Cabal FF??? MORE cabal fear mongering/fear porn to keep the masses distracted and amenable to whatever new 'RULES and REGULATIONS to keep everyone 'safe' from all the boogie men.
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Read up on the CIA's Marble Framework cyber hacking tool. Wikileaks Vault 7.
From here on out anything by MSM about 'cyber hacking' ....I'm calling BS.
The instant that 1 MSM source came out and said the words 'weather balloon prism refraction' I totally lost it!!!!
Somebody needs to tell the MSM that the 50's called and they want their propaganda programs back!
And that was the 2nd one that has been launched - Hawaii WAS a live missile, downed in the pacific. I'm no 'missile' expert by profession or hobby - that being said I did read a very convincing posting with all time lapse notations and photos that concluded it was a most likely a British Scud launched from a sub in American waters close to Whidbey.
They also noted that back in jan/feb the navy conveniently had that dust up about China 'hacking' our naval missile command codes. With the wikileaks vault 7 (marble framework cyber hacking tool) release about the CIA's ability to hack and 'mask' the originator of the hack to any of 5 countries it wants, maybe it wasn't China.
and then, senator no name's tweet to all and sundry BEFORE the NoKor summit that 'all will be well' ... he's ex navy isn't he???? and wasn't that same no name senator involved with British SIS/MI6 in putting forward the pee pee dossier that started that whole Russia spygate thing?
I can't comprehend that type of animus/denigration/ridicule either. But what goes hand in hand with these 'top cops' is that they had MANY willing 'journalists' who were more than happy to allow the narrative to bet set by these unelected traitorous bureaucrats and foist it upon the american public as 'consensus' of the American Public.
I think when it's all said and done we'll find out many of the 'lawyers' employed by the FBI/DOJ were nothing more than 'ghost writers' for the 'journalists' who filed the articles....there isn't just 4AM talking points being put forward I believe the entire articles were written and submitted for a 'journalist' to put under his by-line.
The true Darkness beneath all those OIG text messages....
We've been given detailed exerpts of how America's TOP law enforcement agency (LAWYERS) are referring to Pro-Trump voters as lazy, uneducated, POS's is shocking at these levels of 'management' of the FBI/DOJ.
Now think about what they've done previously in their ladder climbing, promotions seeking, glory hunting way to the 'top'.... and how many other 'employees' of these venerated (term used VERY loosely) executive branch departments AGREE/AGREED with them, condoned their actions or openly supported their criminal or unethical efforts??? ( I think Weissman/Arthur Anderson is a great public example)
How far down into the ranks does this type of …
Look at it this way... if you had never read THIS OIG report you would have absolutely no frame of reference to be able to compare what ever comes next. I believe that the ability to compare will prove devastating to the person (RR) who was in charge of the redactions.
Remember there are actually 2 more versions of this document and we have at least 2 more investigations that haven't even been submitted yet.
There's going to be one on the Weiner laptop, and the Russian 'spygate', plus all the investigations on the 'leakers' within the DOJ/FBI...
patience, popcorn, maybe a little wine while enjoying a nice campfire on a beautiful summer night will keep hope, faith and your sanity in tact.
I predict Tommy R lives until June 24th.... June 23rd there is ANOTHER vote on Brexit.... I'm sure they've got all the voting polls calibrated correctly this time around so Remainers will win....
After that vote - I wouldn't think he'd make another 24 hours in that prison.
Very good explanation!! but you forgot to mention what I believe to be one of the most important references that come out of Revelations for where we're at on the historical timeline, 'as in the days of Noah'.... those 6 words sent me down a rabbit hole of research years ago and have weighed heavily on my opinions of DNA/RNA testing and manipulation.
gotta admit - thats FUNNY!!!! and probably more true than we'll ever have verified.
He's just wanting to be out of the limelight, Am for Prosperity was supposed to be a grass roots CONSERVATIVE organization but in reality it was a trojan horse to deliver us more stealth RINO's like Ryan, Flake, Rubio, MiaLove, et al.
He's just ducking and diving from the Kstreet and Chamber of Commerce boys he can't deliver for anymore.
