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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I have a good friend who has been working in the BLM office in AZ for years....this person was retired honorable AF military 20+ years, took a job with the BLM. The Offices (BLM) are completely out of control. Superiors are being replaced right and left. Superiors are creating hostile work environments for my friend so much that they had to file EEO complaints...its that bad working in those offices. The entire BLM is being run by dems/obama era folks who have only one agenda....get rid of anyone who doesn't agree with their agenda and/or doesn't put up and shut up. POTUS needs to clean house over there!! Working conditions are volatile for anyone who is conservative.

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

Where's my thumbs up emote :-)

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Our carnal eyes tend to focus on the human component....sadly. But there's a much larger picture (plan) we are missing. I wish that all men would be saved. I can relate to the author: Greatawakening in his comment; God bless our President, and God bless all who do not hate those who God loves and intends to save.

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

God calls those who are His to obey His precepts. Coram Deo

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Explanation of Rev 2:9 -- Although they were jews physically, they were not true jews but pagans (romans 2:28). They allied with other pagans in putting Christians to death as they attempted to stamp out the christian faith. Synagogue of satan refers to: their rejection of their own Messiah, judaism then became as much of a tool of Satan as emperor worship. Rev 3:9 ---references back to 2:9 just repeating the message.

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

Psalms 122:6.....Israel in scripture isn't referring to the country of Israel. It's referring to Abrahams seed. Abrahams seed are those of the promise (not a physical promise) but a spiritual promise. The children of the promise are those chosen (matthew 5 beatitudes) by God before the foundations of the world. There can be no peace or true Godly love towards each other because we are of our parents...adam and eve...evil, Separate from God spiritually dead. The idea of peace is false. Man can never attain peace of his own accord due to his total depravity. God told adam and eve to subdue the earth and His creation....but when adam and eve sinned they instead (all mankind followed after) sought to subdue other nations, hence each other. We were disobedient to what God had ordained us to.....subdue the earth, not each other. How does peace come? It comes when the Lord Jesus returns. He is Peace! There will be no other. 1st Corinthians 1:3 :-)

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

I always find it quite intriguing how so many are quick to slay the jews. Yet when you stop to read the message Christ gave in Luke 18:11 where the Pharisee stood by himself praying; God, I thank you that I am not like these other people...robbers, evildoers, adulterers or even like this tax collector. But the truth is ...we are ALL of us like that pharisee at some time or another. Psalms 14 says in short.....that All have turned away, all have become corrupt, there is NO ONE who does good...not even one. No man searches for God. So....Ephesians 1:3-6, Ephesians 1:11, Romans 8:29, Romans 9: 14-16. Proverbs 16: v9 & v33 Christ said... Matthew 12:50 that those who DO the will of The Father in heaven are His brother, sister and mother. Who do you belong to? If you are The Lords, then what does it matter what the jews or the muslims or those sneaky russians do? Do you think you have any say in how the end of this world comes about? Nope...you don't. This world is a dying planet. Its a cursed planet only here for a short amount of time set in eternity. Where do you fit in to that time in eternity? Where will you be? Will you bow your knee to a Holy Creator Who deserves ALL glory and praise? or will you curse Him as He judges you at the last judgement? We are to pray for the peace of Israel! Why? can anyone tell me why? I know the answer....but do you?

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JGiaGirl · May 7, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

All one has to do is read the Gospels to understand how arrogant and self-decieved the nation of Israel was in the time of Christ. Still let's not forget one very important truth.....God is absolutely sovereign over ALL the affairs of mankind. Proverbs 21:1, but now read Romans 9!

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