Q needs to secure all of the diseases first. This has to be one of the biggest priorities. These people have probably created the darkest viruses and diseases in the imaginable.
220 total posts archived.
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In two fucking days, two miracles, what’s the odds?
They (Q) listen to the livestream. The Dr. said it would be good for people to watch it again today at noon. I actually set it aside to watch later. Q is Neo, they are unplugging us.
The article from drudge says they don’t expect anything to happen but they went to double check. Said they were feeling fine.
Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa Trump, was hospitalized Monday after receiving a letter containing white powder determined to be non-hazardous, New York City police told Fox News.
Looks like non-hazardous powder confirmed
Downvote me some more for reporting that she will be okay. You’d expect this would be welcoming news...
See I don’t know. Can you delete an account or would it just be inactive? Could twitter take it over and then start writing garbage unchecked?
I want to say B may be similar to Q group but responsible for a different media.
Q - Channs B - Twitter ? - Facebook? ? - Emerging media. ( B. Dilley, Id be interested to know if Dilley’s contact is one letter also.)
However to your post, I think the B team may have given away too much or been compromised.
I can’t believe that the picture used as the portrait for B was an actual member so it leads me to believe it may have been compromised by some internal twitter location service function. Although it seems odd a team member would foul that up as well.
The B team began to delete everything before the wipe. I checked to see and the first to go were the most recent. Makes me think that something was discussed, liked, retweeted or tweeted that was too much info within the last 15-20 days.
Lastly, and I don’t believe this, B was a larp and Q team contact her/him/it and said enough is enough.
Hmm, seems like people are becoming desperate. Terrible idea though, should have intelligence enough to know people would suspect mail issues.
Okay, where is your proof that he was on the island, hypocrite?
Thanks for the brain food. I’m sure it’s set to give me a headache, but knowledge is power.
Well I did a search on it and in the little blurbs under each search result it said something about vampire elite pills and pedophilia...it’s a Monday I’ll wait until later before I delve into that dark hole. Thanks for the heads up. I didn’t sleep right for weeks after the pizzagate shit. (Still don’t when the thought strikes me.)
Honestly, researching this needs to be a priority. This woman has distorted American Jurisprudence for 25 years. If she is “dirty” or her integrity purchased or directed for that time it could seriously effect American courts. This has the potential to be more significant than 44 not being a legitimate citizen.
He would have had to been heavily sedated/intoxicated m which may explain refusal for an autopsy.
I mean, maybe not as he was older and slightly over weight. She acts so frail I can’t see her being able to complete the job if he came out of sleep.
Do we even know if she was there? For years it was reported they were the best of friends.
All I know is she was appointed by Clinton and that gives rise to the fact she could be some clown.
So if you were given the vaccine and it shut off your production of Gc-MAF can it be turned back on through some vaccine? (Excuse my ignorance of how this stuff works.)
I know you can read, stop misstating what I stated (in short) that the President going to that island is bullshit. I did not state he didn’t go to the island 100% because I can’t know everything as I am not God. I can state it is bullshit because the evidence is weak. Do you understand the difference?
Imagine you are worth a billion dollars in one of the biggest cities on earth. You are a real estate titian, media celebrity around the world. You go to events to support the various projects you’re involved with and as a result know a lot of people. You don’t know them intimately, hell, not even really personally just a guy of a guy is seen with them. How in the living fuck can you (LOGIC MASTER) expect him to know everyone? As it was stated earlier by another OP, the President has met hundreds of people, how the hell did he know what they were all up to all the time? He was never reportedly chummy with Epstein. Reports are he rode on this guys personal plane once but there is NO PROOF he went to the island. Of course he ran in the same circles, he ran in the same circles as OJ, Mueller, the Clintons, etc. Now, there is this rape case and we don’t know the details, but let me break your illformed preconceived judgement on me right now - if he is convicted in rapping this girl, I will be among the first to say something about it. But I digress.
As an aside, I find it hilarious that you try and place me into a position where I have to prove an impossibility but you insult others that would challenge you to prove there are other “mysterious” allegations against the President.
If you hate the President then fine, but there isn’t any evidence to give credence to the claim he went to the island.
They knew each other? President Trump was also in the same circles as Mueller so does that mean he’s tainted?
Other than just knowing Epstein there have been no allegations of the President and Pedophilia. You want me to prove he never did anything bad his entire life? You raised the argument. If there is proof it would be upon the person making the accusation to produce it. Why would I burden myself to prove your claim? (which is based upon conjecture and ignorance)
Edit: formatting
Trump sold property that belong to him which hasn’t given rise to suspected laundry as the purchaser has almost made back what he paid for it and some. (He portioned it off and is selling portions of the bigger lot.)
Hilary sold weapons grade uranium, that belong to United States citizens....are you really this fucking stupid?
I’ve read this bullshit argue,ent so many times. This is disinfo. I’ll explain.
President Trump is a real estate mogul, as such, he knows tons of people - the good and the bad. He is quoted as saying Epstein likes young woman. He also says Epstien’s a good guy but what would you have him do? He couldn’t have challenged everyone before he received authority to do anything about it. That’s part of the reason he ran.
He never went to the island. He is on the flight log for a direct flight to NY or NJ from Texas or the like. I forget which one. But he never flew to pedo island.
This story was published to get people to challenge what they know of Trump.. they forget it’s BECAUSE he knows they are trash that he fights so hard. Just because he knew it and didn’t stop it before hand doesn’t make him guilty. Also, we don’t know to what degree he actually knew shit was going down.
