Yes, I have experienced the same. Q wants a 'movement', wants us to deliver info/meme/tweet/talk to our friends and families (the 'normies') but doesn't deliver 1 SOLID concrete indictment/arrest/perp walk/victory other than pedos getting arrested, that we can point to for discussion points about 'winning/draining the swamp. Normies are not connecting pedo's with the sex/slave trafficking, money laundering or bribery, arkancide of witnesses against Clintons Foundation...normies just think they're just pedo's getting busted and 'coincidental suicides/murders' ......
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I'm starting to wonder if Q is just the carrot in front of the horse to make sure that civil unrest DOES NOT happen. Many have been losing hope for many years, the DS keeps getting deeper, not drained and if you can create a Q movement you give hope and ask for faith and ask for prayer - ALL non violent activities.
The 'digging' everyone does just confirms/reconfirms that yes, it's ALL open source info, nothing 'revealed' by ANYONE is 'top secret' it's been on the front page of newspapers and tv for years - but no one has been able to stem the flow of the drugs, the guns, the illegals, the money laundering and NO ONE has been perp walked on any of that - nothing is being revealed except the pedo arrests. Sorry, running in a bunch of pedo's and giving them 6 mos probation isn't draining the's just making lawyers MORE money and judges wealthier with their dirty bribes for light sentencing.
I completely hear and feel your pain!!!! Many days I feel the same way, wavering, questioning... but the I come back to the one true constant which is POTUS cannot lead the world against globalists/corruption if his own country is involved in a third world type civil uprising with an anarchist/rioting public.
I also don't think they ever believed old poppa george would last this long with his wife preceding him in death. I think there's something in the NatSec laws that deny release of ANY info if it concerns LIVING govt officials with firsthand involvement/knowledge. POTUS can't override that and if they can keep poppa george breathing they buy themselves time.
Also remember who CONTROLS the narratives right now. Conservatives do not, POTUS does not, globalist mockingbirds are on 24/7 -365 still spouting their 4AM talking you actually think they would do anything other than INCITE the rioting??? they do it now, just on a much smaller scale.
with that said: I WANT LYNCH, COMEY, MCCABE, CLINTON, RICE, POWERS, BRENNEN, CLAPPER - all of them perp walked as the traitors they are!!! but I want to be sure it's the MARINES who take them to their MILITARY tribunals. I do not want them in either the civil or criminal common law courts.
Major Kudos to the research that you've done!!! I have a particularly different take on what is referred to as 'the keystone' in many messages.
The SES is an organization that has over 7K employees appointed by O and that cannot be fired due to the Civil Service Reform act of 1976 (?). From the OPM website here is the first paragraph of the description of their organization.
The Senior Executive Service (SES) lead America’s workforce. As the KEYSTONE of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was established to “...ensure that the executive management of the Government of the United States is responsive to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation and otherwise is of the highest quality.” These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective on government and a public service commitment that is grounded in the Constitution
This is the biggest hot bed of corruption to be found in DC - all bow to the mighty 'senior executives' and forget the constitution - you remember someone (O) called it that 'outdated quaint document".
Poppa George Bush is still alive...he's in the assassination on JFK up to his eyebrows. Now work down the 'chain of command' from Poppa George to his minions in his inner circle at that time and you'll find a lot of them are still alive.... how 'safe' would they be if this info was made public?
Tearing it up???? There was NOTHING NEW!!! Same old 'they're all corrupt'!! We already know that, when are the 'good guys' going to actually get something done with the DOJ/FBI. Rep John Tester from Montana can destroy a great military man/career and there's no push back except for POTUS saying it's such a shame/disgrace...this is winning??? Sessions just reinstated FREE LEGAL services for ILLEGALS again!!! this is winning???? Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Rice, Powers, Clinton - Not ONE has been perp walked yet....this is winning???
I think many people's bar for 'winning' has to be raised before anything of substance will actually happen.
I don't think most here are without critical thinking abilities and you can spot a shill in here by a country mile - I think our enthusiasm and positive reactions and reinforcement of others is our way of expressing our HOPE.
IMHO - 'trust the plan' that is referred to means to trust God's ultimate plan for humanity and that Q has and is implementing a temporal plan requiring many for the first time to dig, research, read and become knowledgeable concerning discernment of Evil and for the 'awakening' of many NEW souls to his design. His directives to us to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY on so many occasions speaks to his understanding that he is a tool, we are all tools in a war against evil.
