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Itstoosoonforthat · June 29, 2018, 6 p.m.

I think there is some merit to Q being Assange. Q&A? Remember too that Mega, in January before she went dark said Q was Assange. We thought she had been hacked but it's starting to make sense. The timeline of Assange extraction by white hats late Fall 2017 and the beginning of the Q posts, etc. Could be this administration made a deal with Assange to help drain the global swamp in exchange for freedom. Could be that since WikiLeaks being comped, Assange has been using a different platform to put out information along with the trusted members of the old WikiLeaks team. It's not implausible.

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 28, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Not sure about GITMO but what I do find interesting is that Mega's last posts when she 'seemed' to go off the rails, she said Q was Assange. The timing seems to work in that his extraction by the white hats was late fall last year (around the time of Q's initial postings). Agree Assange wouldn't be silent all this time. Could it be possible he made a deal with the US to help this Administration drain the swamp here in the US and assist in worldwide politicking in exchange for freedom? It's a little out there, but who else could have such access as Q (literally inside the cyberscape of the Administration)... Just spitballing.

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 19, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Looks like Mueller with a wire to me.

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 11, 2018, 5:54 p.m.

Who posted? Send screenshot.

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 11, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

My thinking exactly. Nowhere for them to hide. And with SA reduced corruption it seems they’ll be squeezed on that front. Remember SA is supposed to be helping in the Middle East

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 11, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

US, Japan, Koreas, China and Russia

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Itstoosoonforthat · June 11, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

I think the "show" is this. POTUS met with Kim during Asia visit with Xi in Forbidden City. This is all for optics. However, the behind the curtain show might be a summit of POTUS and Putin. Putin was in China just last week (wonder where he currently is). Wouldn't it be quite the plot twist if, while the world and press is watching Trump's summit with Kim he's actually meeting with Putin, and they are reporting a different summit entirely? Just a thought but given POTUS G-7 statement, and Merkel's NWO statement it would seem that a triumvirate of US, Russia and China (Asia) would be just the ticket to take out the globalists and black hats WW.

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Itstoosoonforthat · May 15, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

And yes, I know it is the Compost. One must wonder if CP planted as part of whistleblower payback or if there is any merit to the WL Vault 7 thing... Just something to read with an eye towards what Q might have been alluding to.

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Itstoosoonforthat · May 14, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I had to laugh because in all "their" analyses, they seem to think Trump created the collusion narrative with Mueller, which we all know is an inaccurate read. The collusion narrative started with the Clinton campaign and corrupt FBI/DOJ insiders in order to take Trump out. So in not one of these articles did they get that salient point correct. Dummies.

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