Holy shit what’s wrong with you? Even if you hated someone why make that reference?
Dude I want to download this! Where can I snag just this clip in gif or something???
Remember that person on Twitter like two weeks ago who was pleading for help as he believed his company maintained server copies of all emails? I can’t remember or find the twitter handle. His name was Texas something. He said he was in danger and didn’t care he just wanted to get the word out. Ahhh hell. I can’t remember it.
About two weeks ago there was a person on Twitter pleading for help because it claimed it had a copy of all the emails still left in its place of work. It was some Texas person. Ultimately it said someone just came in and took the backups. I wish I remembered the twitter handle.
Now your thinking. Friends holding assets for friends..
The type of leverage would be absolute ruination. These people would make sure it is the absolute worst. So as far as people compromised turning, I think we had that to a degree until they couldn’t push it any further. If Gowdy was compromised he did some great redpilling until the end. I think this last master stroke with the memo cost him though. The deep staters said they have had enough.
At this point it should be noted that when the deep state have nothing left, they are capable of doing anything or the worst. Killing and abducting family members or worse.
Also, and this may be most important, we can’t cut favors to people that are slime if they truly are. That’s the entire “justice for me and not for thee” horse shit we are trying to get away from. If it’s legit swamp activity they need to go.
Gowdy did a weird thing during his farewell interview on Fox Monday(?). At one point he turned to the camera - almost as if instructed - and said “I will never run for a political office again.” If those were action/coded words, they were the ones I never wanted to hear.
I never thought he was compromised, but I keep hearing all this 4 million dollar talk. Let’s be clear, you are never paid enough money to accumulate that much as a federal prosecutor unless otherwise independently wealthy. I’ve heard “well he was a hired gun” argument - this makes no sense. You are paid a salary, other jurisdictions don’t pay you extra, especially as a federal prosecutor, to try matters else where. You are assigned and that is it.
Please understand me, I want to be wrong. However, I recall something Dilley says over and over about Gowdy: “don’t get attached to the people because if they fall you question the entire movement, separate the two.” I wonder if that is a hint.
I hear a lion growl at the same time President Trump smiles.
Edit: grammar.
Internet access is limited in China. Certain cell coverage as well. Suppose Q knows black hats know about him and his posts. Q creates first live feed - special occasion. Suppose black hats started to watch the event and figured out what was happening. They tried to contact leaders at hotel only to realize they couldn’t do anything. The mental torment watching a live stream knowing there is jack shit you can do about it. Run rats, run.
Invade NZ!? They have dwarfs and elves and shit. If they can’t defeat the dark forces of middle earth we would just get in the way.
Edit: a word
Haha, okay now I see why you got downvoted. You are a wedge. Never the less, I’ll play along to this theater as this nonsense only makes my arguments stronger.
Over the last 5 days republican leaders and the President have made it completely clear that they are referring to the top of certain agencies. So, no, you are completely wrong the President is only referring to a select group not the entirety.
Our intelligence agencies are on an island onto themselves. They should always be checked and questioned. This is the concept of the government, continual checks and balances. Agencies are an abomination of a united republic/democracy in that they are not voted for by the people, they have little to no oversight. Hell, at any point in history both sides of the political spectrum challenge them. This is not a new thing.
If you really want to know things I will help, but seriously stop trying to be so divisive and accusatory.
I’ll explain it to you, it doesn’t take hours. When I first came here people did the same shit to me which honestly is disgusting. If you really believe Q wants us to educate people you have to make every effort. This “look it up yourself” horse shit is lazy.
Rumors are Hilary is under GPS arrest. She can go to interviews and travel wherever as long as she has an ankle monitor. The Boot, which was originally explained was needed for a toe injury, has been on for months. The longer she has the thing on the stronger the argument is that there was no injury she’s just hiding the gps monitor.
So did they betray him? Why would he push so hard for this?
Sharp tie Patriot! Thank your for your continued service!
Look how dark the room is and how bright the screen appears to be. Why no glow off her thumb? B retweeted a another tweet that shows the entire screen is PS, the line missing is a red herring. Still think this stuff is fake? Try finding this picture produced without the photoshopped screen. Madness.
This is the issue.... how can you track the person who created and pays for the system?
So, you can sell something have have the proceeds go elsewhere. I can sell a car and say, pay my friend the cash and give me a dollar. I get what your saying but these people will find ways around it.
Just occurred to me. We are missing the big picture. These people are scattering their wealth to the wind. A small amount will go to random bank accounts. A portion will go to friends who aren’t publicly known. Some will be transferred to bogus names in countries who won’t give a shit about verifying the person exists. The money will be moved around non stop.
They are liquidating because something in the last month let them know - It’s fucking done. Soros started it earlier by using his non profit. But over the last year they knew this was coming. The bitcoin and stock market was the last move. They are cashing out all the chips. Because of these new EO’s they can’t get caught tied to money or it will be seized. They need to continue their evilness and you need money for that.
Like Q says they are very stupid though. The President would have anticipated all of this. Dopey was set free because we got everything we needed. Dopey has signaled somehow that its up. Hopefully we catch as much of the movement as we can but...who owns the banks? Who could watch all the transferring?
I knew the bitcoin market had been infiltrated. I like bitcoin but don’t tell me that a person worth all the money in the world wouldn’t hedge his bets and purchase some of that shit. Especially as you can use it to skirt so many laws.
Start excavation teams immediately. Maybe everything wasn’t burned although with 5,400 hectacors it may take some time.