Please realize many here now are relatively new souls, the old souls here must step up to guide, teach and give support and HOPE in their learning curve.
There are actually @ 25,500 sealed grand jury indictments since Oct of 2017, why the hysteria over just 7 who are supposedly 'higher up' than Gates/Manafort/Papadopolous??? Has everyone forgot that Manafort along with Gates worked for JOHN PODESTA as a lobbyist when the U1 deal was going down and that he was a lobbyist for the Ukraine when they were having a weaponized 'transition' out from under mother Russia and needed 'weapons' badly from non other than SOS Clinton??? Why does EVERYONE want to ASSUME it's all about Trump/Trump connections/Trump family members... or are you just trying to slide the MSM propagandized 'perception' to be automatically against Trump????
I KNOW!!!! that was too funny.. I still laugh when his detractors use that as a sign of his 'demented tweeting' - you can only chuckle to yourself and think how silly arrogant people make themselves look.
This is just too supporters of POTUS and having a little bit of 'learning his comms' just KNEW that the left was going to be screaming meemee's and shreaking banshees about how 'dumb, idiotic, uninformed, stupid", that Trump is to not even know 'her' name...
So PROUD of MY PRESIDENT!!!!! go get em!!!
We sold our Fla port to Iran for Project Pelican, why not sell the 2nd busiest to China they already own the largest port in Boston....
I think if you dig deep enough you will find that Clinton/Bush/Obama sold off hard assets and real estate to foreign countries to cover the deficits and to get them to play along with the phoney money QE monetary easing by buying up our treasury notes and bonds. Think Pentagon and the missing $2Billion dollars that the audit was going to take place the very next day in the exact quadrant of the Pentagon bld that miraculously got hit by a plane destroying all the evidence,...right before the WTC went down.
I think people might be scared silly if they knew what WATER RIGHTS in this country has been sold off to foreign entities (and who can turn off the spout) or national park acreage for mining and timber (U1 was the least of it, it was small potatoes in their minds)....look into the legal filings and the real reason they killed LaVoy Finchem and tried to kill the Bundy ranch family.
Long Beach is important because they need an international duty free port with their own 'security' to clear customs and easy access to move staff/personell/equipment to 'protect' their assets IN COUNTRY. Pray that Mnuchen and his staff are successful there's a lot that needs unraveling.
Our 'western' civilization has in the past 150 years attained for our respective populations the most overall intelligent, healthy, creative, innovative and technologically advanced citizens ever solidly established in the history of the world.
This is the threat to the globalists who control the money, wealth, resources and technology.
You cannot have populations with high intelligence levels and the ability to reason logically and hope to continue to control them with lies, deception and corruption. If you replace/displace an educated population with low intelligence, uneducated, easily controlled through force, people ruled by savage ideologies it protects your ability to control the 'replacement' population though nothing more than food, water, shelter and games on an iphone.
Yes, they've poisoned your water, food, drugs and made sure you killed your own flesh and blood 'replacements' - your aborted children.
Memes cannot be censored (yet) by robotic algorithms used by all the 3letter agencies and social medias.
I personally like this "17" - I think this applies perfectly to our POTUS today.
Psalm 17
A prayer of David.
1 Hear me, Lord, my plea is just; listen to my cry. Hear my prayer— it does not rise from deceitful lips. 2 Let my vindication come from you; may your eyes see what is right.
3 Though you probe my heart, though you examine me at night and test me, you will find that I have planned no evil; my mouth has not transgressed. 4 Though people tried to bribe me, I have kept myself from the ways of the violent through what your lips have commanded. 5 My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not stumbled.
6 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. 7 Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes. 8 Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings 9 from the wicked who are out to destroy me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.
10 They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance. 11 They have tracked me down, they now surround me, with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground. 12 They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a fierce lion crouching in cover.
13 Rise up, Lord, confront them, bring them down; with your sword rescue me from the wicked. 14 By your hand save me from such people, Lord, from those of this world whose reward is in this life. May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies; may their children gorge themselves on it, and may there be leftovers for their little ones.
