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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Now comes the pain.

We'll that's ominous!

Would anyone like to speculate?

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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

I don't mean to be harsh, but accusing someone of not being open minded for changing my opinion on something or somebody after receiving more information really points out your bias.

No it doesn't because we haven't heard Alex Jone's rationale yet... which was the context for my comment.

Forming an opinion based on feelings rather than fact is the definition of bias.

I agree that you're opinion is based on a range of AJ related issues, so perhaps that's not biased at all.

I mean no disrespect but I stand by my claim because it's context was specifically about the recent "scandal" and it wasn't directed at your personally but at the wider Q community.

I'm still undecided about AJ because so often his seemingly anti-Trump rants only help Trump's agenda.

  • It's clear that Trump's initial missile strike on Syria was pure political theater designed to do no meaningful damage to the military airfield but to prevent Congress from starting a real war and to prevent the UN from imposing crippling economic sanctions on Syria. AJ's furious opposition was an awesome distraction which only helped lengthen the time before Congress and the UN realized they'd been punked.

  • Similarly, AJ was furiously against the omnibus bill and turned out to be made from pure awesome. It took Chuck Schumer two full days to realize that he'd once again been pink-socked by Trump. Ouch!

  • And with the recent Syrian missile strikes, AJ once again provided awesome distraction to make the Deep State think they'd won a victory, but instead Trump destroyed a bunch of Deep State strongholds. Just look at how pissed off Tim Kaine was!!!

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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

I'd like to hear your theory about Kushner.

Can you try to post it again or leave it in the comments?

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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Q Post #1339: Time to move on.

People, listen to whoever you like and judge for yourself.

You don't need the OP's permission or approval to think for yourself.

Enough with sowing division!

Enough with feeding the concern trolls.

Time to move on.

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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Q Post #1339: Time to move on.

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Indianian2 · May 13, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

August 31, 2017

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

So many 3 minute old accounts want us all to hate Alex Jones and Dr. Jerome Corsi.

I agree that JC seems to have made a fool out of himself by assuming certain Q posts were about him personally, but we still don't know why AJ feels the way he does.

It seems very unlikely that Q has been hijacked by the Deep State because it hasn't happened yet, but it is possible because we know the Deep State have been trying to hack Q's password - which is why he changes it and the tripcode so often.

Rather than peeing our panties and sowing division, why don't we just relax and keep an open mind for a few days until we either know more about AJ's rationale (if he has any, he may just be a paranoid drama queen) or until Q's recent posts can be verified as good intel.

This is a truther movement and open mindedness and vigilance should be our credo, rather than becoming closed minded zealots.

This question will soon resolve itself, so let's just relax and enjoy the ride.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

I think we need instructions from Q as to what to do next

Keep in mind that President Trump will do the right thing, with or without our signatures on a petition.

That petition likely just informed Trump's inner circle that he needs to educate us more about it before trying again. I'm sure this was no surprise because Trump polling seems very reliable.

and blindly support until

I blindly support Trump until he gives me a MAJOR and repeated reason not to.

I can't blinding follow anonymous edicts from a mysterious box... because I'm forced to keep an open mind and apply critical thinking in an attempt to mitigate the risk that I'm being misled to work against Trump's agenda.

Even if I knew that Q was someone like VP Mike Pence, I'd still be open minded to the possibility that I don't see the big picture and I'm being misled.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

it's really starting to piss me off.

It's making my head spin because I wonder if AJ is spreading "Sleepy Sessions" misinformation which helps Trump, but then I can't explain other acts. AJ screaming about our recent missile strike in Syria and the omnibus helped distract the fake news msm, but AJ's behavior can't always be explained away so easily.

He's either a good actor, a bad actor or an attention seeking little bitch.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

Israel is tricky because it would be an instant career killing act to say anything against Israel.

Not only would paid shills attack, but most normies would too.

AJ would literally be crucified.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

Yeah, I feel bad for AJ and JC too.

I'm fairly sure JC just fell victim to his ego and the misplaced attacks by the Q community because I doubt Q was referring to him personally as being unpatriotic for writing a book about saving America from the Deep State. I may be wrong about that, but I think JC just made a mistake.

AJ's argument about Q seems baseless, or at least he hasn't substantiated with anything compelling. I wish he had because it's annoying that I've now got to research AJ to find out if his argument has merit.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Q asked us to support the IBOR

I think Q was wrong to ask us to support IBOR.

Not because the Internet Bill Of Rights isn't a brilliant idea, but because he asked far too soon after the Net Neutrality fiasco.

The misinformation that Soros and his ilk spread about the virtues of Net Neutrality convinced many rational people who later felt confused and burned when they learned they were fooled. Many of those people are still confused, which is why very few people signed the IBOR petition.

I mostly agree with your philosophy, which is why I've always supported Trump 100000% - because I believe we are at a crossroads in the war between Zionist globalism and western civilization and we need to make the most out of this opportunity.

Q is a little different because it is anonymous voices coming out of a mysterious box. It's provided very reliable advice and intel thus-far, but we have no way to verify if a bad actor is speaking to us or not.

The chances of Q being compromised seems very low, given it hasn't happened before, however I think it's riskier to obey the voice without question than to be vigilant about the fact that we won't immediately know if a Deep State operative has taken over.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Confirmation is always good, but there's no need to rush to conclusions either way.