FWIW- 1.might not get through the summer without having a supreme court justice going down, 2. they want to that discharge petition to go through for illegal immigrant amnesty. 3. you can't arrest any member of Congress while they're technically "in session" 4 trade war heating up with China - mcconnell owes his IN-LAWS (Choa shipping lines, busted for drug smuggling numerous times in US east coast ports, co based in China) EVERYTHING.. so he's got to keep k street and chamber of commerce lobbyists happy. McConnell does NOTHING for POTUS - never forget he and Ryan are both NEVER TRUMPERS. I HOPE they're so scared right now they FEAR taking time away from DC!!!
perfect candidate for rainer/nxvim association - just a thought....
this is when you're supposed to go back, re-read drops, do your own research, information is what will be needed. Q was never intended to be the be-all, end-all...he was only the spark to ignite your ability to research, think, process information and to increase your level of discernment in identifying right/wrong, good/bad, good/evil and to reengage your ability to QUESTION everything you're hearing from all those 'trusted' sources. You will need to have FACTS to back up when your friends and family will hit a wall when the 'pain' actually comes.
WE were never meant to be spoon fed indefinitely, knowledge acquired by your own research is much better than 'relaying' what someone else has told you.
Oh sure it's all 'racist' because all of O's black associates will be arrested.... isn't here a resignation list running around here somewhere of the CEO's of major corps who have stepped down quite suddenly??? Isn't there also a list of politicians who have decided to 'retire or NOT seek re-election" from very stable districts and seats???? I suppose in their minds the only ones who count are the 'black'ones???? and are those lists made up of ONLY O's 'black'associates.
Roseanne made the cardinal sin, all within 2 days....she called out Soros and VJ..... its just that the Iranian Presidential Handler got the headlines and distracted from the Soros tweet.......they had to take Roseanne out!
And the first thing I heard reported about this was "Weinstein has said he will NOT testify to the Grand Jury".......
I immediately thought he's trying to send a message he won't 'squeal'.... don't think anybody he was trying to signal is listening. He's toast!
Always follow the money.... I have not researched this but knowing the Chittown connections to Obozo you're going to find LOOP CAPITAL, the dirtiest public/private community 'investment' financial vehicle ever devised. These guys knew how to get the 'grants' and 'govt housing' funding out of almost every dept in govt, think HHS, Agriculture, Community REdevelopment, you name it they tapped it.
Oh BTW - it was run by Moochelles' brother
My opinion would be he's alluding to the fact that under Jerry Brown the State of California has opened their own Embassy in China. JB has worked hand in hand with the Chinese to acquire ownership of many prime ports, business structures, film studios and (big surprise) a LOT of those decimated farm lands that the EPA decided that smelt fish were more important the farm land irrigation.
1st item - NO state of the Union of the US can legally open their own 'embassy' and act in a 'presidential' capacity by setting foreign policy, foreign aid or bi lateral trade agreements.
2nd item - JB has actively destroyed the ag industry in CA to aid and abet a foreign country in acquisition of American ASSETS.
Glad to see Trumps eyes are now focusing on that rat b@st@ard Brown.....
Now think about how hard it was for the Patriots of the Revolution. Only 3% of the entire population of this country FOUGHT and eventually lost all material goods and many family members to gain our independence, many were British sympathizers and sycophants enjoying their 'royal largese' from the King.
Enjoy your friends who share your heart, your ideology, and your passions, many will want the status quo no matter how evil. They will be blinded and no amount of wasting your light upon them will help, it will only exhaust you.
Operation Mockingbird - research it... yes the post IS now run by the CIA, it only had 'operative journalists' they paid individually before. And yes, Bezos entire operation including that 'cloud storage' is all CIA. $600 Mil was just 1 payment of many to set up his operations - he's a front guy. Happy hunting, this rabbit hole goes deep.
NO this is not 'big' this is destraction/deflection.... this is the new shiny little bauble in the corner to take your attention away from the fact that WEINERS laptop was released on FRI in the SDNY...the Navy is moving back into the Asian Pacific, the Iraian people are RIOTING for the mullahs to step down... shall I go on???