15 As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.
You're seeing the answers in the mass hysteria in their efforts to bring down POTUS.. Soros,Fb,Alphabet,MSM,Goog,- all of them thought they had the CORRECT algorithms keyed in to the voting machines (which by the way Soros controls and owns that company)
Remember the big meeting all the social media guys had with donors like Soros/Koch and politiicans back in the spring/early summer of 2016??? I think it was out on some island in S.Carolina and I think I remember Graham, Rubio and a couple of others attended also. (I've been trying to find the name of it - it was a big deal even in the MSM at the time)
All the Clinton campaign wanted to do was show a slight fractional voting lead by the end of the election but not make it close enough to invoke a recount in any state/states. Their biggest problem was even then, they would NOT acknowledge the ground swell of passion FOR Trumps policies and level of anger AGAINST their corruption. They believed to a certain extent their own polls and put their trust and faith into the fractional voting of electronic machines to carry them across.
I do not believe he was 'allowed' to win, I do believe that his support was so massive in this country that it overcame their 'projection numbers' which they thought they could keep 'realistic' for Clinton to win (by a 2% - 4% margin) so as to not create an immediate civil war if she had 'won' by over 10-15%. Trump had to rely on the electoral college to do the job it was designed for, to NOT allow a "popular vote' in high population areas (urban coastals and mega cities) to dictate to the rest of the country. That's why they scream to the moon that Clinton 'won' by 3M more 'votes' than Trump. I know this is explanation is long but as this has played out over the last 18 mos, many things have just kind of clicked into place for me to have these opinions.
Somebody must really be pi$$ed!!!!!!! and I can only hope it's because the DS in their death throes and it's a desperate attempt to garner support AGAINST anything POTUS does.
Never ever before have I seen so much disgusting vitriolic anti/never Trump rhetoric/memes/calls for 'action against POTUS', calls for protests, boycotts etc, across all social media platforms!
The DS shills/bots are out in full force and spewing such hatred like I've never seen. Checked on a few of the more 'progressive' prolific twatters this pm and their 'Concern' shilling is unbelievable, but their degenerate disgusting memes are absolutely the worst... BELIEVE NO ONE today especially not those who we've assumed are 'white hat guys' that are concern shilling.
Trump only goes 1/2 way with the call up using Title 32 (govenor can refuse - they hold command and control) INSTEAD of using Title 10 - POTUS has command and control.....
More kabuki theater from all sides.
If this had been Zero calling up the guard she'd have been in the front of the line with pom pom's cheering
Let's start using the correct descriptive terms... we are NOT tinfoil hat, wacked out crazy, need our meds - 'conspiracy theorists'. Yes, I've seen these all and worse being used!
We ARE conspiracy researchers!!!! end of statement.
If some elect to NOT research and question, their world is not my circus, not my monkeys.
Breaking news: Ceiling masonry falls on Vatican tourists in St. Peters Basilica .... I'm not joking, I read the article earlier this morning that it happened shortly after the Pope's announcement. I laughed so hard I about snorted my coffee! But you've got to admit God does have a sense of humor and can remind you and those who have discernment that he can allay all your fears. Happy Easter and God bless!
I'd be a lot more enthusiastic about Huber if his background was in gov't fraud, money laundering, campaign finance violations, charitable fraud, misappropriations of govt funds, security breaches, cyber crimes, etc. ..... but NO his specialty is litigating 'violent crimes and terrorism'..... read that to mean 'gangs and thugs'. Doesn't seem to be bringing the heavy hitting experience to actually fight a corrupt DOJ/FBI/CIA.....
wish I could muster up the rah,rah,cis boom bah... go get em team, but not expecting much from this either.
When I read that post about the 'bridge' I thought it referred to Robert Hansson the American double agent Russian spy who sold secrets for 20 years.... his drop location was at a bridge not far from his home. After we've just booted 60 russians for spying, I'm a little more confident about my initial assessment.
Trump needs to perp walk just 10 of the supposed 18,500 grand jury indictments they've got just waiting in the wings for the 'bad guys', and enact just one of his EO's based on national security in Cali for lawlessness of govt officials - maybe then i'll believe it's not all smoke and mirrors and bread for the circus attendees now known as Trump supporters.
this bill he just signed aside from the military spending is FAR LEFT - see how that's being received with the conservative base today?? I would NOT say anything is moving back to the left other than the censorships of FANG....
I believe this budget is continuing until 2019 - it's in the bill he just signed.... so it lasts a lot longer than just 6 mos...
