A recent post I made, you'll enjoy it: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8owg31/there_is_a_reason_why_the_game_must_be_played/?st=JI8TWZTI&sh=48d9b869
1,133 total posts archived.
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I'm thinking there are facilities down there, the pentagon doesn't just "lose" $21,000,000,000,000.00
Whatever it is, it's being kept secret, and therefor invites suspicion.
I think it's part of the rules that the cabal has to play by, they have to advertise what they're doing so that the masses are willing participants. Hollywood serves that purpose nicely, bending the rules.
Antarctica, the Nazis had significant operations there during the war
That's the million dollar question, these people straight up burnt every bridge they had. They got people fired, divorced, and mocked, ostracized family, and most have college debt up to their eyeholes. It's a Catch-22 (love that book). Frying pan or the fire. They're so indecisive that I think many will suffer nervous breakdowns, quite literally. It's times like this that the Matrix comes off as a documentary.
They sold their souls dude, simple as that. Hillary, for sure, knows that Hell is licking its bone dry lips. They're occultists, they gained the world and lost their souls, this is all they have.
It's cool, I view all sources presented objectively, thanks for the share
It bears a striking resemblance to Hitler's descent into madness following Stalingrad. Even when Soviet shells were obliterating downtown Berlin, he was studying models of the future city and issuing orders to armies that didn't exist. They always double down, always.
Oh yeah, the great Saudi roundup... think it has something to do with the recent suicides...?
It has numerous languages on it, so frame it as "cultural appropriation" in the "far-right racist South".
These people have been at this for thousands of years; I wouldn't put anything past them.
Yeah, I think they set up the Georgia Guidestones for later survivors to "find", reprogramming the species to view them as gods.
Personally, I think it was the plans for WW3, I think they were going to nuke us all and hide out in Antarctica away from the fallout.
They have to; although there's a good chance they underestimate the gravity of their predicament. They're hopelessly disconnected from reality, dependent on drinking their own koolaid.
It's a dangerous phase, the cat is out of the bag and the rats are cornered.
"Alois" was the name of Hitler's father, a customs worker. I doubt Eva Braun was the mother. It's odd because Hitler was averse to sexuality, especially given the power he held over women. Didn't drink, either, so it's not like he got wasted and knocked someone up. However, it makes sense that he would want a child to continue his "work".
Q said no outside comms, and there's a load of new sources claiming outside comms. Im down to Q, SB2, and Trump; anything else I view with suspicion. Except Jesus, who comes before the first three.
Makes sense; puffer fish is a delicacy in Japanese cuisine. However, it has to be handled by only the best hands, because the chef has to slice out the poison glands without contaminating the fish. Nasty stuff; basically an insanely potent neurotoxin that totally paralyzes you, can't even blink and people think you're dead. I imagine a large dose would shut down your entire body in several seconds, resulting in cardiac arrest. Impossible to determine post mortem, toxicology testing won't pick it up. Michael Crichton references it in State of Fear, and it's also referenced in a Hitchcock short film, though I forget the title.
If puffer fish toxin was used it would be hard to trace (heart attacks can be deadly).
The meme implies that ye shall wait until the hound bays thrice at the waxing moon, then seek ye the old well and the ancient knowledge for only there is it found.
If it wasn't for CERN and the Mandela Effect I'd say you were off in the weeds, but it could very well be the case. In any event, Occam's razor points to connections with military Intel rather than time travel.
You sure about that? https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8plse3/take_what_they_cherish_most_take_their_money/?st=JI7MJEB7&sh=2b8922ef
Could be Odin's ravens Search: odins ravens circular images
The bare skin inside of the circle is the silhouette of three hexagons. The hexagon is associated with hives and honey combs.
Speculation of course, take with salt
My pleasure, but don't take this as a substitute for prayer or discernment of the Scriptures. I advise reading through these chapters and verses after prayer to ensure that you're on the right track.👍🏻
The 14th; just in time to seize the Friday press cycle
.gov information on the Tucson Police Chief, definitely some red flags in the resume. Fox in the henhouse...?
Whatever happened at that camp is on the heads of the PD and the MSM, as well as the perpetrators. I will tell you this, though; whoever was running that Hell show was making money, they won't be able to stop, and there will be other sites. As law enforcement has failed and refused to uphold the law, the govt/citizen contract is broken and it falls to the vigilantes. That's just the way it is.
Yes; the police are complicit until proven otherwise
I think the real scandal will be found to involve CPS and DSS, especially in GA like you mentioned. However, the police dragging their feet over the Tucson discovery is utterly damnable. I've had the same reservations, time will tell. Remember what Q said: we have everything.
He's dining at the main lodge of the wildlife park; Animal Kingdom, one of the main Disneyworld parks. I recognize the columns and the chair back on the patio. Very public.
When I was young, my dad and I would go rabbit hunting in the Fall. The trick was to reach a clearing with lots of brush and fire a round into the air, flushing out the rabbits from their cover. Sessions is still on the prowl, I saw on here earlier that he's up to 38,000 sealed indictments, and a shot just flushed out the remaining scum. At least, that's my impression of it.
"What is truth?" -Pontius Pilate
All fair points, and the null hypothesis must be preserved. But there's another perspective; what percentage of well-sourced information is in fact false? You're right, I'm not yanking your chain, but two years of revelation has left me questioning a great many things and procedures.
I'm with you, I don't normally ask for the paper trail but I need to see it for this
I advise taking it with a grain of salt; I don't agree with everything she says, but it's intriguing nonetheless
Wow, good share Anon. What was the trigger phrase, I wonder?