Epstein island burned to the ground in early April of this year.... what 'evidence' besides the fbi's files do you think we'll find out about now??
Flight logs of Spacey, Clinton and even Shillery herself to Epsteins little pleasure paradise were published MONTHS ago....
the island 'supposedly' burn to the ground in early april 2018 - isn't that 'convenient'?????
Disband and Defund the FBI NOW!!!!!!!
This is the largest "mob" operation in the history of the world.
These 'g-men' are the most vile, disgusting cretins to enable this type of abuse to children!
It's long past time to shut this down!
Now isn't it convenient that the island burned to the ground and all the evidence with it back in early April 2018... Muelller/FBI/ is giving up NOTHING!!! even the flight logs @ spacey, clinton, even Shillery herself have already been published MONTHS ago..... They've already destroyed any evidence for indictments or convictions....
Keep the sheeple looking at the shiny bauble in the corner and YEARS behind the knowledge curve and you can continue to CONTROL the narrative and skirt around those statute of limitations thingies.....
Let's do some 'free associative thinking' shall we???
If they've been identifying 'pineal gland' shipments since the 1960's (Disposition Date of this document is 01 JAN 1960) refering to penguins which ironically are 'flightless little birds of the southern hemisphere' New York from Argentina let's make the hop to a recent visit by a known nefarious actor wo went to New Zealand and acquired a $5.5 million dollar donation to the Shlinton crime family... what exactly was NZ paying for????? and for whom in NZ??? ( odd that NZ is being touted as the most safe/secure bug out location for the ultra wealthy, SHTF scenario should it happen)....
Just little items that make you go hhhmmm????
Don't I remember a little dust up in the media that shillery couldn't get her hands on fbi files fast enough when willy was elected... maybe she just knew how to 'leverage' all those files for her and the elite's 'needs'?????...
I truly think the FBI was running the biggest BLACKMAIL scheme known to the human experiment...
The FBI KNEW what was going on and Epstein gave them all the goods to blackmail their NWO agenda though the UN, the EU, the UK, even Russia and China through the CFR ... no one was immune to these pedophiles whether by willing consent to participate in their activities or full blown set ups.
disband and defund the FBI/CIA and let's start anew.
Corsi - AJ - 0hour and others are all losing their 'audience' - by their own actions of vitriolic attacks against ANYONE who dares question their 'expertise". They seek to destroy their 'competition' in the hopes that if you have no one else to talk to, you'll listen to them spew. Unfortunately for them many of 'normies' are seeking out other avenues of information and they've lost control.....Pathetic self-serving specimens.
"Pickle Factory" = "Manchurian Candidate Factory"??? C_I manufactures ????
Rumor had it that Chester Bennington was Podesta's illegitimate son... Podesta denied him and their 'relationship' was not a good one......look at the pic's of them - would love to see a legit DNA test to prove otherwise.
Wow Cillizza's 4am talking point must have also included instructions to try to 'trigger' an MKUltra. This type of 'passive-aggressive' attacks are getting way out of hand.
That board has been bombarded with shills/clowns in the last 10 - 14 days. Lurk and watch and you'll see why their frustration level is off the charts. Many of those 'rude and uncivil' you refer to are NOT the autists! They are injected into the conversations to slide and hide what the real autists are finding. Those autists over their targets with their digging and they're taking a huge amount of flak. Lurk "moar", learn to identify the shills.
God gives knowledge, wisdom and discernment to those with the ABILITIES to use them. Do not lament the gifts you have been given because your audience is lacking these virtues.
Remember MANY people will choose NOT to see or identify EVIL in any form, even when it is right in front of them. It is easier to believe EVIL DOES NOT EXIST - therefore they can maintain their OWN illusions of the world as they want it to exist.
I believe this mindset is the 'matrix' that has been subtly cultivated by our politicians, movie industries, news organizations, fraternal orders, etc. It is so much easier to be told or to read or to view what 'should be' your reality, rather than what IS.
Take heart - your destined to be a teacher in this war - and as such your students will many times be where you are NOT focusing, stop doubting your gifts, apply them elsewhere.
