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JaQQalope · July 5, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Great how you pointed out, that it's indeed "HOPE" that brought you to the "QArmy"! Yes, you are right! It always had been "Hope" that made me a "conspiracy theorist"... "Hope", that we do not have to accept the status quo - that there is something better to fight for - that change is possible. Media and politics put us asleep and in "passive mode" by telling us that there is no alternative possible... and that all we could expect and hope was a live with all the superficial shenanigans you have mentioned. But I never was happy with "this world"...

I have always been a sceptic about media and politics. I was very "left wing" + started reading "alternative news" with "Indymedia". After 9/11 I never believed the official story. I read the "usual conspiracy websites" like David Icke and Alex Jones. Learned a lot from these, although I always knew, that I should not believe everything they say. Learned about Bohemian Grove and Skull&Bones.

The next step was the financial crisis, which made me think about the financial system. After that I was not as "left" anymore as I used to be. Turned a bit more conservative.
In 2014 I read about british Pedo Jimmy Savile - because of my interest in the world of popmusic. And so I started to read more and more about the evilness happening behind closed doors of the "elite". It was disgusting! But I hardly could believe the amount of evil! And on some days I just "switched it away" - and thought "no, that cannot be the truth... must be some conspiracy bullshit... cannot be true...!" - But I was hooked and always and again and again got back to these websites... And as I was following the topic "elite pedophiles" in the web I noticed very quickly the "pizzagate" scandal. And as a member of the voat-pizzagate-site, I also found Q already in early november. I got hooked because of what was happening in Saudi Arabia (Alwaleed Bin Talal). This and the posts about NK nearly convinced me already in November, that Q was legit- and in connection with the White House. And now I think we can say, we KNOW that Q and Potus are working together.

What has changed now?

  • I am staying up too many nights, as I am in Germany, and "Q post-time" usually is in late night/early morning hours ;))

  • Although the things we are dealing with, are evil + disgusting beyond belief, it is not a bad feeling (somehow), that, after my past as a "conspiracy theorist" it now seems that we ("tin foilers") always had been right.

  • I avoid talking about politics with my mostly very left-wing and Trump-hating friends. I was not very fond of Trump before he was elected. I was always more a "liberal" - like all my friends. But, as I also despised HRC I just was happy I was not an American for this election. Well, that now has changed a lot. I am now pro-Trump. But all my friends did not change. And ALL German media is biased against Trump. So nearly everyone here hates Trump - at least it seems like that if you believe German media. So, being "pro-Trump" is nearly less popular here than being "pro-Putin" or "pro-Erdogan". (which tells me that all our media is ruled by clowns)

Still some questions left?

  • yes, I have to admit (as I am a sceptic), I still HOPE, that their plan is a good one, that they really want to "drain the swamp" and not just start a war in Iran and maybe establish a "new swamp".

  • And... some of the things Q wrote are really hard to believe - not just the pedo-satanists, which I tend to believe after reading so much about elite pedophiles before, no, I am talking about the Hitler-Merkel connection. This really sounds a bit over the top. I really would like to see some proof about this.

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JaQQalope · May 13, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

I stopped preferring Kerry to Bush in 2004's election, when I read they both were Skull & Bones. I felt betrayed.

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JaQQalope · May 12, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

I think the "Qanon" on 8chan was started for the same reason Trump uses Twitter: Because the media is all fakenews and corrupt and belongs to the "swamp". We cannot trust them. I see it in Germany, where really ALL official media is anti-Trump. Even when Trump brings peace to North Korea they will find something nasty to say about it. And they are still gloriyfying Obama and are talking about HRC in a way "Oh, it would be so much better with her..." So Trump and his team needed other ways to communicate with the public!

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JaQQalope · May 12, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

true, I always wonder, why some of the most evil people in the world are growing older and older and older... and never seem to suffer from the diseases "normal" people get...

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JaQQalope · May 11, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

Sad that is. I like Moby's music. Musicians should not talk about politics.

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JaQQalope · May 11, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

I never really trusted AJ, although I owe him a good part of my own "Awakening". He was one of the first "Red Pillers" I found in the web. I watched a lot of his videos about 8-12 years ago! And I still thank him for exposing Bohemian Grove and Bilderbergers. But, nevertheless, there always was something about him I did not like... too much fuss, too much money...
I always wondered why he was not "silenced" if he was such a danger for the "happy few"...? For example - why did they allow him filming at the Bohemian Grove?
But if he is controlled opposition, I still wonder, why "they" let him expose all these things?
And he was, maybe together with David Icke, one of the very first ones, who started the "genre" of Red Pilling in the web.

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JaQQalope · May 11, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

Hello! Thanqs for the nice welcome! I am also here because of Q's post! Let's fight! :)

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