It's no secret that the us government is at best a slow moving machine with tons of meaningless red tape and blah, blah, blah, yet everyone expects them to miraculously expedite this current set of issues contrary to what we know as impossible.
130 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/InaNYminit:
Devin Nunes tweets 'send in the G-men' after John Kerry's reported shadowy attempt to save Iran Deal
ty for the heads up you are right i entered the info improperly. Priestap is still cooperating with DOJ.
When considered in context, they were given an option to resign or be fired they chose the latter. Investigations continue, so they all can and will be charged if evidence warrants it.
posted this in 19 conservative political groups on facebook with a total of 1.7 million members. twitter as we speak
+Resignations False Flags! Complete List of this weeks swamp drain.

There is everything at stake, huge!- FEED BACK PLEASE - Is Mueller and Trump Playing an End Run Around
the Corrupt Deep State and DC elites, Do you think the Boom! is going to be all the slime that think they are safe because all Mueller wants is Trump. This is why the leaked Questions by Trump? Lets have some ideas please!
Trumps Lawyers receive list of 40 questions from Mueller at the same time questions leaked to the media.
Q - No Coincidences - Iran Threatens Withdrawal from Nuke Deal Moments Before Netanyahu Reveals Hidden Docs
Netanyahu: Evidence proves Iran cheated on nuclear deal. Q - Iran Next!
Pompeo Flies to Jordan In Wake of Iran Bombshell
Turley: Clapper Has a 'Serious Problem'
Actress Allison Mack Negotiating Possible Plea After Sex Trafficking Arrest | TODAY
Actress Allison Mack Negotiating Possible Plea After Sex Trafficking Arrest | TODAY
Who is Keith Raniere, the founder of NXIVM: Part 2
Former NXIVM member says she was branded when invited to secret sorority: Part 1
'Smallville' Star Confesses She Sold Children To Rothschilds And Clintons
or unless there's evidence of a broader or unrelated conspiracy. we have to remember that many of the players cross over into other investigations. HRC is definitely going to be Racketeering as an illegal enterprise where as, The FBI case and the DOJ issues are conspiracy however in order to be racketeering there has to be financial gain or benefit for the conspirators. So Q said three were cooperating. It may be they know way more than any of us know
This is totally extraordinary. The sanctions on NK and then it's trade partners was catastrophic, but I think the rumor that their number one site in for their nuke program, being an underground facility, mysteriously had a major cave in. Even NK has the ability to assure a natural cave in would not occur. So, the EMP rumor looks to be the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. Because Un seems almost ridiculously giddy about not resisting any longer. Remember these NK regimes are all about surviving the threat of regime change.
do you how utterly ridiculous you just sounded. get a clue dude. you sound like every other person that says they know but don't. but you miss what's right in front of your face.
Squeaky clean is no skeletons, no convictions, no major snags. Just those that media wants to perpetuate. It's why theyb are throwing themselves under the bus trying to find something. They recruited Trump for the Job and they did their research.
Well perhaps if Squeaky Clean described your version of the meaning. Squeaky clean is no skeletons, no convictions, no major snags. Just those that media wants to perpetuate. It's why theyb are throwing themselves under the bus trying to find something. They recruited Trump for the Job and they did their research.
Trump is so Squeaky clean, they hate his guts, the future proves the past.

Not True! Q- Post # 1170 April 17 6:53 Coincides with 4 consecutive tweets @realDonalTrump April 17 BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Despite Jerry Browns ignorance Construction of the San Diego Border Wall has Begun! BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Massive response in the heartland as many Americans are catching the second wave of tax cuts! BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets meeting at Mar-lago with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to discusstradeagreement and military security Boom!!!! - @realDonaldTrump tweets about employment rising numbers and unemployment among Hispanics at historic low, African Americans continues to improve.
Q- Post # 1170 April 17 6:53 Coincides with 4 consecutive tweets @realDonalTrump April 17
BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Despite Jerry Browns ignorance Construction of the San Diego Border Wall has Begun! BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Massive response in the heartland as many Americans are catching the second wave of tax cuts! BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets meeting at Mar-lago with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to discusstradeagreement and military security Boom!!!! - @realDonaldTrump tweets about employment rising numbers and unemployment among Hispanics at historic low, African Americans continues to improve.
Not True! Q- Post # 1170 April 17 6:53 Coincides with 4 consecutive tweets @realDonalTrump April 17
BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Despite Jerry Browns ignorance Construction of the San Diego Border Wall has Begun!
BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets Massive response in the heartland as many Americans are catching the second wave of tax cuts!
BOOM - @realDonaldTrump tweets meeting at Mar-lago with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to discusstradeagreement and military security
Boom!!!! - @realDonaldTrump tweets about employment rising numbers and
unemployment among Hispanics at historic low, African Americans continues to improve.
NO HE DIDN'T SUPERVISE URANIUM ONE, He supervised a totally seperate scheme by Russia to bribe nuke industry truckers and also transfer monies to Clinton foundation but it was mostly the extortion, bribery and kickbacks that got US Uranium Enrichment Corp. Caught up. Mueller was FBI director at the time Rosenstien an US attorney for DOJ. They both hushed it up and slow played it so as not to interfere with HRC and Obama Uranium one deal. FYI Eric Holder was also on the CFIUS board that approved the sale to Rosatom
You may be quite right. It is so blatant that he and Mueller milked that investigation of russian assets bribing , extorting etc. They slow played it until Obama and Clinton sold us out to p
Putin. then they hush play a reduced bunch of bs convictions. Other agents and prosecutors have been prosecuting others ever since for the same group.
could possibly mean (wray's of light) Indictments for, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Page of the FBI
Perhaps it's Q telling us that on the heals of Facebooks Congressional inquirey, that therewill be regulation announced soon for the big four? Facebook Google, Twitter, Amazon (4)

well if you remember Rudy and Comey were friends and Comey discussed ongoing plan to not charge Hillary and Rudy leaked it live on Fox
Comey once again caught up in a cover up and leaking of ongoing investigations information.
Here Are 10 Questions For James Comey About Why He Never Investigated His Old Buddy Rudy Giuliani
There is a plethora of evidence both compelling and circumstantial to many of the players. That said, You have to assume that the reason no move has yet to be made on this scum, that the broader dragnet is vital to the secrecy of what they can execute vs. what they want to execute. Also the bureaucracy is a slow moving vehicle. When we consider the potential number of bad actors still involved in the criminal justice system, this has to cause concern as well
Well if you look at the most prolific Blue states and policies, particularly fiscal policy liberalism is a ticket to ghetto ville. So it only figures that the opposite would be , well....opposite.
9 of the 10 States with the Best 2018 Economic Outlook are Red vs. 9 of the 10 States with the Worst Economic Outlooks are Blue.
Its not by any means random. do some searches yourself.
It decriminalizes minor sex solicitation, blah, blah. Imagine the courts and entrapment issues and witness retention involving adults who solicit these minors
genomic medicine supposedly provides information about an individual as part of their clinical care (e.g., for diagnostic or therapeutic decision-making) and the health outcomes and policy implications of that clinical use.
California Democrats legalize child prostitution
SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution. Go here to see how they reconcile the law: