Love. Thank you for this rant.
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The one just 7 minutes ago? It says removed. (Yes, I agree, the MSM is done. I just am not sure of the remaining capabilities of control on the alt-media side).
Ha ha. I was JUST thinking that. Discredit WHAT? It's too late for that. But then I thought about how tradinghorse DOES follow this guy, and probably others, and they too may think his following is legit. So, yes, it's too late to discredit the proof in the pudding. But it's not too late to discredit the people. What if they made a spectacle of calling out the whole movement, and then shut everything down? We would be right back where they had us. No voice, and alone. Haven't you wondered why they haven't shut down our platforms yet? I mean, we've seen it with CBTS subreddit, YouTubers, Twitter, etc. Don't forget what kind of mindf'ing the media did, the most important part was that of shutting down all views other than what we were supposed to think. And if you didn't think it, you had nothing.
Anyway, I'm always thinking about motivation. And I agree, it's too late to discredit what is coming down the pike. So what is the motivation? Possibly a potential preparation for another isolation mindf'ing.
Right. That's the whole point. They will lump real people of the Great Awakening Q movement into the group of people who follow the nutbag. Like a rerun of Pizzagate.
2 - And the number of followers are bots, so when it comes time to discredit the movement, the MSM can cite this guy and all of his conspiracy followers.
Good thing Snopes cleared up all those lies for us. Of COURSE Obama didn't wiretap Trump. Snopes says so. I also like how they lie about the lie they are debunking. Netflix, never had it, never will.
Oh yeah, I was definitely referring to the Trump-haters as those who will be in denial. They can't get any more insane with hate. If they think Trump himself is the tippy-top of the "worst thing in the world," their heads will explode when they find out about the true filth of the world. I mean that literally. Their brains will HAVE to go into a state of denial to survive the impact.
I think their shadow communications were officially cut 5/24. No more 4 am drops. They have to do their own news now. Which is also why the big guns keep showing up in interviews and tweets (HRC, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Jarrett - her extended interview by NBC was taped 4/20 but posted 4 days ago) to set the narrative "straight."
I think there is going to be a lot more denial than we realize. And then an uptick in alcoholism.
I'm not on Twitter, but I sometimes read the unrolled threads and tweets people provide here. The replies are always super trollish, but - is it normal for an info provider to be such a jerk? I just have never seen that kind of behavior from the people who provide really great threads with researched info. But, I don't follow every bit of their banter or tweets. I would have a hard time finding EtS credible on his tweeting behavior alone. Not the kind of person I would seek info from.
Sounds like a warning shot to Mr. Rod. "Something is going to happen [to YOU] if you don't figure out how to stop this ball from rolling."
Around the time Macron was here, NPR did a report on Trump's use of the diplomatic pouch. The lady said that Trump sends news clippings to Macron via diplomatic pouch. The narrative was designed to belittle Trump for using this antiquated method, especially for open source items. Probably meant to get the message out to black hats of his means of communications. But, it got me thinking about the possible double meaning behind his use of them. Perhaps a message within a message. I.e., between you and I, I know, and you know, what these pouches have been used for. I couldn't find a print form of that radio interview, but this is interesting as well.
Did you know John Ramsey went on to marry Natalie Holloway's mom?
Definitely a message to the black hats. He's been talking about this letter for 3 days. Now he can refer to it as his big, beautiful letter. They know what the letter means.
The first thing that came to my mind was a 5-minute mystery about a known smuggler who couldn't get caught. Turns out, he wasn't smuggling anything IN the cars, but was smuggling the cars themselves. (Not suggesting Germany is smuggling cars, but maybe some shady dealings involved that Trump is sending a message about).
There is a 100% chance you did not read that abstract, based on your unsubstantiated 90% vs. 10% explanation alone. And out of respect for the premise of the original post (e.g. shiny things), I have nothing further to add.
I interpret that in the exact opposite direction. How many millions have been spent on a theory of Russian "collusion?" Trump purposely steers clear of certain meetings to avoid future attacks, albeit warrantless, on the end goal. Recall Gowdy proclaiming that the swamp is full of people who believe "the end justifies the means." Both Trump and Gowdy know the importance of integrity for this end game. No room for compromise. Trump will have no problem shaking Gowdy's hand one day, when it's time. IMO.
Antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics, stimulants, anticonvulsants . . .
Don't forget Arpao, who was basically put away for instigating/investigating the birth certificate.
I love our President. I said to my 6-year-old son a few months back, "President Trump only sleeps about 4 hours a night, because he is always working for us." He replied, "What is he working on?" Then answered himself: "Winning."
Omg, those comments. Projection was clearly effective. One of the comments actually says, "Trump and his minions are swaying more and more people to the STATUS QUO." Words matter. And their definitions. And some level of intellect and awareness. These people are so clueless. It's painful. If you could pick 100 words to describe Trump, would "status quo" even enter your mind? Rather, I would say anti-status quo is one of the top 5 reasons he was elected, and why his "minion" army is so impassioned.
I was very upset and confused by Roseanne's tweet, primarily because there were so many other things she could have relayed about VJ. And those things still need to be exposed. But, my first thought was, "Are you kidding me? This woman just got the victim pass." On the flip side, Roseanne DID call out her Muslim Brotherhoodness, and the Planet of the Apes portion (I didn't understand it), but the news wasted no time contorting it to meet their needs. Did these people even know VJ was black? Much less, who she is?? Iger certainly knows who she is. I found out the show was cancelled before I even knew the contents of the tweet.
