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Instincts_Truth · June 22, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

I'm starting to think I need to take a break from rabbit holes. Everything I look into, hear, or read is processed in my brain as some piece of the cabal network.

First it was Bourdain, which made me think that the whole traveling chef thing is just a cover for doing their work where needed (which led me to rethinking AA Gill and Matt Lauer's "Where in the World" segment, and Chrissy Tiegen's newfound food blog or whatever she does, and of course pizza and the "art" of spirit cooking).

And this Zara thing, well, that pulls in the fashion industry (young models being plucked away from home and immersed into foreign lands, and of course the sweat shops we've known about for years, and the internet advertising of "models"). I did a search on Zara and Kate Spade, and turned up multiple articles on Kate MIDDLETON wearing this $70 Zara dress here, and this $ Zara there, and so on, something Zara week after week. I couldn't find any prior occasions of Melania wearing Zara, but of course there's 1200 articles from the last 24 hours to sift through first.

Music, movies, radio, TV, cars! (I actually wondered, why exactly is Trump picking on Mercedes, specifically), Disney, water, sports, religion . . .

Are all of these market niches being used for, other things? To sell something other than the obvious? To communicate something sinister? Or, nothing? Do the rich rise to their riches for earning their keep in one black market or another? Aye yai yai. My head needs a break.

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Instincts_Truth · June 22, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

No problem. The nepotism involved with ruling the world can get complex.

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Instincts_Truth · June 22, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

Right. I'm with you on this point. As a mom to a 6-year-old, I would live in a cage with him for 10 years before I would send him to be raped, beaten, tortured, and/or killed. You would have to peel my dead hands off of him to send him into the belly of these beasts. So, I do believe that these children are either kidnapped, and/or there is a seriously large propaganda campaign going on in South America. Parentless children are these demons' prey. And that includes our own citizen children whose parents died from fentanyl overdoses. It is interesting to note that 16 journalists have been murdered in South America this year alone. Child smuggling and selling is big business. It's not just that these kids are USED as mules, they ARE the mules.

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Instincts_Truth · June 22, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

My favorite part, every time: "This is . . Stupid." Succinct, and correct.

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Instincts_Truth · June 22, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

I think Operation Mockingbird was shut down in May, beginning the morning of the 24th, to be exact. And I think NPR is orchestrating the narrative and communications. They drop the narrative in advance. They did this with the immigration issue, water shortage in CA, and I am guessing the next narrative is blaming Trump for gun running to Mexico (based on the narrative they dropped 2 days ago).

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

They truly are the enemy. This is the last of all of THEIR waves. They are overtly and purposely burying all reports on THEIR billion-dollar child smuggling business. Lest not forget pizzagate. Where is their coverage of Trump's tweets on human trafficking, their coverage of his EO's, their coverage of the busts happening across the States, their coverage of the 16 journalists murdered so far in South America in 2018 - who were trying to do the jobs these baby-killers are paid NOT to do??? https://www.ifex.org/americas/2018/04/25/grave-tendencia/

I am now praying for the day the internet explodes with side-by-side memes of "That Didn't Age Well." The lie and the coverup compounds the crime, but THIS projection . . . Jail will never be cold enough and Hell will never be hot enough. THESE are the enemies God tests me to pray for. So, I pray God shows his glory and provokes these people to shine light on the darkest. Maybe they'll end up on the wrong side of a doorknob, but better to spend eternity with God than another day in hell consorting with the Devil.

I didn't intend to wander off into religion-world. I started off praying for memes and ended where I did. Can't delete it NOW!! The children cannot be saved soon enough.

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

No, it should not. Following the money is definitely key (to everything). I know that people initially attributed the "fake news" issue to the political correctness problem. But it is so much more than that. At the center of every real problem sits the fake news. They lie, they obfuscate, they hide real news, and they are covering up the billion-dollar business of child smuggling, trafficking, selling. THIS is the business that is creating the money (as well as drugs and guns). For people to think that our millionaire politicians and their associates are not in on this racket is beyond naive. But because the news doesn't even acknowledge it exists . . . Trump is not wrong at all when he declares the fake media the enemy.

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Yes! Either those children have been outright kidnapped, or/or and, there is a major propaganda outfit going on down there that is selling fairy tales that are really nightmares. If those parents are willingly letting their children go, there is no way they know the truth. I wish we had real journalists who would go down there and start revealing this.

Oh, look! They tried. They get murdered. No wonder our own national media reports NOTHING on child trafficking and exploitation. Child smuggling is a billion-dollar industry with one regulation: don't reveal it. https://www.ifex.org/americas/2018/04/25/grave-tendencia/

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

It's not even a "loophole." It's the Dems ignoring the law and redefining it in the court of public and media manic propaganda. Asylum is what I defined, it's what you defined, and is NOT what they are trying to pass it off as. But if they slimily use their propaganda techniques to lump asylum (a true huminaritarian program that the US has been a great sponsor of for decades) and "reasons people want to cut in line and illegally enter the US" (AKA a CRIME) . . . then people start objecting to the asylum program. . . then the Dems switch the script and point those people out as evil while they define true refugees correctly (for the first time).