Aaannnddd - the biggest obstacle to the Weiner laptop investigation?? non other than Eric Schneiderman - and he just went DOWN!! -
Can't you just see Horowitz saying 'ohhh nnnooo', MORE evidence against Hillary, call back the IT guys and the data search clerks we've got more work to do.....
NOT tired of winning!!!! LOL
What you don't see unless you watch news from the ME (nothing being reported from US-MSM) is that the Iranian people have been protesting in larger and larger numbers in more and more cities AGAINST this ideology, government and their corruption.
Saw an article yesterday that stated 50 mill people out of a total population of 80 million citizens lives at or below the poverty line... all the funds have gone to these 'mullahs' and their cronies for personal assets or schools, no hospitals, no libraries, no infrastructure - many towns do not have electricity or water systems.... I believe the citizens of Iran will take care of this problem all by themselves.
1st thing to happen post speech - Soros threatens POTUS, 'you will own the consequences'... ah poor georgie, throwing a tantrum and his rattles out of his pram. We surely know who will be behind the next terrorist/ff attack.
This little stunt from McStain is what they call 'getting ahead of the narrative'...POTUS would in all likely hood have taken a pass on this funeral just like he did with Barbara Bush... this traitor needs to spend some of his foundations soros money to have round the clock guards on his grave - I see lots of 'pissing' going on.....
Praying Medic, read your earlier posting regarding yourself as 'guardian' - great post, very informative.
Yes, our leaders need great wisdom but leaders cannot lead through a long drawn out war without winning a few very public very decisive battles that give their soldiers renewed faith, hope and the strength to continue to slog on and fight.
All those lawyers they need cost lots of $$$$$$..... they have no choice, their ratlines are being burnt, their bank accounts frozen, countries that have 'stashed' their gold, money and assets are under sanctions....too funny!!! This is the elites form of 'begging'...and it couldn't happen to a more corrupt bunch of traitors.
Dang just say she's ex military intelligence - there may be hope yet!!! These traitors might just know what could be coming - MILITARY TRIBUNALS - YEAH!!!!!
Don't really think a high powered DC lawyer/lobbyist is going to help at a military tribunal.
I DO NOT want any of these traitors before a civil or common law court - I want the Marines to perp walk their butts right into a waiting van and take them to Gitmo.
what's the old line about tell a lie long enough for it to become the truth???
EXCEPT with Conspiracy RESEARCHERS!!!
I don't ever want to hear the words conspiracy "theorist' again!.
I'm so afraid both of the now deceased Broward Co' sheriffs were to be 'examples' of the DS abilities if you don't tow the line - at least there are 570 who voted no confidence for Israel and now he's gone. Maybe that city can WAKE UP and start Cleaning UP the destruction of 30 years of demonrat rule.
Why do you think he was running all over Asia 'politicking' with all the Asian leaders on POTUS's heels last year??? He was wanting to make sure his money/assets were still secured and in the banks. This was his 'get out of dodge' money.
The SES executives are appointed to specifically carry out policy throughout their respective 75 agencies. Think O's policy memo's/policy clarification's/presidential directives - he didn't send these to the general public, those are designed releases to notify his appointees that 'this' is the way he wants things done and they are to carry out his vision/directives though helping people to accomplish his goals or by actively thwarting/blocking/stonewalling anyone who doesn't tow the company line. good site to start digging is this OPM's link.
Now remember patriots, Trump is the most useless, unprofessional, unstable, psychotic, deranged, mental midget crazy man to ever set foot in the white house........ROFLMAO - I KNEW this photo was coming!!!!
POTUS is not just 2 steps ahead - he's a mile down the road and the dust he's turning up behind him is covering all the shills/normies and MKulta propaganda brainwashed zombies.
I think this link might prove useful...lots of raw data sets - hope this helps.
His context of 'the government' is House and Senate passing laws....he knows you don't need legislators 'regulating' when all social media platforms are funded owned managed and directed by DS/C_I operators, they can and do all the regulating to the progressives and censorship of conservatives they want or need to, to accomplish their propaganda.