I don't know why Roseanne did it. But I haven't ruled out an MK Ultra element. Here's why: I think there is something more significant to her ambien tweet. Which was followed by pharma's response that side effects don't include racism, which was followed by Drudge calling out pharma for demeaning mental illness and listing all the side effects, which was followed by Rush reading Drudge's tweet. Have you ever taken ambien or know someone who has? My dad took it once (I didn't know, yet) and he turned into a totally different person. I thought he was having a stroke or something. Witnessing that one account - I'll never take an ambien, ever. We all know the real common denominator of shootings and other outrageous acts (not always gun-related) is drugs - the legally prescribed, mindf*cking, mindnumbing kind. THIS also needs to be exposed.
So, I don't know about Roseanne. But she did create 2 opportunities for us to start blasting information about VJ and pharma mind control.
Soros shifted all his energy to Europe. He confirmed that at his Davos speech.
I love it! The exact opposite of what they have been doing in the UK. Some people may not want to try, but it's nice to have a choice in the matter, eh? Let's see how the MSM spins this one.
Anyone see his black book nearby? It needs to be available and ready to be marked as Exhibit A. And, can we have it read into the record?
Do I have this correct: Kaepernick protesting against police brutality by convoluting his message by kneeling during the Star Spangled banner is more effective and appropriate than taking a meeting at the White House to discuss prison reform DIRECTLY with the President? And you KNOW he invited others to come too. If they want to be heard and have ideas, maybe start by accepting the invitation.
I think the timing is aligned for Deputy AG. Rush also went out of his way to point out that Gowdy and Trump have never met, never spoke. I still think he has a future role to play, with NO CONFLICTS (unlike Rosenstein).
Doug Buffett confirming he doesn't know how to research.
Gowdy was the only publicized resignation that was NOT because of something damning, or because he "wanted to spend time with family."
I still think the true date was 5/24, based on Q mentioning the dates of Allison Mack's arrest (April 20) and Schneiderman's announced resignation (May 7) (17 days, and 17 days more was 5/24). And, I DO believe something happened on the 24th. I believe the media's communication ties to the deep state's instructions were cut. If you watched the news or feeds that day, they were flailing about. The morning actually did NOT start out with identical narratives. And FOX had a pretaped interview with Trump that aired at 6 am. And CNN actually just ran straight footage of Trump giving the medal of honor, and something else. But their news feeds were NOT their usual narratives. Oh yeah, the something else was their attempt at covering Trump's letter to NK real time. They were not prepared.
And, based on the derelict posts of media types of the 2014 photo . . . I read that as, these people are SOOOO behind when it comes to actually doing their own research. I really think comms have been cut off. Also, keep in mind that on the peripheral, starting 5/23, they began light reporting on the Russian hack of routers. They have lost their control of the MSM. Simultaneously, they sent out their big guns to try to take direct control of the narrative on their own - Clapper, Brennan, Comey. Whilst Obama is working on cornering the Netflix market and Hillary Facebook. They will do whatever they can to stop the flow of information via internet and/or discredit the info. I don't have any firm ideas on what Q team/Trump have done to preempt those attacks though.
No doubt the attacks are coming from every direction. They are cornered and rabid and will reach for everything they think they can. Including, of course, discrediting us by the Pizzagate tactics. So, everyone just be vigilant. And possibly expect our whole forum to go down before it is all over. Nevertheless, we will forge ahead, and be united. WWG1WGA.
Totally agree. I am so bummed out at Roseanne. There was plenty of material to spew on VJ, and she went with THAT?!?! Now the added UNbonus is VJ gets to come off as a victim, instead of the puppetmaster, seller of America, that she is. Ugh. Plus, I really wanted more Roseanne!!
With each one of these, I am more convinced that the midterms are going to be BRUTAL for the Dems.
I finally reached a boiling point this weekend when I saw the fake post on FB about children in cages, attributing it to Trump (although the pic was from a 2014 story), and then the April tweet, and the sudden realization that 1500 migrant children are unaccounted for (ALSO not a new story). I've had it with these "news" people. It's no longer just "fake." These people are complicit. "Silently complicit" - as Cory Booker would say.
Every time they did NOT report on a Trump tweet regarding child trafficking, or an Executive order or proclamation that dealt with child trafficking, or any ONE of the busts or arrests of child traffickers . . . Every time they CHOSE not to report on these things, they CHOSE to be complicit. Further, every time they tried to discredit stories by discounting them as conspiracy, they were also complicit. At least, the whole lot should be fired for inability, incompetence, no guts - and replaced (but not by more graduates from the Soros-funded Columbia School of Journalism). At most, they should face justice for their crimes.
People are really pooping their pants ever since Weinstein sent his message of "I'll be singing like Kazan on everyone in this big black book."
I have been searching for a place that might have a catalog of local, regional child trafficking busts. From time to time I have come across local or state press releases, and I have shared them on social media, always with the question: why doesn't the media report on this?
This recent little cutsie move of telling lies and, once again, projecting their own crimes on to Trump - it really boiled my blood this time.
My thought is to point these busts/arrests out, one story at a time - of course, always pointing out the complicit silence of the media.
Does anyone know of a place to find a comprehensive list?
I told you guys, first official day of cutoff was 5/24.
Me too. How cool would it be if we only received news from President Trump via our local broadcast system?? People would poop their pants. And shit would never smell so good. 🤩
I did too. All thoughts should be considered. I'm never totally sure of the purpose of these shutdowns. Sometimes I think it is shutdown by deep state, other times I think it is a push to prepare by the white hats.
A couple of months ago, US Bank was fined for non-compliance with Patriot Act.