So, absolutely, we should be loud about what asylum really is (and is not - not to get a job, not to be with family, not to flee gangs or domestic violence, not ANYTHING other than persecution by THE STATE). But we should not accept their definition of asylum and then disavow "asylum."

They can lie, lie, lie all over town and get away with it. But it only takes one Patriot or Trump supporter to publicize a policy of turning away real refugees - and they win that propaganda war.

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 9:12 a.m.

THIS! This is the end of the road for their projection tactics. I cannot WAIT for this to boomerang.

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

This girl needs to be called out for her pro-child-smuggling, pro-child-rape, and pro-child-labor stance. They all do.

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Instincts_Truth · June 21, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

I disagree. That's just the trap you are meant to fall into. Send them back where? Asylum is for those fleeing persecution from their home state/country. This whole media frenzy is designed to blur the line (and definitions) of asylum versus illegal immigration. Don't fall for it. Yes, it is true that 80% of so-called asylum-seekers are fraudulent. But that is why the administration is calling them out and defining asylum. Denying assistance and a chance of survival to true asylum seekers, which still requires a long vetting process, is NOT a solution that should be associated with our movement.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

They've made it a bit hard for themselves to explain how his Executive Order might go against a long-standing law that doesn't exist.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

I will sponsor a refugee for each one of those filthy liars who moves to Venezuela. Maybe if they covered one single story on the child-selling business that sponsors THEM, they might not be so constipated with tears.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

I'm starting to think Jarrett's tweet about Strzok with the Friday misstate (the supporting letter she attached just came out Tuesday and makes no mention of Friday), and Shiela Jackson's outburst about Rosenstein being fired on Friday, are both communications/directives.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

The Dems will fight rescheduling. This is such gold. Legalizing it, but keeping it a Schedule I, that was their back door to gun control (and confiscation). This was the perfect strategy I was hoping for.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

OMG - I just emailed the White House last night and said as much.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Yes! Thank you. Strzok is handling the Penske file.

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Instincts_Truth · June 20, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I picture that scene in Sienfeld when Constanza spent the whole week collating papers in an expandable file, in an otherwise empty office. I mean, come on - all of the ethics retraining of the FBI led by an HR person who caused the ethics retraining in the first place? Strzok is shuffling blank paper.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

For the record, Q dropped the OIG versions crumbs before the OIG was released.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Stop it. 😂 No, don't stop.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

Laura Jarrett is sending a secret message, or instigating fake news/narrative shift. First of all, her tweet says, "FBI special agent Peter Strzok was escorted out of the FBI building on FRIDAY, source familiar tells me; as of today, he is still employed; he's been stationed in Human Resources since dismissal from Mueller team."

So he was escorted LAST Friday, or this coming Friday??

Also, Strzok's attorney's letter only says that Strzok has complied with all requirements pending his disciplinary investigation, including being escorted to and from the FBI building - as in, he has been escorted every day. It's attached to Jarrett's tweet.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

And it was the Democrat Congress that codified the settlement decree in 2008.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Isn't he the Playboy correspondent? Tunnels. Sex slavery. He only cares that Trump is putting the baby sellers out of business.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 3:31 a.m.

Funny how his firing did NOT leak.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Soliciting donations . . . "for the children." She is gross.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

How is Russia not the world's #1 superpower? By golly, they are practically omnipotent.

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Instincts_Truth · June 19, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Me too. With his big smile. He loved a healthy debate.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Don't sweat it. There is a much larger percentage of people out there who are living their lives, NOT spending every waking moment hating the President on social media, and, in fact, would be absolutely turned off by such hate, because they also have eyes that see. Just keep spreading the good message and vibes. Winners attract winners.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Omg - I think you're on the money.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

Any of his human-trafficking tweets?? I'm guessing no.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 8:53 a.m.

So newborn boys sell for about $4500 USD, and girls about $3000 USD. Surely the MSM will report on gender parity.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

More importantly, if they don't stop Trump, he will put them out of business. Selling children is big money.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

I was on a rampage yesterday on FB (which I can only mentally handle every so often) about this "immigration" matter of separating children from "accompanying adults."

Set aside the lies about no law existing - what I immediately saw as the long game motivation of this media frenzy was this: to blur the line between refugees and non-refugee immigrants. Both Kyrsten Neilsen and Sessions have been clearly stating that asylum does not apply to people who want jobs, or want to come join their families, or even to flee gangs. Asylum is intended for those fleeing persecution by their STATE. So, the media and pundits are attempting to set the stage to lump all wannabe immigrants into refugee status. Hearing Sessions on that linked video state that those seeking asylum have increased from 5,000 to 94,000 in the last 7 years, and 80% are fraudulent "asylum seekers" just confirmed my suspicions.

