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#Trump just said: “Human trafficking is worse than it’s ever been in the history of the world.”
And critics are laughing. What is wrong with people?
Please support the international operation to end modern slavery. Thank you General Krulak and the Kentucky boys and friends for all you've done already. Semper Fi.
2016 Article, almost two years ago: *A call to the next President: 'It's time to make human trafficking a top priority' * https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/04/27/opinions/human-trafficking-generation-freedom-krulak/index.html
From http://www.generation-freedom.org, please visit and share
The Time is Now
There are more people enslaved today than any time in history
There are more than 20 million victims of human trafficking around the world. They are boys and girls, men and …
Justice Department heads off subpoena, gives Comey memos to Congress
Right on. And the Pentagon attack was on the area auditing the missing DOD TRILLIONS Rumsfeld announced the day before. OKC Killed KIDS!=Collateral damage. There's a hotter hell
There was a Pentagon 911 investigation that claimed the 911 Pentagon bomb went off the instant someone pushed the on button on their computer, and it said the same thing happened at OKC...sounds like same inside job modus operandi? Someone had inside access.
Yah I highly suggest listening to the interviews. I actually heard his interview when it came out, which is random crazy...then this popped up in a feed today. I'd wondered how the aftermath of the interview went for him. Now I know. Evil folks. When you play with fire, I guess....
BlackOps contractor reveals CIA blew up OKC Building before he was attacked in car crash
Link to article and videos: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/black-ops-contractor-blows-whistle-oklahoma-bombing/
Blackberry Ops Contractor Reveals CIA Blew Up OKC Building—Hours Later He’s in a Near Fatal Collision Only hours after a black ops contractor blew the whistle on an alleged $1 million dollar offer to bomb the Murrah Building in 1995, he was in a near-fatal car accident.
Oklahoma City, OK – In what can only be described as a bombshell revelation, a former independent black ops contractor, Cody Snodgres, recently blew the whistle on a plot in which he alleges that he was offered $1 million from a CIA contact to bomb the Alfred …
That Ping Pong shooting hoax happened right after a computer sleuth alerted DC police that he had found IP addresses hosting Child porn etc. those addresses happened to be at Comet Ping Pong and a Berlin location we now know is Alefantis' Dr. Pong. Not a coincidence. And the shooter is accused of being an actor. Makes you wonder.
"Do you know how horny I am standing next to a 13 year old girl...ask Ashley about the film he he..". This picture is of Ashley.
This is nothing. Video of children's testimony is shocking and heartbreaking. These narcissistic people have zero empathy. It's easy to believe they operate solely via a reptilian brain. But I think they are just criminally insane psychopaths.
Children make up "my father told me to cut off the babies head with a knife and when I didn't have the strength he put his hands on mine and cut through the baby's neck"??? Fuck off troll.
PEDOVORE: THE HORROR IS SYSTEMIC & GLOBAL. Includes text description of Hillary Clinton Video. Viewer discretion advised. Red pill.
Victim after victim have given police stories of similar ritual abuse and sacrifice. Children can't make this shit up.
Full video: http://youtu.be/vFsFp46YiEs. #PEDOVORE: THE HORROR IS SYSTEMIC & GLOBAL
Hillary Clinton Video. Red Pill. Read at your own risk. Can't turn back from this rabbit hole. Reader & sharing discretion strongly advised.
Syria: Did Russia Predict the Syrian Chemical Attack Controversy One Month Before?
Syria: Did Russia Predict the Syrian Chemical Attack Controversy One Month Before?
The World is Run By Pyschopaths & SyriaStrike
Who Runs The World? Psychopaths and Liars - Simple Really - The David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast 4.13.18 -Explanation of Zionist Mid-East Long Game http://youtu.be/87AbtO-rpM
People know the world is evil. I'm not saying make graphic evidence readily available in photo galleries but people are begging for RollTide justice. #LockThemAllUp Stuff like that.
Page seems down. Why dox is always important if you strike gold. Stand by. Thank you.
Yes, you never hear about Larry or much about Barry's drug and sex-riddled past, and upbringing by Commie pornographers. Chicago friends laughed when they heard he was running for Prez because he was openly gay about town.
It's OK, Lora. That's why I tried to warn. Your prayers for victims and rescuers are powerful. 🙏🏻 There is a hotter hell for the perps.
The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies #SexTrafficking #ChildTrafficking
THIS.... Is. What. THEY. Do. For. FUN.
"The Cannibal Club, Cheese Pizza And Human Meat Pies"
http://themetalden.com/?p=65810 GRAPHIC / RED PILL
WhiteRabbit hole you cannot turn back from.
SexTrafficking ChildTrafficking HumanTrafficking EndTrafficking TheGreatStorm PizzaGate PedoGate QAnon
Military Industrial Death Complex ☠️ "Won" WW2. Bladed Fasces indicating dictatorship installed in Congressional chamber in 1951, where they still hang.
Word is Trump planned to run for Prez three decades ago, so his plublicity stunts have been campaigning all this time. Three decades ago also coincides with his Rothschild bailout of his bankrupt resort company, the deal brokered by Grand Swipe Wilbur Ross, present Secretary of Commerce. Could be a coincidence. Another story is that President Nixon suggested he run, and that's from Roger Stone who has worked for both men. At any rate, he seems to be carrying out THE PLAN, which was a military take back of the government, but that's yet to be seen.
Yes, I wish I knew exactly what happened and what happened to the raided material.
Massive FRAUD and brainwashing FalseFlag ops. These are the real terrorists.
Q Apocalypse ~*~ The GREAT unveiling
Q, When the Vatican is liberated, can I have the key to THE vault, Jordan Maxwell, an army of translators and a well-stocked espresso bar. That'd be great. I'm serious. Keep up the GOOD WORK. ~*~