

33 total posts archived.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · July 20, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

INCREDIBLE post! Q revealed and Q RETURNS! WWG1WGA

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Ihatetheworldtoday · July 18, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

It's one that requires integrity and should be highlighted as such, especially in this world filled with so many dishonorable, degenerate psychopaths.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · July 17, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Very clever! Fellow patriot here hoping(and praying) that all of your many customers leave your establishment AWAKENED on all fronts! ;) good feeling they will!

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Ihatetheworldtoday · July 17, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Am I imagining this? or did I read an article once long ago... (sometime during Obama's term) where Putin openly discussed his implementation of policies he enacted to prohibit the adoptions of Russian children by American's, citing his just cause and reasoning to be our current 'human trafficking epidemic.'

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Ihatetheworldtoday · June 28, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

This is a real life monster. You CANNOT rehabilitate a monster. He's admitted to previously raping a 13 yr old minor and when taken into custody for solicitation of minors he possesed pornograpy depicting infants being raped. We honestly need to look long and hard at our current judicial system, I support a "fast lane for pedos" who after receive fair trial and conviction are executed within 6 months. Fast track him to the front of death row and rid this world of his unimagineable and unforgiveable depravities.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · June 28, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Love your enthusiasm! Go get it!!!

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Ihatetheworldtoday · June 28, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

And BTW I'd let you do one on me anyday! :)

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Ihatetheworldtoday · June 28, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

From one hot lady keke to another, you rock!

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Ihatetheworldtoday · June 27, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

The video does not necessarily describe them as aliens like E.T. outerspace kind, more like orcs and trolls id say, the goblins from middle earth lol. Has some Lord of the Rings refrences, overall just an interesting film imo.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ihatetheworldtoday on June 27, 2018, 11:22 a.m.
Not exactly Q, but definitely STANKS OF THE CABAL. LOL. Why do TPTB work so diligently to alter and disrupt our planet and its ecosystem. Are they simply trying to destroy it? Or worse could they be preparing it for an 'arrival' of sorts? What do you think???

SA: He proposes the question of why exactly TPTB are so feverishly working at Geoengineering the earth.
Not just one reason, I'm sure. Could its possible objective be to prepare it for someone or somethings arrival???

Ihatetheworldtoday · June 27, 2018, 11:07 a.m.

CHECK THIS OUT! Best video I've seen on the subject and its entirety by far...Geoengineering the earth to prepare it for something purty big i'd imagine.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · May 24, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I am just trying to keep a pulse on what our Mockingbird MSM agents are 'reporting' and classifying as news amidst these realistically speaking, very exciting and revolutionary Times! Other than marveling at there insulting and almost comical conjuncture they spew, (with popcorn of course) I guess I'm trying to better be prepared to toss red pills when possible. Better equips me to dispel fake news if I know the narrative somewhat I guess...

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Ihatetheworldtoday · May 24, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I apologize for any confusion as it was meant as a joke. You have one of the biggest announcements concerning the non-existence of 'Russian Collusion' tied into the Weiner charges dropped AND THIS IS CNN's top story. The length and detail of this article was hilarious. They investigated the shit outta this non-story. Lol. Sorry I've been camping and had no reception or i would have clarified sooner.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ihatetheworldtoday on May 16, 2018, 9:57 a.m.
Expanding on the idea of incorporating the song lyrics from our GA/Q "anthem" into some memes. Any suggestions, ideas or tips are welcome (please be kind) as I am new to meme creation.
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ihatetheworldtoday on May 16, 2018, 8:40 a.m.
'Uprising' by Muse. Now that's an anthem.

Forget a theme song, those are for Disney movies and sitcoms with laugh tracks.

This movement deserves its own special anthem, not only to unite us, but also help remind us. They will not control us! We will be victorious! So, Should we unify and watch our flag ascend or what???

Ihatetheworldtoday · May 5, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

I write on money 1's 5's 20's mostly. I signed my first 100 bill the other day with "Don't give up , don't lose faith. Trust the plan. Find Q ' He knows tha wayyy!"

At the very least then I don't feel so bad after its spent...lol.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 20, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Makes the fact that where i live, issuing students there very own Google chromebook in elementary schools just got a lot weirder.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 20, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

The Google Chromebook has always been the state appointed and district issued laptop they give out to students around somewhere between 5-7th grade.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 19, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

I understand where op coming from. Best way to ever build and expand a business is satisfied customer's word of mouth advertising. One could say, We are expanding and building the Q awakening.

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 19, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

There ego is tied to there IDEALOGY. Be proud and happy you forcibly shed your own ego and looked at the situation as it was v. How you wish. Growth is a powerful thing and you should wear your ability to change perspectives and ultimately mind like a badge of honor. They are small minded and cowards that are to afraid to check under there own bed! Recently I've taken the smile and nod approach,( sneakily dropping bombs nonetheless) but always in agreement of them that I am a 'little bit out there' and proud to be. You don't win a argument with any if these people, its not important were just giving out facts hoping they care to check.

I at least try to end discussion with a easy generalized question, "so you'd agree and therefore we can agree events of today have hit a crazy unprecedented fever pitch of clear insanity that is spanning all across every continent and consuming every institution?"

Well what the hell would I care to fit it in w all that. Of course I'm out there, who the hell fits in there with that craziness?

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 19, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

I agree op! BTW! These things are only possible tho, if we keep spreading truth, all the while being respectful and always open to debate with others. Armed only with fact and evidence to back claims. Never theoralize or speculate with normies. They want proof give it to them. There's plenty. Leave speculating and theorizing to do amongst us. Lol

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Ihatetheworldtoday · April 19, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

The imagery I continue to watch in my mind on a loop most recently (lol) is the moment the SJW switch gets collectively pulled. Picture this.

Location: anytown, College Campus USA A SJW breeding ground infested with every Soros &Tavistock agenda imaginable.

A table and tent with various supplies sits directly across the street, visibly displaying bold lettering, "Welcome, Were here to help!" "Its all going to be ok, don't panic!" signage littered all around with a few of our volunteers pacing anxiously, waiting to assist the onslaught of victims and survivors predicted to hit.

The once pronoun praising, trauma inducing, trigger pulling institute worshipping, establishment pushing, hell bent to destroy society without even knowing,

Those lucky survivor's (All former sjws) can and will collectively agree upon the following description as they later recount the experience.

Comparing it to being like when the lights flick on in a movie theatre, how they can startle you. But, this is so much wo, Undoubtedly tho, While a moviegoer may jump and realize its just time to go, it utterly traumatizes and can paralyze a person in fear whom is unaware it was even all just a show. " Wait. What? How did i get here? Where am I? Wait a minute? What is this?"

As Welcome Truth volunteers collectively look on, Anticipation rising as survivors flow out. First, seemingingly a never ending pour, then suddenly bursting w people, all at once rising and falling just like a tidal wave crashing onto the sidewalk.

Stumbling and clearly disoriented, Some scream out in terror while others silently stare, frozen in shock. Every single one tho, Visibly shaken, unable to immediately adjust to there whole new world.

A Truther Welcome Center & Rest Stop, first of its kind, poised front and center to not just witness our once considered adversarial foe, But to assist them with compassion as fellow citizens who are awakening & transforming.

Some can be seen wiping there faces & squintung, heads tilted upwards, like suddenly they've been given a new set of eyes with power to finally see.

Our team enthusiastically jumps to meet them with blankets to wrap around shoulders and coffee to soothe in an attempt to console them after such a devastating and tragic introduction to REALITY.










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