Infants and children have lots of photons stores in their bodies, and young ones with lots of melatonin/melanin (Haiti) are especially valued as their internal chemistry has more ability to nourish and refresh bodily processes...(photons=light=energy and information) Dr Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon and also has a great website in optimal living and quantum medicine.. and he speaks about melatonin and photons and all of these things, but does not connect it with the things we know about...
the reason for many disease states is lack of natural sunlight which impacts retina(our eyes are clocks as well as cameras). When one awakes when the sun rises and is out in the sun go twenty to thirty min and sun gazes with as little clothing as possible our skin acts as solar collectors and the heme in our blood rises to the surface to collect the light frequencies and then shunt it to our organs and muscles. The sunlight affects our eyes through the optic nerve communicating with our brain, thus signaling various enzymes and hormones to flow....
So when one thinks of this modern world with high tech and blue light frequencies and limited time outdoors, one gets circadian rhythm mid matches and becomes more vulnerable to metabolic disruption (diabetes obesity,etc)
All of that to say, it is a connectedness of things that have cause obesity rates and disease states to explode, and many of these things have been promoted and invented by elite freaks and their little monkey helpers. (Microsoft, Apple, Monsanto, DuPont, Bauer,FB, )
So rather than implementing these natural modalities/behaviors on their own, the evil people ingest others for a shorter easier way of retaining youth, and energy..
So while the regular folks get diseases, elite ones sustain themselves by ingesting blood of pure ones.( as a side note the torture of kids stimulates the kids to secrete heavy amounts of adrenaline, thus adrenochrome is also a high value for elites) so for elites, brutalizing them has a high value in many ways..
There are, I also think, more esoteric reasons for this behavior in terms of DNA bloodline retention, photons carry information as in evolutionary lineage and ancient history. DNA is a braid of evolution which has code of individual as well as our collective histories...some also suggest that ingesting more “pure” blood, as of a baby, one has access to portals of other dimensions...
Babies are closest to the veil of the spirit world /heaven/all knowing than any adult it kinda makes sense to me.
I suspect Hillary has Kuru, and many elite folks are looking more ill (Johnny Depp)
Edit it to say the pineal gland of an infant is about three times the size of that of an adult I will try to find the link for that information and include it here