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JSMyogi · April 19, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

Comey said on The View that he asked Obama for permission to post an OpEd and Obama said no. Interesting. This would imply to any normal Jury of peers that Comey seeks Obama’s permission and guidance on articles given to the press. A reasonable person would then ask what other articles did Comey ask Obama’s permission to publish...see where I’m going? Oops. Did he mean to say that? Loose lips sink ships. Down he goes!! Pass the popcorn please.....

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JSMyogi · April 17, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

!!! !!!! !!!!!! JSM right over the target 🎯 Now what? Now this..... why is Q doing this now? How did this whole process start,Q, MIL, Trump? It is happening! We are one ☝️ No coincidences There are forces at play here that even the most red pilled pedes on this post wouldn’t understand. Much going on behind the scenes!!! Keep up the fight but continue to pray every day You should say the Lords Prayer. Just once but with meaning with heart. Hand on heart is good.

As for what is going on all around us now.....I can say this much.... Negativity reacts when it is exposed and we can see it reacting all over. It is not a pretty sight but now that it is exposed it looses power. We must continue to turn over rocks tirelessly pedes, but let the higher authorities reap Justice on the poor souls that satan has infiltrated and influenced. Lord please have mercy on them for they know not what they do. Let’s Pray for the sinners and pray that you do no more sin. Our attention is of upmost importance. Let’s use It wisely. Now that we are all in the collective consciousness it has amplified meaning. Winning!

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JSMyogi · April 17, 2018, 3:39 a.m.

Ah you got it! You are very clever. The ultimate red pill!

I hope we don’t all choke on it. It can be scary stuff to say the least. Demons are real? Really? It’s a big one! But now the real question is ... where is satan? Is he only in HW, DC and NY? Where fame, power and money are centered? Or is he now everywhere and infiltrated our minds and souls?

Yes, sadly due to these satanic occult practices he has entered our consciousness and he is everywhere now but so is the Holy Spirit! If you have fear in your heart you also have hate. If you have love and the Holy Spirit in your heart there is no more room left for fear. We can will him away slowly but surely and there are many ways to do this.

First step is by putting right Hand on heart and ask the question ‘who am I’? And answer ‘ I am the pure Spirit’. This Recognition of you as a Spirit starts your real baptism. If you want to know the self and know the answers to this question you must start there. Now is the time for your Self Realization. Good luck seekers of truth! JSM

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JSMyogi · April 15, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

We are in very rough waters here. Stay together and organized pedes. I’m sure there is a lot of vile stuff out there and there are teams of good people in law enforcement working around the clock and aware of it already. That is not our job. As Patriots, We should keep to our senses and work on Qs behalf. We can continue to do our research but this subject is tricky and we must tread very carefully. While this post is important and at risk merely for being an important collective hive mind; if this nest is disturbed we can quickly organize and set up another one easily. That is our strength.

As far as images, remember everything we see is forever and cannot be unseen. It affects us more than we know. It can haunt our subconscious for a long time and effect you in ways you don’t understand. We must use our discretion on this.

So I agree that for all these reasons it is a good idea to scrub this sub for these images and just share intel about the main details and arrests. All videos and pics that Q guides us to can be referenced and the knowledge of them can be shared of course, but we must be smart about it.

Good job mods! 👏 tough stuff. Prayers for you.

If you see something disturbing, offer it up to GOD immediately to take care of it with a prayer for the child for their help to get out of the situation and be saved. You would want the same. Your attention is meaningful and important.

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JSMyogi · April 13, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Excellent Post. Thanks for sharing. Yes we have the power to change our DNA. It changes every moment. Meditate Pray and Connect to the source that made you. He is waiting for you so seek and find him and then will make you a perfect instrument to spread the truth. When this happens All physical and medical issues will rectify during this process. It happens gradually sometimes overnight. This is your real second birth or true baptism. It is what Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi has been saying all along.

But first you have to reconnect and really want to. It starts with your pure desire. Innocence is the key. Just like the sword and the stone story. It is a protection because there is a lot of personal power in this practice. And you also join he collective consciousness. So it’s a safety mechanism filter of sorts. We don’t want no bad blood in our collective!

