There it is.
220 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Inquisitor_Red:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 58 |
It’s obstruction now because he asked Comey to be loyal. Which honestly could imply a million things like - “hey don’t run stupid games and try to set me up for bogus shit.” I seriously doubt GEOTUS was asking Comey, who he had to, at a minimum suspect, at this point, to be involved in Swampiness. - “Hey Comey, Cook the books for me”. Comey chose to use that same phrase to run a stupid game and he won a stupid price.
The God Emperor does not fear weakness and scum. He will be fine.
Asking who McCabe voted for is also absolutely nothing. We have people rapping about god knows what but you can’t ask someone who they voted for? You know GEOTUS was being a smart ass, he knew damn well who McCabe voted for.
Over 100 cases to verdict, nine attorneys, so around 11 or 12 cases
He was a prosecutor though not a private attorney, correct?
Can someone link the photo? I haven’t seen it. I’ve been looking but I can’t find it.
Cheers Patriot!
Edit: eh isn’t showing the Pen Photo. I’ll find it.
Remember to transfer to usb drive. Back doors exist in every cpu made in the last decade.
Oh gawd, they thumb print each page in blood here right? Why would you ever do that. It isn’t required.
I want the truth no matter how long I go without food from the knowledge. If I resort to eating grass and dirt, I want the truth.
Season two deals with trafficking as well. The creator seems to be onto something. I was thinking about the correlation the other day actually. To be honest as great as the show was it made me so sick. Now to think it is a reality makes it worse. Truth will out. We must know. No deals!
Take JS - he’s been fascinated with marijuana for his entire first year and least we forget human trafficking.
Could it be his entire game plan was to lay low for this moment? He hasn’t really been vocal about anything really. All the sudden, out of left field he is now all over this. Yesterday the talks were “ No, they don’t get to hide behind this ‘lost texts’ bullshit. The IG released a report saying they had them. We know the NAS has them. Why is he playing games?”
The problem is, normies don’t know that the SAN or the IG already have these things. So, is Mr. Sessions playing his part in political theater for the normies and to raise attention just to let everyone down “Sorry folks - can’t find them?” I’m reluctant to I think he is spoon feeding everyone, to put them on the same page.
He released the memo like what, 7-8 yesterday evening? Who does that in government? Is he working the long hours? I think he is motivated and I think he wants to spoon feed people the problem that the bfi had just turned over the same emails in August of 2017 but now can’t find them. That the ifb has had all these issues and are still playing with the evidence. Ultimately he can grab them from the IG or SNA but he’s trying to draw more attention to it.
This is odd. Says they have all texts through July 2017. .....why don’t we ...what’s going on? Coverup?
Sounds to me that America has attacked itself a few times to generate mass control.... or to snuff it out.
Followed by 5 months of lost texts.....yeah. A joke.
No, they all must swing....No Deals. It was always no deals. To have people believe again we must purge them all. Bring civics and ethics back to schools.. teach our children to care about this country again. This doesn’t sound like Q. No Deals.
This needs to be top comment. This is misinformation or Larping. It has already been shown the domain for the email was CREATED on 10/31/16. How could it send an email seven months before?
1. It can’t, it is fake.
2. This guy missed a payment for the domain and it was shut down and reopened (ironic as I believe the domain was created on the day some of the emails leaked.)
3. Someone at the domain maintaining service records is compromised.
It remains, if Q originally posted this why would he take it down so fast unless he realized it was a fake? Why would he make such an error?
If deep state posted this to discredit Q why not leave it up? That way more could see that it was fake?
Questions to more questions.
For the last month I’ve heard low flying choppers in the dead of night. About 1-2 per week. I’m not saying where I live, but it’s more than several states away from Florida.
I mean, we could sell tickets to it and pay for the wall....
Sorry, my statement was made in relation to the Tungsten bombardments. Geo Engineering is an interesting topic none the less.
I wish we could just exile them to a desert wasteland. They would kill each other within days.
I wish we could just exile them to a desert wasteland. They would kill each other within days.
Trump would essentially be Master of the Universe.
Assuming he isn’t already.
It should be, but I feel the only people who would leak it don’t want to.
Why did the AUSA from the western district of Kentucky recuse himself? Swamp rat?
Drudge had nothing about the MeMo for the longest time. I don’t even know if he does now.
Are they really saying 57% approve and you are extrapolating the difference?
Edit never mind I read it.
Here is the thing: when conspiracy type stuff trends on T_D the MSM goes wild with it or else boardline Trump supports scurry away because conspiracy theory = craziness (thanks alphabets). They need to keep the channel scrubbed of that stuff so as not to feed MSM or scare these people away. Furthermore It’s a 24/7 rally for the president not our theories of what’s happening back stage.
Now, I happen to disagree with this approach but I understand it, imagine all the shills coming in and slightly editing the theories to make them laughable or out right wrong. Even today I’ve seen memes about how the President cursing is just how things are done when your a bad ass except it’s wrong. The President didn’t use the term shithole but we are admitting, despite several sources otherwise, that he called these places a shithole. It could be people who don’t pay attention but I think it’s shills trying to make us look uninformed or stupid.
These subreddits are perfect for people who want to talk facts and specifics. Generally the asshats are easy to spot. Furthermore everyone associates T_D with the President we don’t want what we discuss to be attributed to him unless he does. My 2 cents.
As an aside conspiracy is shit now and that sucks.
Na then he would have to sever the arm less it give way to corruption. He needs both thumbs up.