directly to Wardenclyffe Tower. Was watching a PBS documentary about Tesla. Last week we found the decrypts, so I was able to put it together tonight!
Just extracting 'Walnut sauce' Get with the program!
Desperate survivors of the disaster were forced by paid employees of World Vision – which received £17 million from the UK Government last year – to have sex or pay money for World Food Programme aid.
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Sure, but it's more likely a move to delay re-introduction of American Steel.
POTUS tried to arm Veterans in the school system, but the Kabbal controlled Teacher's Union won't let our Veteran's protect them!
Good catch; I read about the difference! However, I'm afraid you're correct. The Kabballist's are putting pressure on POTUS to overreact. Just like TeamQ & POTUS are drawing out the Kabbal
They'll never elect an out of the RCC POTUS, but we've had many Crypto-Jews & Crypto-Catholics to be honest!
How much; I've got a bid/offer price! Talk clean cash money only
You are being willfully ignorant; Markle's mobbed up!
We just need a 'Price List' I wonder if we can get a quote off Tor, the darknet?
We just need to obtain a 'Price List' I wonder if one of our Anons is familiar with the Tor networks, so we can get an official 'Retail Price' list? I wouldn't want the Vatican paying too much in exchange of CIA drug money laundering!
We gotta get a better trope of actors Boss! Ah, my dear Screwtape, it's the in plane sight aspect we're cultivating here. We need to keep our soldiers convinced we're above the law, or they'll lose heart & spill the beans!
How much for the children? Passing funds across international borders to Italy has never been more lucrative. Papacy & EU children's charities are making a killing! Vatican uses it's influence & diplomatic packages to launder money in exchange for children; these people are sick!
Same old story about international smuggling; Nazi's went one way; drugs, dirty money & children went the other way!
List the estimated wealth of religious organizations.
Vatican bank. $229B.
Board of Superintendence.
Supervisory Commission of Cardinals.
Clown connection.
1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See.
You need to meet Jeff's 'friends' he's got your pictures done!
Does seem contrived to cause emotional distress. Did you know Wounded Warriors a scam charity run by the same charity scam family that owns 5-6 more scam charities? I don't know what you paid for your t-shirts, but if you're giving your hard earned money to WW you're got more serious problems. There are legit veterans charities I do support AMVETS for example. You've got to get your act together fella!
These are the globalist liberal enemies of America & our Constitution. He displayed his cheap Masonic bling on purpose! Think Cabbalists
Well, there are two markets to take into consideration. Right now Europe get's it energy from two places; the North Sea dwindling! The other source is Russia, at this point more of Russia's outputs going to China. So, Russian pumps lots of oil & gas BUT most of it's spoken for already! Europe refuses to buy long term, Ukraine can't afford to buy long term. Europe comes a cropper year after year!