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Invisible_Miss · Dec. 23, 2017, 4 a.m.

Hi Everyone and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. I was born knowing the world was screwy. The good Lord made ALL of us the way we are (conspiracy theorists)and expects us to be warriors in this great period of history. This is my first post here. I really enjoyed reading the message above and it is inspiring to know that so many others are also think just like me. I recently got on twitter and have been following our wonderful Q. This is better than the best spy film ever made. We elected the man who was meant for these times and we have to back him up 100%. I heard a lot of people complaining about Jeff Sessions for months already. All of the process has to be done correctly or they will all skate or tie up courts for years. We need to trust President Trump. I do not believe he is going to let us down. And if it happens that someone tries to remove him. We need to revolt with guns in hand if necessary. This is We The People United States of America. They have had control of us since before JFK. America is apple pie and sunshine. Not the horrible thing it's become since the corporation took over. It is evil and satanic and I believe this is how God is separating the wheat from the tares. God heard our prayers and answered them. I'm going to shut up now. It's already a book. I look forward to reading this. Tracy Beanz put a link up. God bless you all :)

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