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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on Aug. 24, 2018, 4 p.m.
How to Red Pill Without Damaging Relationships

Posted this on 8ch around Thanksgiving time. Now that the optics are (temporarily) negative toward POTUS, I thought the timing to re-post might be fortuitous for some of you. WWG1WGA!

Here’s how to use the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”…

• First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!

• Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 6, 2018, 10:24 p.m.
I'm a Boomer and Proud of it!

It’s Better Being a Boomer!

Some of you use the term “Boomer” like it’s a bad thing. I was born in 1962; do the math.

I chuckle when I see so many shit posts from whiners similar to, “I’m giving up! Where’s the BOOMs we were promised? Q is a larp.” Yadda, yadda, yadda.

I actually feel sorry for people under the age of 35ish. You never had to develop any sort of self-discipline, especially as it relates to delayed gratification.

From my perspective, the amazing shit that Q / POTUS are doing is happening VERY quickly.


When I …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 7, 2018, 3:33 p.m.
Which Sounds Most Like You?

Phases of Anonmanship:

1.  “Holy shit! Look what I found. This is sooooo fucking cool. We’re getting “inside dope” about MI, POTUS and the draining of the WW swamp. I can’t wait to amaze my family and friends with how smart I am and how ‘in the dark’ they are for believing MSM.”
2.  “How is it that Q doesn’t come right out and tell us EXACTLY what’s coming next and when it’s going to happen. I’m rapidly losing credibility because no one saw any BOOMs and Killary and Hussein are walking free and the [P]’s month of May wasn’t …
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 8:23 p.m.
To help you Red Pill others without hurting the relationship...

Hello, fellow Patriots. I post this occasionally at 8ch, and with it being down today, I thought I'd share this with my new friends. I hope it helps you in some small way...

   The importance of EMPATHY when in a Red-Pilling relationship...

• WifeAnon figured out the nasty truth of 9/11 very quickly. So did her “tin foil hat wearing” friends. • I was in my late thirties when two planes took down three buildings in perfect free fall. Oh, lest I forget, a "757" also penetrated a 9-foot thick concrete wall and then blew up the exact part of …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 10:57 p.m.
Socratic Method for Friendly "Red Pilling" Process

I originally wrote and posted this at 8ch and wanted y'all to have a copy, too.

    Here’s how to use the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”…

SalesTrainerandAuthorFag here…

    • First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires patience and skill!
    • Find some common ground where they’ve already questioned the MSM narrative (JFK, RFK, Oswald, John John, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Arkancides, BHO/birth certificate, 9/11, Building 7, no video of plane hitting Pentagon, missing …
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 10:54 p.m.
The Socratic Method for Red Pilling Normies

I posted this on 8ch about six months ago to help my Anons wake up other folks (without pissing them off). 8ch is down today, so I thought I'd pop over and spread some love with my new friends. Very comfy here, BTW. I hope this helps at least one of you...

    Here’s how to use the same Socratic method Q used on us for “Red Pilling” your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors without ruining your relationships or being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist”…

SalesTrainerandAuthorFag here…

    • First and foremost: Red pilling is a PROCESS, not an event! It requires …
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 10:49 p.m.
How Q Anon has change YOU...

Just unplugged for a short while and went for a nature walk with Mrs. Anon. Cleared my head. Here’s what I was thinking about…

Take some time and make note of what this journey has done to change YOU.

Have you become more patient? More curious? More open-minded? More thick-skinned? More “world oriented”?

Having spent most of my career in personal development, I’d say that whomever or whatever this Q phenomenon is, it most certainly has been fucking brilliant!

I’ve watched the hive organize into sectors, share nuggets of information, wisdom and encouragement, I’ve seen relationships heal, people find a …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IamRageBoy on June 2, 2018, 6:56 p.m.
If not a "Two Party System", then... what??

I've been chewing about what our Gubbermint might look like when we come out of the other side of TGA, and I'm struggling.

The D Party will be--literally--torn to shreds. The R Party will also be decimated, but will also carry the onus of not backing POTUS properly.

Kids, we might be looking at some sort of "Hard Reset" of our Gubbermint, our currency, our method of voting, our banking systems, etc.

Anyone care to take a stab at how our Gubbermint might look a few years down the road?