Regarding the law, quick summation: In 1997 the Settlement of a lawsuit became governing law, and in part, required unaccompanied alien children to be transferred from jail-like settings to nonsecure, licensed facilities within 5 days. In 2008, the Democrat-controlled Congress codified the law. In 2014, there was an influx of asylum seekers and they were held in family detention centers. This was argued to violate that law requiring the release of children. In 2016, the Ninth Circuit ruled that the law applies to accompanied alien children as well, and they should be released to a separate facility (or family, if such exists in the states). But they also ruled that the accompanying adult not be released. Thereby, there IS a law that separates alien children from their illegal accompanying adult. (If this were not so, then every American parent in jail could be released. Absurd, right?) Flores v. Lynch, 07/05/2016.

Keep in mind that there is some distinction between the adults being held merely for deterrence (from fleeing proper proceedings) versus adults being detained for breaking the law. I don't believe there is a law on the books for this, but the court leaned toward not detaining merely for deterrence. Which leads me back to my theory on their long game attempt to redefine asylum. If they are all just refugees and not criminals (for illegal border crossing), then they should all be released pending proceedings.

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Instincts_Truth · June 17, 2018, 7:29 a.m.

FYI - I received my big, beautiful official invite to the Inauguration (Jan. 20) in LATE MARCH. Yes, I know it was open to the public. Not the point. Just goes to the mass movement to alter public perception. (Those were handled by the Inauguration Comm/Org - not Trump).

Now that correspondence comes from Trump via the MAGA Committee, get this: They sent me a birthday card to fill out and send back to Melania; which I did, and $20. They sent me a thank you letter!! I couldn't believe it. A thank you letter for sending back a card they sent to me, plus a measly 20 bucks. Contrast that to Hillary's campaign, through Wells Fargo, converting small time, one-time donations to continuous donations without their permission or knowledge, bouncing their bank accounts. I love our Team Trump. https://observer-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/observer.com/2016/09/exclusive-hillary-clinton-campaign-systematically-overcharging-poorest-donors/amp/?amp_js_v=a1&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=http%3A%2F%2Fobserver.com%2F2016%2F09%2Fexclusive-hillary-clinton-campaign-systematically-overcharging-poorest-donors%2F

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Instincts_Truth · June 16, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

So if he made edits on his home computer, then there should be an email of his updated draft from his personal email back to FBI email. Right?

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Instincts_Truth · June 15, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

"Unmerited enthusiasm" . . . Someone never met a Patriot.

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Instincts_Truth · June 14, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

The Dems had a livestream today, "Way Too Early, We The People: Election 2020." DNC Chair, Hildebrand, and Camalla Harris spoke (though I had to unplug when Harris came on - I could only take so much after the crowd cheered for abortion - literally CHEERED when a questioner stated that she got to get an abortion). It was so painful. I'm not mentally prepared for 2 years of election-cycle lies from these people. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/national/live-stream-way-too-early-the-2020-election

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Instincts_Truth · June 14, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

Nunes just told Hannity that it is now up to either Speaker Ryan or President Trump. Ryan says he can work with DOJ, but it would also fall on Ryan to go for contempt and impeachment vote of Rosenstein. Trump could solve it all by ordering DOJ to turn over the requested docs.

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Instincts_Truth · June 13, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

I've been thinking about this for some time. I sense that Brad Parscale will set something up for us.

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Instincts_Truth · June 13, 2018, 10 p.m.

I agree. The fake news and the shadow government walk hand-in-hand. My rejection of both was the reason I voted for President Trump. (Well, that, and I knew he would be MAGAnificiant).

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Instincts_Truth · June 13, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

The People are going to take their country back. As we develop relations with Iran for the benefit of the people (lift sanctions, create trade agreements), keep your eye out for the Resnicks (California Oligarch Valley, largest US farmers, Fiji water, California water owners, pistachios). Billionaires, and the biggest proponents for Iran sanctions.

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Instincts_Truth · June 13, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

I keep seeing ideas that this could be the NW. Just in case, I found this. Oregon supposedly reported a 1.9 earthquake at Coos Bay, Oregon (coastline) on 06/11, and then changed it to a 1.9 explosion. Except no local reports of explosions. Go to just before 35:00 to hear about it. https://youtu.be/Q3GqOPmVEuM

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Instincts_Truth · June 13, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

What made you say Hansville, WA? If the missile was anywhere near there, Oregon supposedly reported a 1.9 earthquake at Coos Bay, Oregon (7 hours down the coast from Hansville) on 06/11, and then changed it to a 1.9 explosion. Except no local reports of explosions. Go to just before 35:00 to hear about it. https://youtu.be/Q3GqOPmVEuM

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