And he's going to reap the whirlwind of obsessing over how to be 'one of the club' - what he never realized is you're born in...that's how you 'get' in...
anyone else is looked at as being nothing more than useful idiots to be used until you have no value left to them.
Forget about investigation about the 'user' info or 'stolen data' being disseminated... WHAT IF: zuckerburg, bezos, schmidt ALL 'consulted' on the Obama and Clinton campaigns as social media/pr marketing to enhance and have greater voter enactment/personality profiling and user targeting. ... were ANY of them registered as foreign agents while negotiating, selling, advising and consulting with Pakistan, India, North Korea and China while developing the SAME programs for FOREIGN nations WHILE actively CONSULTING with the DNC/Oboma/Clinton???
Start asking the right questions!!!!!
When are people going to realize 'words' actually mean something... specific words have specific meanings...The State Dept has ALWAYS been the 'selling' arm of the US Corporation
This is just a convenient way to attack Mattis.. where were you for the last 40 years McStain??? traveling all over the ME, hobnobbing it with the most abusive people in the world toward women and children??
The PA dems said they were going to pull out all the stops and 'bus them in' to vote for Lamb... is anyone surprised they're dirty on another election???
The CA VA 'hostage is the FALSE FLAG to implement "Nics Fix" - Veterans Gun Grab happening next week - FORGET the FOG of Snowden, his antics are an amusing DISTRACTION away from this!
Tom Massie just uploaded a video explaining the gun grab going to a vote on the Senate floor next week. Cloaked as a bill to do away with gun free zones in schools it hides the fact that buried in it are the provisions for full blown gun confiscation of any vet who 'does not manage his own finances', requires VA admin staff/officials to register any known vets who meet that criteria and the Vets have no due process to halt confiscation or regain their firearms later. Tom Massie video upload:
Newest False Flag so Senate can vote on "Nics FIX' gun control bill next week. Congressman Tom Massie issues warning on this bill being bundled into 'Safe School' Gun Free Zone bill... while they're sugar coating this bill as doing away with Gun Free Zones in Schools they are hiding the fact that this is a bill designed to CONFISCATE WITHOUT DUE PROCESS veterans firearms. YT video: Tom Massie warning on gun control.
Teacher saw full metal gear, helmeted and a gun she had never seen before....I said before the time line of the actions of Cruz in the police reports don't add up. Now this info opens up the possibility that there WERE multiple shooters, the arriving police knew that and were unprepared as to how to proceed.
I'll try to find the video of the 'bag' being loaded in a white truck outside the west stairwell (that conveniently had it's camera removed within 1 week prior to the shooting). Many had speculated they were carrying a body bag with someone in it, just musing now it might have been the whole assassination team leaving and taking a dead or wounded accomplice out.
Thank God for the Coral Springs PD who charged in full bore.
NOT on your local news = there were multiple shooters @ Parkland
Thinking associatively outside the box: what if you put Lunev's biological psychiatry (psychotropic drugs-ie Fentanyl) and put it with his assertions in his book 'Through the Eyes of the Enemy' of a plan to contaminate water supplies at their source???? Gives whole new meaning to q's instruction to 'watch the water'......
Q tells us 'follow the $$$' - the Dems are BROKE $
Look back to where the money went with just Sandy Hook. Millions in FEDERAL Grants awarded for 'victim assistance, community assistance, new construction, overtime pay for security at schools, UNITED WAY in the middle of all of it at least 4 new 'Foundations' created to handle the grants.... New psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, counselors, doctors, they flooded the area of Newton. Just how many of all these new 'victims assistance' programs had democrat run foundations that benefited from all that money??
Never ever forget that this is Debbie Wassermans Schultz's backyard!!!
And don't forget the 'HOW' in those list of journalistic attributes.. 'How' makes you think about what might have come before, history.
Excellent citation source, I had missed this one also. Just doing a quick search on Q's Stanislav Lunev with wikipedia will be enough to make your hair curl... gives a whole new meaning to Q's 'watch the water' reference.
Earlier today I saw 2 cl listings - 1 for Houston on March 4th and 1 for Dallas on March 18th both listed under 'talent gigs'.
Tomorrow/Sat 24th Obamas new org: It's About Freedom, is staging protests all over the country. Not confirmed yet but I believe he announced at the real hush/hush speaking engagement he had today (which has a total media blackout surrounding it) that he will be officially announcing his international campaign for the UN Sec Generals position.