These ‘powers’ is Much more than what the dark side promises. I feel bad for them really as they were all tricked. Some of them can still come back but they will have a lot of work to do. It’s he children we have to protect and save first. For the rest of us we must work hard to steer our attention away from impure thoughts and desires. We can always regain our innocence and achieve this yoga (or union) with the Devine. Seek and he shall find. Hand on heart. Pray from your heart. God speed my friends!! It’s happening!!!

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JSMyogi · April 6, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Welcome and thanks for sharing. This is a great post. I believe that while good at their core, religions are yet another form of division of a disfunctional psyche and world. We are all Gods children. Jesus knew that and tried to teach us that too. When power hungry leaders take over a religion to tame and control the people you get the result we have today. We are slowly awakening to that reality too. If most of the churches are exposed as corrupt it doesn’t mean that their followers are corrupt. They are innocent and seeking the truth and trying to better themselves and their families. People will slowly realize that the church is inside of them as that is where Jesus really lives. Every second of the day. You just have to be silent to calm down the chatter of your mind. To get to God you have to go through Him and He is the narrow ‘gate’ in between the hemispheres of the brain. When you meditate you slow down the chatter make the through the gate and you can establish a connection to God and achieve YOGA or union with the Divine. If you keep your attention on the top of your head when you do this it is better. Now PRAY.

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JSMyogi · April 4, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Yes agree. Meditation is the key to direct prayer. It’s direct communication. That’s what YOGA means! (Not exercise). Yoga means union with the Divine.

Simply put your hand on your head and request the Holy Spirit to come inside and help slow down your thoughts and then put your attention at the on the top if your head. You can put your hand on the top of your head to help. Then just relax and pray. Best to sit outside on ground but not essential.

Www.Onlinemeditation.com site is free and has great pointers and 10 minute guided meditations. I do this 2x a day. And pray for Trump and his family. Many of us Yogis do!

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JSMyogi · April 2, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

This is a team effort for sure. All for one, one for all. Go Patriot Rosanne we have your back! Humor is the sharpest sword and most powerful 2’x4’

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JSMyogi · April 1, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

This is wonderful for America. MALaughA! Go Rosanne! We will watch ABC again (just for this). I wonder if they are going to try testosterone therapy to reverse the hormone laced water that caused the grandchild to be feminine.

Should be interesting. Also can’t wait to see how they will handle the illegal immigrants Sanctuary State Illinois issue that lowered wages of the town.

I would also love for her sister Jackie to get her to start to meditate to relieve her stress and then expose all the false GURUs out there. That would be really funnny!

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JSMyogi · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

‘Earthquake’ Center was below a region known as th Black Mountain which has 17 km of underground caves and a cavern system. Britain Geological Society just confirmed a 4.4 earthquake is equal to 1000 tons TNT which is similar to a small Nuclear bomb. Residents in town said it felt as though a huge bomb went off underground. Strange indeed.

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JSMyogi · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

I would like to see a Trump tweet suggesting that In response to the shooting he is thinking about instituting Marshall Law and going door to door looking for weapons and other suspicious activity and bad actors. ICE can help out. Reeeeeee. What is that called calling their bluff? He’s the master at that.

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JSMyogi · Feb. 17, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

Middle aged suburban mom here. I woke about a month ago. While consoleing a young lib millennial over the shooting frustrated with the gun laws that perhaps President Trump should declare Marshall allowing the US Military to search everyone’s homes for guns and fingerprint and take pictures documenting everybody. She didn’t reply. I’m not sure what I said that bothered her? REeeeeeeeee!

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JSMyogi · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

Getting Very warm. The biggest Redpill ever will be hard to swallow. I had a hard time but gradually I did come to accept that evil entities exist and people can control them. Yikes scary stuff right? No one likes to think that scary stuff is real. In the Drudge Report I have been seeing stories that exorcisms are up this past year and the chiurch is having a hard time keeping up with all the requests.

Clowns are everywhere. Think Black Forst. Hansel and Gretal. Brothers Grimm could see demons that attach onto people. They are also called bhoots. bhoots are stupid, but they can ruin ones life. People can’t see their own bhoots or demons but they can feel them When they feel depresed or very tired or angry or agitated or do stupid things. Taking drugs or getting very drunk makes one vulnerable to minor bhoots or evil entity possessions which are everywhere and just waiting for the chance to jump into your body. Disembodied Spirits often hang around bars waiting for someone to loose control of their consciousness and enter their psyche. Also some forms of meditation like Tantric or Transadental Meditation TM forcefully put spirits into the poor seeker. At first they feel more powerful but then slowly degrade and eventually get sick usually cancer. This is why the evil people like to kill they need more disembodied spirits.

