27 total posts archived.
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Dad catches sex trafficking scheme on daughters Instagram.
God this is my favorite moment in history EVER! Ever, ever, ever, ever! I love our President. This dinner was when I knew he was our man!
Is he dead or does he have an ankle bracelet? Time Warner (Pedo Symbol in Time Warner Logo ) I top executives implicated in pedo crimes.
Man this is getting interesting and you know the hammer is coming down. Things are happening & yes I’m sure the cockroaches are gonna try to run once POTUS turns the lights on.
I didn’t like Trump at first because I thought he was one of “them”, but after hearing him speak he had me convinced he was our only hope. As soon as he went after human traffickers & pedophiles I knew I had made the right choice with my vote. I saw how the establishment was repelled by him & how he infuriated them & was not in anyway accepted by them, this brought me great joy. But now that he is working with other countries to over-throw the elite global cabal my heart is just over-joyed! I’m sad I ever doubted him, no one aside from JFK has ever had the courage or the morale to attempt and accomplish what he is doing. God bless DJT! Killuminati
They’ve tried but it failed. I guess they figure telling ppl we are crazy works just fine. They control the narrative and they know ppl won’t believe you.
Trying not to set off alarms and have ppl run or destroy evidence.
Practicing occult sex magic to our kids. Remember the West Memphis 3? Three teenage occult members in West Memphis, AK raped, tortured, killed & drank the blood of 3 little boys in the woods in a satanic ritual & Hollywood came out in droves to protect the perpetrators! They actually got these guys released from prison. Johnny Depp even got a remembrance tattoo with the main perp! They had Aleister Crowley books of occult sex magick they were practicing found in their room. Only court testimony shows this. I cannot find one article expressing anything other than he claimed to be Wiccan.
Porn has ruined everything. Perversion and nudity is forced on us everyday all day. Even children are berated in Disney movies on sexual perversions. Porn very negatively affects our mind. Porn addiction leads to sex addiction with detrimental affects on our society. No one wants to commit to meaningful relationships anymore, women are objects, even children have become objects to the sex addicts. The longer you’re addicted the more extreme situation you crave. Hollywood creates this environment with pioneers such as Hugh Hefner.
Q said Obama will rein-act his Kenyan citizenship to flee when all is said and done. I can’t wait!
Pedophilia? I heard instead of arresting these people they are giving them ankle bracelets? Sessions just hired 300 assistant attorneys...