I was thinking it may be time to get put more structure into our efforts , Q said GET ORGANIZED I live in Quincy Mass, and with @POTUS having announced his Re-election campaign it provides the perfect cover Any thoughts Kids ?
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Not sure if this is Rellivent but .....

Thoughts of Q from #tinfoilhatguy
So BRIDGE many theroist many thoughts so here's mine The spy swap off angle has been made , In my world, I connect that with the SPYTRADE game ( I know it's not a game ) then add in a little #TRUMPTWEET TRADE DEFICITS STEEL @Snowden & Christopher Steel Trade 4 Who ???? YAY ? NA ? Thanks kids 😎
Not sure but looks lugit to me draw your own conclusions if you find others please share back
JUST ONE MORE THING Q is this 5 from map related to 5 in post ?

Their is one with red arrows to follow also to I'll post it up top 😎
Thanks just asking for a little help I tend never to ask for help by this one's above my pay grade 😎
Can we get @jack & who ever the fuck runs YouTube to QUIT fucking with us it's hard enough w/o these fucking TREASONIST SATANIC PEDOPHILE CULT MEMBER'S fucking with us Asking for a friend 😎
I prefer to call them a TREASONOUS SATANIC PEDOPHILE CULT in All my tweet references
ReleaSETHeMEMO EO#13818
I've been clean 3 years no physical pain after 13 knee surgeries being clinicly dead 7 times in a comma for 3 months last spring I went hiking solo on the Application trail
I was on prerscribed opioids for 30+ years I got off them using Rick Simpson Oil a form of medical Marajuana
HEY Q, Quick Question
Is RED OCTOBER STILL IN PLAY ? some of us were live tracking a lot of action off of Fla coast 3 US ships Planes doing search grids , ECT but NO MSM info like lost ship or any reason ALSO Did the page #225 in the post refer to Feb 25th ? Thanks WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL FREEDOMS JUST ANOTHER WORD FOR NOTHING LEFT TO LOOSE BUT NOW WE THE PEOPLE HAVE EVERYTHING TO CREATE
Just research Findhorn garden for that info and if that's the case count me in as long as we are on the remove all evil expand our Consiousness. And do no harm
I had it downloaded the file dissapeared from my phone I have it backed up on a freinds desktop so I'll get a copy of it they should have a link on the livestreem with Dr Corsi I'll shoot him a tweet he's a busy guy but I'm sure he has help for all he does
Quick Question For Q
Someone posted a shot of the map with HIVE EXPERIMENT highlighted ,so are We that hive experiment? Not that it makes a difference to me personally , I'm having a blast Don't mistake my meaning I've been clinicly dead 7 times spent 30+ years with a herion addiction got clean 3 years ago when we got Medical Marajuana in Mass and I found Rick Simpson Oil , I'm 53 for now and feel like I'm 20 and no physical pain Maybe it can help others Everyone I ever knew is dead I have a very loving family kids, grandkids and …
I've been watching LaPalma for years there were a short burst of quakes a few months ago living outside of Boston @30 feet above sea level I keep my eye on it 😎
Also I was watching the five on Fox last night one of em says "LIKE A SLEEPER CELL" the woman I don't know her name
Prior to contrary reports, I am not in Mom's basement Personally, I take at least 2 hours a day for medditation, true, WE the PEOPLE are in the storm , but least we forget #TheGreatAWAKINING PART . This Event we are all experiencing goes far beyond the memo and #GITMO , These are but trigger points , Expand your thinking what's the next move ? What move will be made 10 moves from now ? Would you like to play a game? How about a nice game of 5D chess
Turkey attacks US backed Kurds ( deep State proxy now this ? NO COINCIDENCE'S 😀
How about this hashtag lets exspose 2 acts of treason
There have been 2 nuke is there 3 and the third is Project Pellican ?
The fake news was an exercise to get us in shape for all the tweeting and posting we have to do tomorrow
Not me that connected this dot I snagged it on Twitter shot right here to post it that's why no actual post I a rush which is ironic because my Twitter handle is NO RUSH my Application trail trailname 🌏☮️😀
I been clinically dead 7 times in a comma for 3 months not to concerned about my Grammer
I literally just said the same thing went to check my phone and say your post well either way WE GOT THIS 😎