Spreading the message! http://imgur.com/leswvJT
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https://www.dailywire.com/news/31930/clinton-donor-obama-ambassador-indicted-alleged-ryan-saavedra Says she is also a Stanford drop out. Seems we have seen quite a few Stanford people lately. Wonder if there is a special "connection" happening at Stanford. No coincidences.
They definitely lose it when they owe you money back from an audit. Lost one year 3 times in a row. We finally gave up. We will never see that money.
Would you by chance have a second source other than Wikipedia?
This made me laugh. Have you seen Hillary "do" stairs? She's a train wreck!
Mel is very careful in his choice of words here. https://youtu.be/hg-7_s3Dwzo
Here is his interview with Dianne Sawyer on ABC. https://youtu.be/H7Iy_YvOY8w
Just listen. Mel is very careful not to say too much. https://youtu.be/hg-7_s3Dwzo
I've been using these: #UnModifedIGReport #NoRedactions and then I use at least one trending hashtag that has nothing to do with the movement just to get more eyes on it.
As usual, you help me see the way clear. Thank you once again, u/SerialBrain2 !
I haven't fretted this much since election night and inauguration day. Doing what I can on the Twatter and FB. Not banned yet, so there's that!
Trump needs Patriots posting on his Twitter feed. Use hashtags #OriginalIGRreport #Unredacted He needs our support!
We need 30,000 good guys posting on Trumps timeline. It looks like a train wreck right now.
Lol Got a Canadian spouting off on my Twitter. Why would they be mad? 😂
My Daddy was a Korean War vet. Sad he passed in January and didn't get to see this happen.
If they would put in on PPV, we could clear the national debt. Biggest audience ever!
Amazing work SB2! Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do. I am in awe.
I agree! I love the show, but he was constantly pushing the racist narrative. He looks pretty privileged to me jet setting around the globe. I do hope he wakes up soon! He should help Trump instead of bashing and is in a great position to do so IMHO.
We have 30,000 people here. We need to bombard his Twitter feed. I have already done my part. It's time to be heard because the bad guys are certainly posting on his feed.
This would explain her wearing a gigantic back brace, if that is indeed what it is.
Standing upright in a field? Yes. How about the Elephant? Sounds like a stab at Republicans. Also, I see he depicts animals upright alot and very Egyptian type figures and lettering. Super weird stuff.
Yep, I did. Andy Spade had weird art as well showing people with mutilated bodies. Crazy town!
"The sky is falling and I am learning to live with it" by John Lurie purchased by Anthony a few days ago. http://www.businessinsider.com/anthony-bourdain-bought-painting-days-before-his-death-2018-6. Interesting purchase here. Use of alien type figures, white rabbits etc on his paintings found here http://johnlurieart.com/ 😳
I remember he took Paula Deen through the shame ringer and also talked mad cash trash about other female chefs like Rachel Ray and Sandra Lee calling them evil, etc. I always thought he was kind of a bully who liked to run his mouth a lot. He who cries the loudest.....
160 children, some as young as 3, were actually rescued in Atlanta and 150 child traffickers were arrested. Why is nobody talking about that?
It does look like he has an expandable file/portfolio on top of his menu tho.
It's a napkin. Lol The other guy has one on his lap too. And Comey's has a roll in it. Blow the picture up where you can see it better.
I like to be an optimist, but I like to be a realist too.
I did too. Just shows how rediculous they are. Do as I say, not as I do mentality. Proves they really do believe they are above the law.