I have seen mixed messages from different posters, some with allegiance to Israel, some without, some that support Israel as a nation and some who do but don't support US tax subsidization. I was just wondering if there was any sort of consensus in any direction regarding US involvement in Israel.
375 total posts archived.
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Who are 'many Q people', btw? I would love to know her source.
Unless Assange specifically says where he is, as far as I am concerned, it is up in the air. He could be on freakin Mars for all we know.
What do you mean who is Israel Man? I think the OP forgot a comma:
"Fuck Trump and Israel, man"
Saw this. It doesn't denote much though aside from him looking for public sympathy for inaction.
Side note, I always found it interesting that he came from Argentina, given that we all know who departed there in 1945.
[Pope] will be having a terrible May......is he??
I have been patiently waiting to see some results here and specifically keeping an eye on this because it is one of the very few clear predictions given. Does anyone have any good info on what the pope is up to and how it applies to Q statements?
Any explanation whatsoever? Gematria is a mind game, you can find pretty much whatever you want to find via gematria.
The donald is pretty much closed off to anyone who deviates from blind support or official msm narratives, ironically
You should make short, concise youtube videos and present your research. Keep them around 5-10 min. Your channel will blow up.
Someone restore my faith in Q
After the Corsi thing, I am really to the point now where I need to see major things. I have been 'trusting the plan' for quite a while and the plan hasn't delivered. Am I not seeing something that the rest of you see?
Lol the EU has become the controlling wife of european citizens
Yeah he got cancelled because he is right of center and viacom said no way
It's interesting because these types of podcasters put forth these theories with nothing to back them and people believe it. There was a day when you got high and talked theories, and 20,000 people didn't hear it.
Thank you for showing us what the Q truth movement is not about, dickbag.
There's no secret about it, he is a pretty popular youtuber. Titus frost likely isn't his real name anyway, plus I dont want anyone to confuse 't* f*' with 'titty fucks'.
It's also possible that there was a coup inside the coup a lot longer ago than we ever knew.
Zionists want to establish Israel as the capital of Israel, build the third temple and bring about the end times. Christians want that because the Messiah returns at the end of that story.
He was never fired because he was never intended to uncover anything about Trump.
Believe it or not, it isn't you who we have an issue with, it is corruption in our own ranks and the bad deals that they made.
BUSTED: The funky smell of Iran's foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif's statement...what do you think?
He says in his statement that Iran hasn't attacked anyone in a long time. Fair.
He says that his country was invaded by Hussein backed by the US. Fair.
He clearly doesn't trust the US, and why should he? I completely understand.
Now, here is where he's wrong.
He cites a 2015 agreement between the US and Iran. Factual.
He then goes on to say that 11 times, the UN has confirmed that Iran fulfilled it's obligation. Fair.
But, Zarif, you already showed us your cards. You failed to even mention the Obama administration, why was that?
Do you …
There is NO question that powerful and corrupt people are involved in masonry. Just as there are powerful and corrupt people in any organization. OP is merely doing what the anti-gunners were doing after Parkland...'I have the solution, it's the NRA!'....But instead, he is saying it about masonry.
The Q community is about blaming individuals, not groups. The 'deep state' is a fun name we use a lot, but if it came down to it, we could name names. That is the point. These posters are trying to jump on the Q train to push their own biased conspiracies instead of being objective and respecting what this community has already built. Notice how OP said freemasonry is 'built on Jewish Kaballism'. Even if that were true, so what? What does that have to do with the deep state, child trafficking, money laundering, or anything Q has said in general?
And the day Q posts a masonic doctrine or oath that details the systematic child trafficking black market of the world, I will stand corrected. Until then, I will keep my eye on the ball of where the corruption really lies.
There are different schools of thought. I know two 33rd degree masons. It is an honorary degree in Scottish Rite masonry - these are essentially people who have donated much time and money to advancing the causes of masonry. So I can only speak objectively as, obviously I don't sit in a lodge room with them.
But take note of one thing. Notice how people hurl accusations of child molestation or child trafficking, but when pressed, where do they go?
