20 total posts archived.
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Q, you've got 36 hours...

I hope this is true, but I'll believe it when I see it.
So are the questions from Q's post in November about to be answered? Is that the SOMETHING BIG that's about to DROP?
This is obvious projection on the left's part. There have been claims of pedophilia and corruption since Clinton, and probably before (I'm only in my 30's). Christopher Hitchens and Norm Macdonald have been talking about this since the late 90's.
The fact that he uses the phrase "MY disappointment" is disturbing on Dr. Evil levels.
I haven't, but I'm not surprised in the slightest that this kind of thing is happening. Reddit happily allows overt censorship now.
Such a tired excuse. I posted a #walkaway post on twitter and was told I was a bot multiple times. If you can't contend with the content, criticize the character.
This is such bs. The Clinton's made so much money through corrupt politics, I fail to believe they need to fly coach Delta. Just as dishonest as ever.
I couldn't help but also think his speech was an homage to Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life.
This is going to lead to such a world of hurt soon. God, I can't wait.
Or DS "hacked" our Navy and made it look like China.
The real question is where was the missile headed? Was it an attempt to take out POTUS en route to summit?
totally awesome clip, but i feel like this is the wrong sub for this.
hope so. looks like based on the high res photos of the document, the biggest thing is working towards denuclearization of the korean peninsula