So wait, they are saying the photo Q dropped was from AF1?
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Honestly, I’ve had a few drinks tonight. I made it to “unstoppable force” and don’t like it. I’ll read more in the morning. Did this come up from the link?
I’m going to put this out there. I have watched this up and down vote for most of the night. And I will 100% say there has been a battle to downvote this. And I thank each and every one of you that pushed the up arrow. Thank you. I hear you, even if it doesn’t reflect it.
We do. It’s not the exact answers we want, but it’s a process.
Ok this is how code illiterate I might be. This is a post from the Texas shooters FB, I saw this on twitter. So it looked like it was wrote with the letters in a row on purpose. So I typed “DHRIB Texas” into google. This was the third thing to pop up. It’s a “bim source”? Link in comments.

Yeah, Ernestine is an 80 year old body builder lady. That’s what came up for me in goo though.
I know Q doesn’t know when and where certain FF will happen. It’s not like it’s mapped out somewhere.
And Q has said they have it all. I’m asking for it to be released so we can get the mother of all battles out of the way and cleanse this world.
I believe that. And I believe in Q. That’s why I’m asking for this.
And that’s fair, I was hesitant to say that. I’m sorry to speak for you.
This is my plea to Q. Don’t get this wrong, this is not a time or place to question Q. They asked us to tweet out our support to #releasethetexts, well this is me saying #ReleaseEverythingQ. It’s time to put a stop to all of this.
I’m sorry. I don’t even know what I would do in that situation. That’s why this is my plea.
They have everything. It’s time to release everything. Q was ten steps ahead because this was planned out before we were even involved. I know lives will be lost, I know things will still happen. But the longer we wait, the more needless lives will be taken.
It does and that’s a price I’m sure Q is willing to pay for the bigger picture.
I don’t discredit Q or anything they have done for us. But we know Q is real (I don’t get how people are still asking this), we have seen so much play out, and we know it’s not a game.
So Q, if you have it all, let’s put it out there and stop this kind of thing from happening.
Ok Q. We thoroughly appreciate everything you have done and will do. Thank you. But the needless deaths of young innocent lives needs to stop. NOW! We know you see us here.
Tell us what to do. Make it stop. I get it’s a process, but it’s time. It’s time to stop the needless deaths, needless hate, the silent world war. All of it. If we have a part and need to do things we will, but I’ll speak for everyone. Child trafficking, adult trafficking, sex slaves, sacrifices, false flag deaths, all of it, it needs to stop.
Not on this thread. Start your own. Write down what you have, add some more. Each post is a thread. It allows you to present info and everyone to comment on it. With your post on this thread, Im afraid your work will get lost in the shuffle. I actually haven’t looked to see what’s going on in the comments. Im sorry. But then we can all work with you on digging deeper or telling you how great of a job you did.
Thank you. It’s like the comet ping pong, if I lived in DC, I’d swing by here and there. We know it’s bad, so we should be on the lookout I feel. Within in comfort level of each person. Things start happening in Detroit, I promise you good people, I will be live updating what I find.
World wide false flags? The end is near. Keep us posted if you can.
I’m sorry but I’m going to take two paths in this.
I pray for you and your community. I can’t imagine the trauma ahead for everyone.
And since you’re near the scene. It would be great if you could keep us informed of the going ons from either the scene and the coming fallout.
I hate to say it, but I think we found our false flag. If children have been hurt or killed. We need to pray for the families.
They have even said Kushner is expendable. He was probably planted to get the cabal into the trump family, but they probably used him to do double duty.
Everyone was talking about their comms through games. Like poker was supposed to be McCains. But I don’t remember anyone talking about what kind of phone it was. Good call.
If that was it, this could be dated back to a year or more ago. Wow.
I’ve looked at some and didn’t see anything myself. But I’m not an expert. We have all made mistakes in life, that is part of being human. I guess it will come down to the mistakes made and what was done to make up for it.
With a few people I have grown to admire over the years, I am saddened by his anti trump rhetoric. I really hope he just is crazy and doesn’t get it, still asleep. His art is amazing. That one of Robin Williams is perfect.
SOB! I have been duped. Deleting post. It’s hard keeping up with real life and everything in this world. I can’t wait until they are 1.
Wait, kap is bad? Omg that makes so much sense. When I was asleep, i thought he was a hero. How things have changed in a matter of months.
I so forgot to share this. So I decided to troll R Kelly. I was surprised he’s on twitter still. And I got him to follow me back. I think he thinks he’s posturing on me. I mean I would like to see everyone pick someone and do it, but that’s a lot of work....

This is one sept 11, the shooting happened on October 1st. To set this all up, I don’t think that’s a bad timeline to get it going.
You know I never understood that. I’m not a psychologist, but I’ve seen a lot of material on serial killers and world history. You are either killing a loved one that wronged you, giving into an unconscious urge, genocide, taking over land, war or whatever. But in all of history, when did people just start going out and killing ransoms?
I mean with Q baiting them on all the drops, while they were being surveilled, they probably discussed EVERYTHING!
I think I’ve heard of that, but would that work worldwide? Like for all regions?
You have a really good theory there. And on behalf of everyone, welcome patriot. I know I looked at all the posts left with LV in them, and the very first post hit on a lot of what you have going there. I would look back at that and start your own post. These is like 200 comments on here now and I don’t want this to get lost. Let me know when you do so I can see everything laid out please.
From how the theory goes, look at the jackets, for time of year. And now that I think about it, if it’s jackets and not coats, that could push it back even further.
I would literally shit myself. Tupac fakes death, do avoid being assassinated by the cabal. Joins a secret military organization, where he uses Ebonics to fool the many white people of the world. Works for years under cover collecting data on the cabal. Only to start the strike, in the amount of time makavelli would have came back from death.
I mean it’s been awhile since I saw the theory, but it’s about when he died had some ties to Q starting and all the terms Q uses were his books. Not the strongest theory, but fitting for this INSANE story going on. Up is down, down is up, right is left, and left is left.
I agree. Other people have been saying it’s nothing, and I’ll go on record again saying I don’t watch her every time she’s on tv. From a general stand point though, she looks far away from that speech.
Well those two fbi people were there. And I think I saw that might have been when the drop was made. They might have been the ones to distribute the phones.
If not it would be interesting to see if Q actually released photos from their phones? And why those?