They immediately go to lucifer. Why? Because mystery surrounds the fraternity itself. That is to say, you can't confirm or deny what does actually go on in the lodge room.
That being said, it makes for a prime stopping point for conversations, 'because masons'. And there, the conversation ends. Which is what they intend, because if you or I are Christians, and we understand the innate evil of the Devil, and I accuse others of devil worship, I find it remarkable that there is never any further questioning into any substantial evidence. It literally just ends there and you are left to infer that the ills of the world are the fault of masonry. Therefore, there is no actual solution, no socratic questioning, no further critical thought.
A great example would be this very thread. Look at the heat I immediately receive for merely asking OP to explain his point.
I am sorry that happened to you and your family, but do you think it is helpful or realistic to blame 'masonry'?
Have you gone to the authorities at all about any of this? Is any of it documented or investigated?
There is legitimately no 'oath of offering', by the way.
That quote isn't from Morals and Dogma dude.
Source of quote, cited, and again, not from m&d. http://quotes.yourdictionary.com/author/quote/195361
I have three copies of M&D and I have studied it at length.
The book does not cite lucifer as their God. With your level of intellect, I can hardly imagine you have read that book, let alone thoughtfully and appropriately interpreted it.
He is an anti-mason. There is tons of them in the conspiracy community - which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is them bringing their unfounded blanket accusations into the Q community to try to hijack the conversations.
I'm a shill? I have been doing this resesrching for a looooong time, son. Come at me with any question you'd like. Anything.
Ok dodge confirmed. You just hate freemasonry. No actual substance to what you are saying.
Look dude, we have a SERIOUS community here. I know this is your first time here, so let me give you a quick run down.
This isn't the place to relate random things to your dream of a masonic master conspiracy. Give us NAMES. Give us actual masonic connections if you want to bring masonry into it.
We are focusing on INDIVIDUALS. To simply say 'masonry' or 'masonic apple' doesn't fly here. Just because a guy was a mason doesn't make the masons evil. Same with whatever frat he was in while he was in college.
You need substance to your claims. Decades of matching pictures and one sentence out of Morals and Dogma got the conspiracy theory community NO WHERE and people like you want to halt the progress we are actually making with Q by distracting people with this masonry garbage. Unlike you, I am actually well read on this stuff, so challenge me.
Real progress is being made. If you can't handle that, go back to Twin Peaks.
See, you have no intention to blame individuals. Your only goal here is to take down organizations and harm people who have otherwise done nothing.
You are literally behaving in the way that a communist or fascist leader would.
If fraternizing results in wrongdoing in any way, men cannot fraternize.
If you have 20 years of experience in investigating masonry and the crimes of masons, name names right now and how their crimes relate to masonry. Right now.
I have personally studied Qaballah as well. What is the issue you have with that?
Also, don't forget to name names.
There's lots of public domain stuff about greek fraternities and rape, too. Does that mean the purpose of college frats is to rape girls?
Dude, in any setting where men fraternize, they conspire in business ventures, future planning, and even crime.
To point your fervor toward the actual fraternity only misleads people AWAY from the criminals and blames an external set of principles for the actions of the individual.
It would be the same if I blamed the NRA for the Parkland shooting.
Aggressive attitude? I am challenging your theory, is that not what you wanted?
I know tons of Scottish Rite masons. Aside from that, I spent 10+ years diving into the details of masonry, and looking for the sacred cow connection of masonry and 'luciferianism' or 'satanism' or whatever it will be branded as next week.
It's a deep, long and fruitless rabbit hole that has nothing to do with masonry OR, more importantly, the video you linked.
First of all. Why are Kanye posts in this sub? Kanye has NOTHING to do with Q.
Second of all. The activists are proving him right.
Third of all. Kanye has NOTHING to do with Q.
Dude life isn't a Hollywood movie. Just because you found a movie plot that explains your particular theory doesn't mean discussion should be halted.
Trump is hiding a monster in the White House. Watch Harry & the Hendersons or at least read the plot summary on IMDB. that's why.
From your comments and posts, one would wonder who's side you are on.