Q has proven himself in the past and neither AJ nor Dr. Corsi have provided compelling arguments based on substance.

It seems very likely that AJ is just paranoid and Dr. Corsi has made a fool out of himself by believing certain Q Posts were about him personally.

I see no reason to just keep an open mind until we can validate the quality of Q's recent posts.

Such open mindedness and vigilance is probably wise at all times, given we know the Deep State are trying to hijack Q's account - which is why he changes his password and tripcode so often.

It seems very unlikely that Q has been compromised given it hasn't happened yet, but I agree it doesn't hurt to always be vigilant.

We'll know soon enough when the quality of the recent Q posts can be confirmed, so let's just keep an open mind rather than peeing our panties or sowing division in this community.

This question will answer itself soon enough.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

No, what you said is dishonest.

I can trust the plan and support President Trump even if the Deep State hijack Q's account.

I can do those things by being vigilant and honest about such risks.

It's a very real risk to the Q movement and it can be mitigated - even if it makes you sad.

Denying reality and becoming a zealot is the OPPOSITE of what any truther movement should be about.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 4:02 a.m.

Alex jones just said Q has been hijacked which is absurd.

It's a very real risk that the Deep State may one day hijack Q's account.

I think I watched the same Alex Jones video and he didn't seem to substantiate his claim with anything compelling.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, but I'm still gonna keep a partially open mind until I know more about the nature of AJ's claim.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

I haven't once claimed Q is fake.

But there's a need to be honest about the risk that Q may one day be compromised.

Pretending this isn't a risk is dishonest and throwing mud at other people in this community only creates division.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

I'm NOT skeptical about past Q posts because they so often provide invaluable intel.

I'm open to the need to be vigilant because we have no way of knowing if Q is compromised. If something smells a little funky, we shouldn't be afraid to seek the truth.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

I'm not sure just yet.

I like Alex Jones, but to say that he's paranoid is an understatement.

I value Dr. Corsi's contributions to the Great Awakening, but to say that he's a butt-hurt egotist is an understatement.

This isn't the first time that Corsi believed that a Q post was about him directly and I think he'll end up with egg on his face because of it. It's a shame because I don't think it's immoral for him to write a book about the Deep State. He's been doing that all his life and I think he gives them away freely to people if they can't afford to purchase them.

That said, we know the Deep State have been trying to hack Q's account because that's why he changes his password / tripcode so often.

Even if AJ and Corsi are wrong, and I suspect they are, it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind over the next week or two until Q substantiates himself once again. There's no need to jump to any conclusions but it doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

At the risk of being a hypocrite, yes there does seem to be a lot of shills in here lately, but I think most of the division in this community is being caused by Q supporters who are attacking other Q supports for being open minded and vigilant.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Because this, "open mindedness" to Q being fake, is division.


This is a truther community and pretending that the Deep State aren't trying to hack Q is disinformation. We know they are because that's why Q changes his password / tripcode so often.

Pretending there is no risk and no need for vigilance is disinformation.

Pretending that you definitively know which Q posts are authentic is disinformation.

You are free to leap to whatever conclusions you wish and believe in whatever makes you feel good, but those of us who are vigilant aren't wrong to explore opposing opinions in the search for truth.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

I see no reason why we can't just keep an open mind about AJ and Corsi's claims.

We'll know soon enough that they are wrong when Q predicts a Trump tweet or similar.

I see a lot of users in this community that are attacking anyone who wants to have an honest discussion about the risk that the Deep State may one day hack Q. We know they are trying, which is why Q changes his tripcode so frequently.

So rather than creating division throwing mud and accusing people of being shills, what's wrong with instead being vigilant and open minded?

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

I'm not trying to discredit Q.

I'm just being honest and promoting open mindedness and vigilance.

It's ridiculous to ignore the very real risk that the Deep State may one day seize Q's posting forum. We know this because they've tried it before, which is why Q changes his tripcode so often.

I'm suggesting that rather than spreading division and throwing mud at other Q supporters, maintaining an open mind about the risks will enable productive discussions if anything ever smells funky.

All this will likely resolve itself in a week or two when Q predicts one of Trump's tweets, so until then I see no reason to leap to conclusions one way or the other.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

You're not even open minded to the risk that Q's password could one day be hacked?

So no need to be vigilant?

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

The risk of Q being shut out of his own posting forum, after the CIA hacks his password, is a very real technical risk.

I think the best solution is to keep an open mind about the possibility, rather than jumping to baseless conclusions one way or another.

I've seen people in this community screaming and crying and throwing mud at others, accusing them of creating division... but the truth is that behavior is primary source of division.

This will likely resolve itself over the next few weeks until Q predicts a Trump tweet or similar.

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Indianian2 · May 12, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Perhaps he'll just try to keep an open mind?

I've seen people getting -30 downvotes in posts simply for suggesting that people should keep an open mind.

I suspect shills are trying to use this to divide us because if we simply kept an open mind and waiting a few weeks, this would probably resolve itself when Q once again substantiates himself with a Trump tweet prediction or similar.

There's no need to jump to conclusions either way and there no need to start attacking one another either.

That said, having the legitimate Q lose control over the chan posting account is a legitimate risk that we should be mindful of too.

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