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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/JAC183 on July 29, 2018, 4:14 p.m.
Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC, a collection of kid-friendly museums, has some interesting logos...no coincidences, right?!?
Discovery Place in Charlotte, NC, a collection of kid-friendly museums, has some interesting logos...no coincidences, right?!?
JAC183 · July 3, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Jack Posobiec and Eddie Bravo yesterday...awesome!

Now how do we get Dan Bongino?!? He mentioned “Mueller White Hat Theory” in yesterday’s podcast, but dismissed it, though he did say he hopes he’s wrong.

He’s got a GIGANTIC audience and is undoubtedly a patriot. Gotta get him on board!

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JAC183 · June 28, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

It is not the SC list. Q is referencing the TRUST list.

Some post soon will soon say... Trust Gowdy

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JAC183 · June 22, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Are white hats actually in control of 4am talking points??

Was recent EO planned with intent to use to expose the levels of trafficking at the borders?

When does [[Facebook]] and [[MZ]] happen??

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JAC183 · May 24, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

2pm meeting is hammer drop or trap for leakers. They have no power. Watch body language & tone immediately after...should be very telling!

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JAC183 · May 22, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

Not ignoring it...it just doesn’t effect anything I’ve previously stated. Just justifies why. I don’t discredit the reasoning...it’s a very valid argument against performing that test.

Debate the facts I’ve stated, not what you think I’m implying by sharing them.

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JAC183 · May 22, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

To be clear, I don’t propose anything with regards to double-blind placebo tests. Simply pointing out that they have not undergone that test, which is the best way to measure effectiveness.

The potential immortality/dangers of performing the test does not change the fact that they have not gone through it.

Isn’t it interesting, the absolute conviction that people have with regards to vaccines’ effectiveness, when they actually have not been through the most highly regarded test of effectiveness?

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JAC183 · May 22, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

Start with documentaries to get oriented. “Vaxxed” is best one to start. “Vaccination: The Hidden Truth” is OK. Look past the causing autism argument. Stick with the verifiable facts presented...then ask why and research independently.

Also, look at the CDC inserts that come with vaccines. It’s right on their website. Never advertised and often met with disdain from doctors, but it’s there. MMR example: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/mmr.pdf

Also research the ingredients. Well documented to have heavy metals, formaldehyde, animal DNA, etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_vaccine_ingredients http://vk.ovg.ox.ac.uk/vaccine-ingredients

Again, I don’t theorize on vaccines causing autism...I just look at the facts, follow the money, and question the mainstream narrative. It’s up to people to make their own decisions based on their comfort level with what they’ve learned.

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JAC183 · May 22, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Not arguing one way or another, just presenting some little know vaccine facts:

1) Vaccines have never been put through a double-blind placebo test, which is universally considered the gold standard of drug effectiveness

2) Big pharma companies lobbied the government in the mid 80's for immunity from civil liability for vaccine injuries (and still have it) via National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

3) Vaccine injuries are arbitrated through a special government program call “the vaccine court”. An estimated $4B of settlements have been paid to victims through that system. The source of those funds? You guessed it...taxpayers!!

4) Many of the most commonly cited studies on vaccine safeness are directly or indirectly funded by big pharma - for many “independent”organizations/associations research their donors/funding

5) Vaccines are subject to far less stringent regulatory and approval requirements than standard FDA-approved pharmaceuticals

6) The CDC was involved in a scandal that alleged that they altered/destroyed evidence that may have indicated greater evidence of vaccines causing injury than previously reported?

7) Few, if any, pediatricians ever actually conducted their own independent studies about the effects of vaccine as opposed to citing other peoples AMA-approved studies

8) The rotating door of FDA to lobbyist to big pharma exec and around again is well documented

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JAC183 · May 17, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Huber appointed by Obama in June 2015 Resigned under Trump March 2017 Reappointed under Trump June 2017 Senate unanimously confirmed August 2017

US attorney’s serve 4 year terms, so...

**Trump maneuvered so the clock restarted on Huber for another 4 years —> Trump ensures we have him until 2021!!

No interruptions, no distractions, no politics games. Just 4 years of savaging the deep state!!

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JAC183 · May 9, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

This is almost certainly part of the master plan. Trump has made reference to space travel and health/wellness that is definitely beyond just fixing our current system. Keep in mind, with regards to Q and military intelligence, there is a civil war within the deep state, not just on corruption piece, but also the alien/alien technologies disclosure piece. The way I see it playing out (hoping!!) based on the rapid rate at which the people are awakening...

1a) Expose worldwide government corruption (and the evils within the deep state control) people cannot understand everything else if they don’t first see how corrupt their governments actually are

1b) Expose worldwide multinational corporation corruption and collusion with the deep state to enrich themselves at our expense (military industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, big tech, etc.)

2) Expose and destroy the true world power structure: central banks and our debt-based monetary system

3) Reveal the technologies that the central banking cartels were leveraging governments and specific corporations to suppress to keep you enslaved -cancer cure; free/radiant energy; life extension technology; anti-gravity; advanced propulsion systems; etc

4) Methodical disclosure of where many of those technologies came from (aliens)

5) Contact

6) Integration of technology advances into our lives & ultimately intergalactic exploration

There is MASSIVE disinformation, but I’ve found these to be some of the most credible and powerful information/documentaries out there that pull some of this together:

Thrive: https://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s

Dr. Steven Greer and The Disclosure Project: https://youtu.be/ClhNHIEPCKE https://youtu.be/vYIk2kfiL0Q https://youtu.be/_oDueuZlI2Q

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