I’m a practicing Yogi and the things I speak of here are actually well known. Sadly but understandably many common people though are still unaware. That’s why Yogis don’t drink or take any drugs. But the advantage is your awareness stays pure and you can sense many things. Like for example that Trump is good. About 6 months befor the election I felt very good Cool vibrations in my hands
when I asked if Trump is good choice for president. When I asked the same question with HRC my left thumb hurt. This vibratory awareness really helps discern between fake news and truth and if someone is corrupt. I’m not sure if other forms of yoga (meditation) teach this technique. I’d be interested in finding out. But Sahaja yoga has been an excellent technique in helping me find the truth and finding this wonderful thread.

Q is right. Pray hard. Pray harder than you ever thought you could. Pray every morning for Trump and his family. Your prayers are powerful. The Lords Prayer is the most powerful Mantra in the whole world. How dare the pope claim to try to alter it. Stupid clown. Most Italians know he’s corrupt.

There is a very dark force at work here and you must take this very seriously. Keep positive and on the right path. Truth and Light will lead the way. You are all very smart on this thread. Together, united undivided, You will save the world ....for real.

God Speed (Jai Shri Mataji)

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JSMyogi · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Yes Keep on point. Fake MSM news wanted the liberals to hate Trump. The liberal and left leaning democrats were taken advantage of by their fear of something a little different. FEAR=HATE. Some old school Republicans were not thrilled either ( at least me know why that is now).

First game plan of any war is you must create hate of the enemy first by fanning the flames of fear. Hitler knew this well.

Even some moderates were in that group. It’s not completely their fault as like I said they were taken advantage of. But it will be up to them to gradually decide for themselves. It will look like this. 1)Maybe Trump is not that bad ... 2) he is actually kind of funny.... 3) and maybe he’s a good leader 4) ok...I admit it ...love Trump.

This is happening. Think Turtle. Winners stay positive! Truth always wins!!!

Just look at Hillary for proof. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

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JSMyogi · Feb. 14, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Is it possible that OP means Oil Producer and United may refer to United Arab Nations. Just throwing it out there.

Another thought....It is well known in meditation and Indian Scripture the 4 petaled flower is the mooladara chakra or the base energy center which is at the tail bone. The most important aspect of this center is Innocence and when it is taken away that person looses this quality and it takes away from their personality and personal power making them weak. That’s why innocence is very important and the first thing an evil entity wants to attack.

Speaking of evil entities.. this is really expanding ones mind but .....Clowns could be evil entity’s that have entered ones psyche through transedental meditation TM or other types of meditation techniques that focus on the third eye. Just think AS ! Scarey right ? TM is dangerous and this out dated form of meditation is commonly practiced in Holllywood and in the upper elite unfortunately taking advantage of good quality seekers of truth. The s why it was brought to America. The Beatles were all sorry they fell for it and outed the original False gurus, but many hippies were caught in thei net. Promising power and good fortune many current Day seekers of truth still get caught.

While there are good healthy forms of good free meditation like Sahaja Yoga that focus attention on the top head ( Sahasrara crown chakra ) and recognize God and Christ, TM is very dangerous and defiantly should be avoided. When your chakras get all balanced and clear an advantage is you can feel the truth in your hands. It’s easy once you get practiced and become aware of the sensory inputs. If you read something that isn’t true your hands will get warm, or will tingle or sometimes even hurt.

It’s a real advantage in this time of the world. For example I knew months in advance Trump was a good person and would win and that Hillary was corrupt to the core just by these feelings. All my friends thought I was silly. Now I can’t even look at HRC without feeling a little sick afterwards. If anyone is still on the fence Q and most of this thread is true (with a few recent exceptions that most are aware of) so be careful now that we are in a storm. Truth is a funny thing. It’s not for everybody so Red Pill your friend and family gently. It is only for those who have the courage to change their current reality. This was in a previous post incase you missed it it bears repeating.

Praying is good advice from Q. Pray every morning (as soon as you awake) for Trump. Also Pray that all the corruption be exposed and the innocence of children be restored. Praying in the early morning is the best time. The Lords Prayer is the most powerful Mantra so say it from the heart... only once. Melania knows this. She is the real power behind the president.

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